Pre-AP World History

2016-2017 Syllabus

Ms. Marie Fox

This syllabus is a living document. Methods are subject to change at any time and for any reason. This document should be kept as a reference.

Course Description

Welcome to Pre-AP World History. The purpose of this course is to provide students with a foundation of knowledge in the history of the world until 1500 and to prepare students to continue on into AP World History next school year. Students will also be required to take the SOL for World History I at the end of the year. Pre-AP World History students will earn a .5 GPA boost upon successful completion of the course and completion of the county assessment. The course itself is rigorous, as reflected in a research project, document analysis, and AP World-style comparative and documented related essays. Pre-AP is not intended to intimidate students, or scare them away from subsequent AP courses, but rather support them, and scaffold their learning of necessary AP skills to help them succeed this year, as well as throughout their academic career.

The study of history must emphasize the intellectual skills required for responsible citizenship. Students practice these skills as they extend their understanding of the essential knowledge defined by all of the standards for history and social science.


-Three Ring Binder (1 - 2”)

-Dividers (8)

-Blue or Black Ink Pens


-Colored pencils and markers are useful for maps, if you like

Classroom Rules and Expectations

My goal is to make the classroom a safe and comfortable environment that is conducive to learning at all times. To achieve this goal, I believe the following steps are necessary:

  1. Be punctual: You must be in your seat when the late bell rings. If you should happen to be tardy, go directly to your desk without disrupting class. You will be marked tardy for attendance. Multiply tardies may result in a call home and/or further disciplinary actions.
  2. Respect yourself, others, and the space around you
  3. No food please! Bottle water, with a lid, is allowed.
  4. BYOT: devices will be out of sight unless we are using them for an assignment.
  5. Be prepared for every class
  6. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain your work from the makeup section in the room. This work must be completed within the number of days you were absent unless otherwise discussed with the teacher.
  7. If you are absent the day prior to a previously announced test, quiz, paper, or projectyou will be expected to take that test upon your return unless otherwise pre-arranged with theteacher.
  8. You are expected to turn all assignments (classwork, homework, papers, and projects) in on time. Late assignments will only receive partial credit. Anything submitted after the chapter/unit testing will not be given credit.

This course will include a variety of assessments to include tests, quizzes, projects, and papers. Stone Bridge has adopted a 90/10 policy for assessments and homework.

Grading will be on a total points scale. Typically, homework is 5-10 points, quizzes are 20-50 points, and tests and projects are 50-100 points.


The purpose of reassessment is to give students an opportunity to review material if they did not exhibit mastery of critical concepts presented in a particular unit. Therefore, Pre-AP World students are given the opportunity to reassess one major test per quarter, provided they meet the following criteria:

  • Students must have completed all assessments and assignments related to the material
  • Students must reassess prior to the last week of each quarter.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to schedule their session with the teacher, utilizing the SSC…the higher test grade will prevail.


A student displaying integrity understands that plagiarism includes the copying of the language, structure, programming, ideas, and/or thoughts of another and passing off the same as your own original work. Such acts include, but are not limited to…

- having a parent or another person write an assignment (including the purchase of work on-line) or do a project which is then submitted as one’s own work,

- Internet cut-and-paste,

-Summarizing, paraphrasing, or quoting without proper documentation

-Fabrication of a source citation

…within partner and group work, there is a very important distinction between copying and collaboration, be sure that you understand the difference.


I am available before and after school for extra help by request. Please advocate for yourself when you need assistance. It is my goal for every student to be successful in this course.

I have read and reviewed this syllabus with my child, ______.


Parent’s SignatureDate


Student’s SignatureDate

Thank you for your time.