Vinh Phuc Flood Risk and Water Management

Vinh Phuc Flood Risk and Water Management

Ethnic Minority Policy Framework







Prepared by:

Vinh Phuc ODA PMU

Department of Planning and Investment

38-40, Nguyen Trai Str, Vinh Yen City,

Vinh Phuc Province, Vietnam

Hanoi –November 2015

Ethnic Minority Policy Framework


This Ethnic Minority Policy Framework(EMPF) will be applied to theVinh Phuc Flood Risk and Water Management Project where ethnic minority peoples (EMP) are living in the area of the project’s influence. The objectives of the EMPF are to avoid adverse impacts on EMP, ensure culturally appropriate benefits from the project, in compliance with the World Bank’s OP4.10 (Indigenous Peoples), and the national laws and regulations.

EMs are exposed to risks and impacts as a result of development projects. As social groups are distinct from the dominant group which is Kinh, EM peoples are typically among the most marginalized and vulnerable segments of the population. Their economic, social, and legal status often limits their capacity to defend their rights to lands, other productive resources, and restricts their ability to participate in and benefit from the development investments. Therefore, thisEMPFwas prepared based on theresults of the social assessmentconducted for this Project. Where EM peoples were consulted, consultation with them were conducted in a free, prior and informedmanner to collect their feedback on the basis of the their needs and concerns – on the basis of the potential impact of the Project, and their development needs – in line with the Project’s objective, are included in the project design. The consultation with the EM peoples in the project area also aimsto confirm if there is a broad community support for the project implementation. The EMPF describes the policy requirements and planning procedures that project implementing agencies will follow during the preparation and implementation of the Project.

Vinh Phuc, November 2015

Table of Contents



Definition of Terms

Executive Summary



1.2The Proposed Project

1.3Ethnic Minority in the project Area

1.4 Project Impacts of Component 1&2

Ii.Legal and policy framework for ethnic minority peoples

2.1The National Policy on Ethnic Minority Peoples

2.2The World Bank’s OP 4.10 on Indigenous Peoples

III.Preparation Of EMDP

IV.Implementation Arrangements

V.Costs and Budget


Annex 1: Summary of Minutes Of Consultation With Ethnic Minorities Group

Annex 2: Outline and Elements of an EMDP


CPCCommune People's Committee

DMSDetailed Measurement Survey

DPCDistrict People's Committee

DRCDistrict Resettlement Committee

EMPEthnic Minority Peoples

EMDPEthnic Minority Development Plan

EMPFEthnic Minority Policy Framework

GOV Government of Vietnam


IOLInventory of Losses

LURCLand Use Rights Certificate

MOF Ministry of Finance

MOLISAMinistry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs

NGONon-Governmental Organization

PADProject Appraisal Documents

PAPsProject Affected People

PMU Project Management Unit

PPCProvincial People's Committee

RAPResettlement Action Plan

TORTerms of Reference

VNDVietnam Dong

VPFRWMPVinh Phuc Flood Risk Water Management Project

WBWorld Bank

Definition of Terms

Project impacts / Means positive and negative impacts of the Project that caused by all project’s activities. Adverse impacts are often consequences immediately related to the taking of a parcel of land or to restrictions in the use of legally designated parks or protected areas. People directly affected by land acquisition may lose their home, farmland, property, business, or other means of livelihood. In other words, they lose their ownership, occupancy, or use rights, because of land acquisition or restriction of access.
Affected people / Refers to individuals, organizations that are directly affected socially and economically by the project. This could be as a result of involuntary taking of land and other assets that results in (i) relocation or loss of shelter; (ii) loss of assets or access to assets; or (iii) loss of income sources or means of livelihood, whether or not the affected persons must move to another location (those with livelihood impacted permanently or temporarily). In addition, affected person is one for whom involuntary restriction of access to legally designated parks and protected areas result in adverse impacts on livelihoods.
Indigenous Peoples / Equivalent to ethnic minority peoples in Viet Nam refers to a distinct, vulnerable, social and cultural group possessing the following characteristics in varying degrees: (i) self-identification as members of a distinct indigenous cultural group and recognition of this identify by others; (ii) collective attachment to geographically distinct habitats or ancestral territories in the project area and to the natural resources in these habitats and territories; (iii) customary cultural, social, economic, social or political institutions that are separate from those of the dominant society and culture; and (iv) an indigenous language, often different from the official language of the country or region.
Vulnerable groups / Refers to people who by virtue of gender, ethnicity, age, physical or mental disability, economic disadvantage, or social status may be more adversely affected by resettlement than others and who may be limited in their ability to claim or take advantage of resettlement assistance and related development benefits, include: (i) women headed household (single, widow, disabled husband) with dependents, (ii) disables (loss of working ability), the elderly alone, (iii) poor household, (iv) the landless, and (v) ethnic minority groups.
Culturally appropriate / Means having regard for all facets of the cultures, and being sensitive to their dynamics.
Free, prior, informed and consultation / Refers to a culturally appropriate and collective decisionmaking process subsequent to meaningful and good faith consultation and informed participation regarding the preparation and implementation of the project. It does not constitute a veto right for individuals or groups
Collective attachment / Means that for generations there has been a physical presence in and economic ties to lands and territories traditionally owned, or customarily used or occupied, by the group concerned, including areas that hold special significance for it, such as sacred sites. “Collective attachment” also refers to the attachment of transhumant/nomadic groups to the territory they use on a seasonal or cyclical basis.
Customary rightsto lands and resources / Refers to patterns of long-standing community land and resource usage in accordance with Ethnic Minority Peoples’ customary laws, values, customs, and traditions, including seasonal or cyclical use, rather than formal legal title to land and resources issued by the State.

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Ethnic Minority Policy Framework

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Ethnic Minority Policy Framework

Executive Summary

  1. The Government of Viet Nam requestedthe financial support from the World Bank for the Vinh Phuc Flood Risk and Water Management Project (VPFRWMP).The proposed project is to provide a sustainable water environment for the long term economic and social development of Vinh Phuc Province. In particular, the project would focus on ensuring flood control in the central catchment of the province and halting the rapid deterioration of surface water quality. The project development objective will be achieved through (i) supporting structure measures for flooding control and river rehabilitation; (ii) improving wastewater collection and treatment in districts small towns and rural villages; (iii) establishing water resource and water quality monitoring and flooding and emergency response system; and (iv) institutional development and training for the government departments and water sector practitioners aimed at managing the river basin and water related sectors in an integrated manner.
  2. The components of the Vinh Phuc Flood Risk and Water Management Project (VPFWMP) are presented as following:

Table 1 – Components of VP-FRWMP

Component / Activity / Investment
(mill. US$)
Component 1 / Flood Risk Management / 110.00
Component 2 / Water Environmental management / 23.00
Component 3 / Project Implementation Support and Institutional Strengthening / 17.00
TOTAL / 150,00

Source: VP ODA PMU, August 2015

  1. This EMPF is prepared - as per Bank’s OP 4.10, to contribute to the Bank's mission in terms of poverty reduction and sustainable development. The EMPF aims to ensure the development process carried out under the Project will fully respects the dignity, human rights, economies, and cultures of ethnic minority people in the project area. To this end, EMPF will be applied under the Project to guide the preparation of Ethnic Minorities Development Plans (EMDP) for subprojects, where applicable. It provides guidance on how to conduct preliminary screening of ethnic minorities, social assessments, identification of mitigation measures and other development support activities, grievance redress mechanism, gender-sensitivities, and monitoring and evaluation. This EMPF also guide to address potential negative or adverse impacts, including impacts related to land acquisition, loss of assets, physical resettlement, and other impact that are not related to land acquisition, such as temporary impact on aquaculture during the construction process, if any. This EMPF aims to ensure EM peoples could participate in the planning and implementation process of the project to receive long-term socioeconomic benefits that are culturally appropriate to them - through the investments under Project’s Component 1 and 2. The EMPF also aim to build the capacity for Client (Vinh Phuc PMU and respective EM agencies) in preparation and implementing EMDP for subprojects where ethnic minorities are present in, or have attachment to, subproject lands.
  2. The project conducted a social assessment for the whole proposed project to gather relevant information on demographic data, including social, cultural and economic information as well as social, cultural and economic impacts. The assessment includes the following key components: (a) development of a socioeconomic baseline of project affected households for a sample, (c) a stakeholder analysis, (c) gender analysis of project affected households, and (d) screening (within the project’s area of influence – as a minimum) and confirmation of presence of indigenous peoples, (here refer as Ethnic Minorities),ethnic minority communities – as per Bank’s OP 4.10 in the project area.
  3. From the initial EM screening, it was confirmed that ethnic minority communities including Cao Lan, San Diu, Nung and Daoare present in the project area and could be potentially affected. Aprocess of free, prior informed consultation with affected EM's communities of the Project during the project design was carried out and will be for the rest of the project cycle, to fully identify their views and ascertain their broad community support for the Project.
  4. The social assessment indicated that, in the context of the VPFRWMP Project, the ethnic minority groups are likely to receive long-term benefits resulting from (i) enhanced preparedness for natural hazards and climate change; (ii) increased opportunities for the poor and households resilience to shocks that the project will reduce the floods, improve the environment and create more favorable conditions for abstracting investments; this will create opportunities for farmers in cultivating additional crops, reduce the healthcare costs and create more jobs in industries and services; (iii) improved basic infrastructure in selected areas of Vinh Phuc province, the coverage of improved wastewater services in the towns and villages will increased and (iv) increased of agricultural production due to reduced flooding, reducing cost for hygiene and health care due to improved sanitation facilities. Project may result in some adverseimpacts (minor) due to temporary impact to fishing activities to some households – due to construction operations (dredging) which will be compensated for in case avoidance could not be made when the detailed design is available; as well as agricultural and domestic animals breeding.
  5. The Vinh Phuc ODA PMU, under Vinh Phuc DPI, in coordination with Board of Ethnic Minoritieswill be responsible for the EMDP implementation, including capacity building and strengthening the project executing agencies and stakeholders. And to ensure that the EMDP implementation is transparent and complies with the EMPF as well as the World Bank’s OP 4.10 on Indigenous Peoples (OP4.10), a number of mechanisms consisting of free prior public consultation, and communication strategy, monitoring and evaluation and grievance address, will be established and performed throughout the project implementation cycle as a continuous process.

Vinh Phuc, November2015

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Ethnic Minority Policy Framework



  1. Vinh Phuc a province adjacent to Ha Noi, and about 60km North West. Vinh Phuc is positioned in three key development regions of Vietnam: the Red River Delta Region, the Ha Noi Metropolitan Region, and the Northern Key Economic Region. Vinh Phuc has population of about 1 million (2013 data), 22.4% of the population live in the urban areas and 77.6% I the rural areas. Per capita GDP was VND 52 million in 2012, higher than the national level of VND 36 million. The provincial poverty incidence in 2012 was 7.3% (GSO, income based measures), lower than the national level of 11.1%.
  2. Vinh Phuc experienced impressive economic growth in the last two and a half decades. It is now an industrial hub of the Red River Delta and one of the key FDI destinations in the country. By December 2012, the total active FDI was about 2.5 billion from some 150 active projects. Currently Vinh Phuc attracts USD 200-350 million FDI annually and almost half of the provincial GDP comes from FDI sector. Vinh Phuc is also one of the net contributors to the state budget in the country. The level of its public debt is insignificant and covers the period of 2006-2011, the average value borrowed of Vinh Phuc remained about just one percent of the local receipt.
  3. Despite the fast economic growth, Vinh Phuc is facing a number of challenges, including frequent flooding, regional water pollution, lack of infrastructure and weak institutional capacity, which have become bottlenecks for Vinh Phuc to sustain its further growth. Due to its low elevation in the Red River flood plain, two third of the province is prone to flooding. There is an especially high risk from flooding in the areas of the Phan River basin where the provincial capacity city of Vinh Yen and most of FDI zones are located. Frequent floods have caused serious impacts on agriculture in rural areas, the city of Vinh Yen and the industrial zones and enterprises, including significant loss of agriculture and industrial productivity – impacting on livelihoods – and deterioration of infrastructure in both rural and urban areas. Initial estimates of the flood damage during the period 2006-2013 are about US$ 150 million, including significant agricultural production losses of around 30% of total crop values. Flooding also causes significant disruption to traffic in Vinh Yen City and several industrial zones. Health related costs are considerable.
  4. Accelerated deterioration of water quality has been observed in Phan River catchment, including rivers and lakes around Vinh Yen City. Water pollution not only impact on public health locally, but also affects Vinh Phuc’s medium long term plans to foster service and tourism sectors as part of Metropolitan Ha Noi.
  5. All these water related challenges need to be addressed by the PPC. However, there is a lack of capacity and affective and integrated management system to address these challenges. For example, water resource and water quality monitoring systems in the catchment are yet to be established, currently only DONRE has two automatic water quality monitoring station. There is no, or very limited, floods warning and emergency response system. These elements are critical to provide timely and accurate information to the government for decision making and emergency response, especially in addressing flooding and pollution incidents.
  6. The provincial government is determined to address the flooding and water pollution challenges to its long term sustainable development, especially to (i) improve the agricultural productivity in the entire catchment; (ii) safeguard rural communities, Vinh Yen City and the economic development zones; and (iii) improve the investment environment for FDI. The central government and Development Partners (DP) are working with Vinh Phuc to address these water related challenges. Government funded support includes some limited dredging works for the Phan River and the Vac Lake in Vinh Yen City, construction of number of small pumping stations to divert water from fields in the Phan River and pilot water pollution control in some villages in Phan River catchment. JICA has constructed a 5,000m3/day wastewater treatment plant and 34km of primary a secondary sewer in Vinh Yen City and plans to expand the second phase of an 8,000m3/day capacity wastewater treatment plants and related sewers. ADB has planned to help Vinh Phuc through Green Cities Project, including building the tertiary sewer and households’ connections to JICA financed WWTP and rehabilitating 150ha of lakes in Vinh Yen City, including dredging and embankments. However, there are still critical gaps to address flooding in the province and water pollution in the Phan River catchment. The government has approached to the World Band for support to fill these gaps. The Project is to be named the Vinh Phuc Flood Risk and Water Management Project (VPFRWMP).

1.2The Proposed Project

  1. The proposed projectobjective is to provide a sustainable water environment for the long term economic and social development of the Vinh Phuc Province. In particular, the project would focus on ensuring flood control in the central catchment of the province and halting the rapid deterioration of surface water quality. The project development objective will be achieved through (i) supporting structure measures for flooding control and river rehabilitation; (ii) improving wastewater collection and treatment in districts small towns and rural villages; (iii) establishing water resource and water quality monitoring and flooding and emergency response system; and (iv) institutional development and training for the government departments and water sector practitioners aimed at managing the river basin and water related sectors in an integrated manner.
  2. The components of the Vinh Phuc Flood Risk and Water Management Project (VPFWMP) are presented as following:

Table 1 – Components of VP-FRWMP