Alliant Energy Scholars Award / 2-$500 / For Continuing or New Freshman. One scholarship is reserved for a minority or underrepresented group within the student population OR a women in a nontraditional area of study. Student must be pursuing one of the following areas of study: Engineering, Agricultural Education or Agribusiness; Environmental Studies. To be eligible, continuing students must be full time with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Scholarships can be awarded to either continuing or new freshmen, preference given to students showing financial need, and students who furnish proof that he/she or his/her immediate family is a customer of Alliant Energy.
Bailey Scholars Memorial Award / $1000 (1) Full time OR
$500 (2) part time / For Returning Adult Students over 22 years of age. Show evidence of recent or ongoing community service, and enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits. A minimum GPA of 2.5 is required to receive the second term of the scholarship.
Preference is given to a part-time student, but a full-time student may be considered if a part-time student does not meet the criteria. A recipient has to have earned less than 30 credits at the time of the scholarship application. SEPARATE BAILEY APPLICATION REQUIRED
Bray Architects Fine Arts Scholarship / 1-$2500 OR
2-$1250 / For New Freshman or Continuing Student. Must be in good standing. Must declare Communication/Theatre Arts, Art or Music as major. Needs 2.5 GPA to get spring disbursement.
Alan B. Breirather Memorial Scholarship / $700 / For Continuing Student., Full or part-time, 3.0 GPA, and consideration of financial need will be based on student-reported info.
Frank G. and Frieda K. Brotz Science Scholarship / 2-$2500 renewable for second year
(total of four each year, two new and two renewed, if qualified) / New Freshman. Declare a major in science, commit to UWS for three semesters or a minimum of 45 credits. Students must have attended high school at North, South, Lutheran, Kohler, Christian.
George and Jane Cleary Memorial Scholarship / 2-$500 if qualify
Or 1-$1000 / Continuing student. Preference given to female, 3.0 GPA, active in campus activities, financial need.
French Family Scholarship / $1000 / New Freshman. Preference, 2.75 GPA
Ruth DeYoung Kohler Award / $1400 / New Freshman or Continuing Student. Prefer female and/or art student.
James Heidt Earth Science Scholarship / $500 / Continuing or Transfer Student. Full- or part-time. Minimum of 6 credits completed in the Earth Sciences (such as Geography, Geology, Meteorology, Social Science, or Earth Science related discipline.) 2.6 overall minimum GPA. Campus involvement/engagement is preferred. Student plans to major in Earth Science area at a four-year institution preferred.
Jacob C. Hilpertshauser Memorial Award / $1000 / Continuing Student. Business major, male or female, 3.0 GPA good academic standing, involved in on-campus activities.
Emily Hughes Memorial Scholarship / $1000 / New Freshman or Continuing, Full or part-time, planning to pursue a degree in communication or the arts preferred.
JACMJ Scholarship / $1000 / Continuing Student. Interested in chemistry, pre-med, pre-dental, pre-vet, physician assistant, nursing, medical tech, or science teaching.
Kohler Civic Club / $1000 / New Freshman coming from Kohler High School. Full time, 3.0 GPA
Kohler Co. Engineering Scholarship / 2-$5000 / Continuing Student. Pursuing their engineering degree. Second year student, full-time status, 3.0 GPA
Hugh & Ruth V. Ross Charitable Foundation Scholarship / $1500 / Continuing or New Freshman. Can be either full-time or part-time, first generation college student, prefer female. Can be either.
The Salzmann Award / $1000 / Continuing Student. Good academic standing.
Barrett Scherff Life Sciences Award / 2-$1000 / New Freshman or Continuing Student. Financial need, planning to pursue a degree/career in the life sciences (which could include medicine, nursing, marine biology, botany, horticulture, biology, etc.). Student can be full-time or part- time.
Timothy G. Schwoerer Memorial Scholarship / $500 / Continuing Student and Varsity Athletics. Must be full-time student, male or female, good academic standing to receive award and maintain a 2.0 for second semester disbursement, past and/or current involvement in UW-Sheboygan, financial need considered.
Sheboygan Service Foundation / 3-$500 / Continuing Student. Must live in Sheboygan County, volunteer effort demonstrated, 3.5 GPA or higher. Any major.
Wagner Foundation Scholars Program / Full, resident, UWS (on campus) tuition,
renewable for a second year) / New Freshman Nominated by the HS Principle, AAA, or UW Foundation, or a Continuing Student, Must be Sheboygan County Resident. Accepted at UW-S, 25 ACT minimum, declared business major, with preference to accounting, renewable for second year providing contract agreement met. Each Sheboygan County high school principal can nominate one candidate. The UW-Sheboygan Foundation Scholarship Committee and Student Aid, Awards and Appeals can select new freshmen who were not nominated by their high schools/and or continuing students who are Business majors and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
UW-Sheboygan Foundation Community Awards / 2- $750 / New Freshmen from any area high school, financial need, evidence of community service or high school extracurricular involvement, must retain at least a 2.5 GPA for renewal in spring semester, male or female, recipient to receive a plaque engraved with each year’s donors for the award (donations received at annual golf outing).
UW Sheboygan Foundation New Freshman Art Scholarship
UW Sheboygan Foundation New Student Art Scholarship
Academic Achievement / $3,000 total
Amounts to vary / New Freshman. To maintain scholarship eligibility student must achieve and maintain a 3.0 GPA and enroll in a minimum of 6 credits per term and take at least 3 credits in Studio Art courses each semester. Art Professor selects awardees. To receive the scholarship a student must submit artwork and application form.
UW Sheboygan Foundation Education Grants/Ray Hernandez Memorial Award
and Roy Mersch Scholarship
UW Sheboygan Foundation
Education Grants / $7,000 AMOUNTS CAN VARY
VARY / New Freshman. Sheboygan recruiting area, graduation GPA minimum 3.5, a minimum 3.0 GPA at UWS must be maintained for second semester disbursement, 26 ACT composite.
Continuing. Full-time student. 3.0 GPA at UWS must be maintained for second semester disbursement, campus or community and/or volunteer activities.
UW-Sheboygan Foundation Transfer Awards / 4-$500 / Eligible to receive Associate’s degree, completed two years at UWS, 3.3 gpa, transferring to complete Bachelor’s degree, Non-renewable. The “Graduate of the Year” and/or Valedictorian will be awarded scholarships providing they will be transferring to another college and are not receiving a different scholarship.
Wells Fargo Bank Scholarship / $750 renewable / New Freshman and Continuing. Sheboygan County HS Graduate. Graduate in the upper 25% of class, plan to major in a business related field, renewable for a second year if maintains 3.0 GPA and full-time status. Sophomore student can be selected if the current recipient does not return to UW-S or if they do not maintain the required GPA.
Andrew S. Zieve Memorial Scholarship / Full academic year tuition / New Freshman or Renewal. For renewal student remains in good academic standing. Financial need, academic excellence/high GPA. Can be renewed for a second year if the student remains in good academic standing. Student must be taking courses on campus, on line courses will not be covered by scholarship.


NEW Manufacturing Alliance Future All Stars Engineering Scholarship / 2-$1500 / Annual award, non-renewable, prefer one for Electrical Engineering and one for Mechanical Engineering, Must be at junior level in the UW-Sheboygan/UW-Platteville collaborative program, 2.75 overall GPA at the start of their junior year/or time of application.


UW-Oshkosh Chancellor’s Scholarship / 2-$1000 / Transferring to UW-Oshkosh. 3.3 GPA


ESFY(Engaging Students in the First Year) / $100 / Continuing Student. ESFY group decides recipient
Southeast Asian Club Scholarships / 1-$250
New Freshman / Continuing-2.5 GPA, financial need, enroll in nine or more credits, any major, great involvement in Southeast Asian Club, community and campus involvement.
New Freshman-3.0 GPA financial need, enroll in at least six credits, any major, campus or community involvement