These terms and conditions apply to all awards given by the Circulation Foundation, whose registered office is 35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE and whose Registered Charity Number is 1102769, and will apply to and be deemed to form part of any agreement under which the Circulation Foundation provides funding to any third party for the carrying out of any research or other work.
The Surgeon Scientist Award is subject to the following:
- Acknowledgement of Circulation Foundation support must be made in all publications and papers or posters resulting from work concerned. We expect your research to be published in a peer-reviewed publication. You should also provide a full list of publications arising from the grant with copies of all publications.
- An awardee of any grant made by the Circulation Foundation will be expected to produce a poster of their findings to be presented at the Vascular Society Annual General Meeting. You must also provide a briefprogress and lay report (not more than one side of A4) for the Foundation to publish and to assist in applications to grant making trusts and foundations.
- Agreement to all appropriate publicity. You will be expected to attend a Circulation Foundation Research Award Reception to help publicise the awards.
- Preparation of a progress report, and agreement to any visit by the Medical Director, member of the Scientific Advisory Panel, Board of Trustees or other nominated representative. 6 monthly reports should be sent to the Foundation, and a full detailed report shouldbe submitted at the end of the project.
- The award will be paid in 6 monthly installments upon receipt of satisfactory reports.
- Local research ethics committee approval should be obtained for the project.
- If the research project involves animal experimentation, the award will only be made subject to the granting of appropriate licences under the terms of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986, authorising the proposed experiments.
- The Circulation Foundation as a member of the AMRC adopts their position statement, as revised in October 2004, that “it is clear with regard to university funding, that its members will not fund research on a percentage basis. AMRC member charities will continue to pay for the directly incurred and identifiable costs of research, but do not consider it appropriate for them to fund university indirect costs or to be required to cover some of the other costs, such as investigators salaries or estate costs, indentified under the TRAC”.
The costs of staff, such as research assistants and technicians, working full or part-time on a project, and the cost of identified items needed for the carrying out of research such as laboratory or clinical consumables, field work costs, capital and equipment costs are covered by and classified as directly incurred costs.
The Circulation Foundation will not pay indirect costs, eg: advertising for posts, secretarial work, stationary or contribution to general departmental overheads.
Please ensure that costs are calculated accurately as supplementary grants are not available.
All expenditure under this grant should be governed by the normal standard and procedures of the host institution.
- NHS and/or University agreement for infrastructure support. Confirmation that the employing authority agrees to undertake the financial management and supervision of the research. Confirmation of which Institution will be administering the grant.
- Proposed starting date of the project and duration. We are able to extend the start date for 6 months after the award is made, however written permission must be obtained if the start date will be after this time. Please note that it may be possible to apply for an extension of the award duration. This will be classified as a “non-cost” extension and should be applied for in writing with a detailed report of findings so far and reason for extension. This will then be taken into consideration by the research committee.
- Grants will only be made to individuals and research teams. Grants will not be awarded to other charities or institutions. Grant recipients must work within the United Kingdom or Ireland.
- When the Circulation Foundation makes a grant, they reserve the right, without notice, to terminate it should they so wish. In such a case, the Foundation will reimburse the host institution for expenditure properly incurred under the award up to the termination date, but it will not in any event be responsible for, nor indemnify, the host institution against any matters arising from the employment of staff.
Please confirm your agreement to these conditions by signing and returning this sheet. Strict compliance with these T&C's is required and failure to do so will jeopardise any future applications to the Foundation
I hereby agree to abide by the above conditions
Signed …………………………………………………..Date …………………………
Print Name: …………………………………………………………………………………….