User's Manual: Using Outlook address book distribution lists

Fontys employees can now request completely automated distribution lists for student groups. In this way, reaching an entire group of students has now become extremely simple. These distribution lists are available for use by all employees and the students pertaining to these groups via the Outlook address book and WebMail.

Changes within the student groups can also be readily updated, ensuring that you will always have access to the most up-to-date information available.

This User's Manual includes clear descriptions of both how you can make use of these distribution lists via Outlook and WebMail, as well as how you can include these lists in your personal address book.

Information regarding the list name

In connection with both the clarity and the management thereof, each list name has been assigned according to both a strict order and particular components, as the following example illustrates:


'_': An underscore ensures that all distribution lists are always displayed at the head of the address list.

's': An 's' denotes that it is a distribution list pertaining to student e-mail addresses.

'FHE': In this example, 'FHE' denotes the abbreviation for the relevant Fontys Department, i.e. the 'Fontys Hogeschool Elektrotechniek'. (Please refer to the summary of all Fontys Departments and the relevant abbreviations at the end of this document.)

'Alg-et-vt': This component denotes the abbreviation of the relevant course, as it is registered in the Fontys Student Administration System.

'E5A2': This component denotes the name of the relevant group, as it is registered in the Fontys Student Administration System.

'Ehv': This component denotes the abbreviation of the course location.

User's Manual: WebMail

·  Go to the website: ''.
·  Log in and open a new mail message.
·  Click on the option, 'To' and the address book will then be displayed on your screen.
·  In the field to the right of 'Display Name', insert a part of the distribution list name that you wish to view. It is recommended to insert the first few characters of the list name, which is made up of the same components and in the same order throughout all Fontys departments.
·  For example, insert '_sFHW'. All lists pertaining to the 'Fontys Hogeschool Werktuigbouwkunde' will then be displayed.

·  Select the desired distribution list and click on 'To'. The list will then be displayed in the 'To' field of the new mail message. Insert your message and click on 'Send'. The mail message will then be sent to all members of the relevant distribution list.

In connection with privacy laws, all members of a given distribution list have the right to send e-mail to the distribution list. This is also the case for all Fontys employees.

User's Manual: Outlook

The automated distribution lists can also be accessed from the Outlook general address book, under the option 'Display Names From' as well as via the sub-selection in the Outlook address book, 'All groups'. Currently, it is not yet possible to display these distribution lists as a sub-selection pertaining to a Fontys department.

It is also possible to view which students are included in which lists via 'Properties' in the Outlook address book.

N.B.: The option, 'Change Members', does not work, as all processes such as member additions, changes or deletions has been fully automated.

Adding distribution lists to your personal Outlook address book

You can add distribution lists to your personal address book. In this way, you can ensure that distribution lists that you use regularly are readily accessible.

The procedure to add a distribution list to your personal address book is as follows:

·  Open the Outlook address book.
·  Click on the first icon in the top left-hand corner of the screen, 'New item'.
·  Select 'Personal distribution list' and click on the 'OK' button.
·  A new window will then be displayed. Click on the button, 'Add/Delete Members'.
·  Select the desired list and click on the button, 'Members >'.
·  Click on 'OK'.
·  A new window will then be displayed. Insert a name for the distribution list and click on the 'OK' button.
·  The list will now appear in your personal address book under the name that you have chosen.

By selecting several distribution lists in accordance with the procedure described above, you can create a variety of combinations. For example, you can create a list including all foundation year students or perhaps a list including all groups following course 'X' at location 'Y' and so on.

Should any changes occur to the distribution lists, such as students leaving, these changes will be incorporated in the relevant distribution lists as from the next working day. These changes will also be automatically updated in your personal address book, whereby you will always have access to the most up-to-date version of a given distribution list.

Please note that your personal address book will be stored in either the 'C' or the 'D' directory and not in your network home directory, (usually the 'M:\' directory). You can amend this via the menu option, 'Extra' and then 'Services'. By changing the location to your network drive, you will also have access to your personal address book from other workplaces within Fontys.

In conclusion:

Should you have any comments regarding either this service or this User's Manual, please forward your comments by e-mail to: .

Good luck!

Functional Management Division, Fontys Marketing & Communication Department.

Summary of Fontys department abbreviations

01. FBH Fontys Bedrijfshogeschool (Fontys School of Business)

02. DOBA Fontys DOBA Onderwijsadviseurs (Fontys 'DOBA' Educational Advisors)

03. FEHT Fontys Economische Hogeschool Tilburg (Fontys School of Economics, Tilburg)

04. BKA Fontys Hogeschool Bedrijfskader (Fontys School of Business Management)

05. FHBL Fontys Hogeschool Bedrijfskunde en Logistiek (Fontys School of Management & Logistics)

06. FHC Fontys Hogeschool Communicatie (Fontys School of Communication)

07. FHE Fontys Hogeschool Elektrotechniek (Fontys School of Electronic Engineering)

08. FM Fontys Hogeschool Financieel Management (Fontys School of Financial Management)

09. FHI Fontys Hogeschool Informatica (Fontys School of Information Technology)

10. FHJ Fontys Hogeschool Journalistiek (Fontys School of Journalism)

11. MER Fontys Hogeschool Management, Economie en Recht (Fontys School of Management, Economics & Law)

12. MM Fontys Hogeschool Marketing Management (Fontys School of Marketing Management)

13. PED Fontys Hogeschool Pedagogiek (Fontys School of Pedagogy)

14. PnA Fontys Hogeschool Personeel en Arbeid (Fontys School of Personnel & Employment)

15. SPH Fontys Hogeschool Sociaal Pedagogische Hulpverlening (Fontys School of Social Pedagogical Work)

16. SW Fontys Hogeschool Sociaal Werk (Fontys School of Social Work)

17. FHTL Fontys Hogeschool Theologie en Levensbeschouwing (Fontys School of Theology & Philosophy)

18. TNW Fontys Hogeschool Toegepaste Natuurwetenschappen (Fontys School of Applied Sciences)

19. VPK Fontys Hogeschool Verpleegkunde (Fontys School of Nursing)

20. FHvdK Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (Fontys School for the Arts)

21. FHW Fontys Hogeschool Werktuigbouwkunde (Fontys School of Mechanical Engineering)

22. FI Fontys Internationaal (Fontys International School)

23. FIHE Fontys Internationale Hogeschool Economie (Fontys International School of Economics)

24. FLOS Fontys Lerarenopleiding Sittard (Fontys Teacher's College, Sittard)

25. FLOT Fontys Lerarenopleiding Tilburg (Fontys Teacher's College, Tilburg)

26. OSM Fontys Opleidingscentrum Schoolmanagement (Fontys Educational Centre of School Management)

27. OSO Fontys Opleidingscentrum Speciale Onderwijszorg (Fontys Educational Centre of Special Needs Education)

28. PABOH Fontys PABO ’s-Hertogenbosch (Fontys Primary School Teacher's College, 's-Hertogenbosch)

29. PABOE Fontys PABO Eindhoven (Fontys Primary School Teacher's College, Eindhoven)

30. PABOL Fontys PABO Limburg (Fontys Primary School Teacher's College, Limburg)

31. PABOT Fontys PABO Tilburg (Fontys Primary School Teacher's College, Tilburg)

32. PMH Fontys Paramedische Hogeschool (Fontys School for Health Allied Professions)

33. PTHRnA Fontys Pedagogisch Technische Hogeschool in Amsterdam/Rotterdam (Fontys Vocational Teacher's Training College, Amsterdam/Rotterdam)

34. PTHE Fontys Pedagogisch Technische Hogeschool in Eindhoven (Fontys Vocational Teacher's Training College, Eindhoven)

35. PTHZ Fontys Pedagogisch Technische Hogeschool in Zwolle (Fontys Vocational Teacher's Training College, Zwolle)

36. RA Fontys Rockacademie (Fontys Rock Academy)

37. FSH Fontys Sporthogeschool (Fontys School of Sport)

38. FTHV Fontys Technische Hogeschool Venlo (Fontys School of Technology, Venlo)

39. JH Juridische Hogeschool Tilburg/Den Bosch (Fontys School of Law, Tilburg/'s-Hertogenbosch)