Update Report for Planning Committee - 17.01.18

Committee Planning Manager: Dale Barker

Parking Provision
Draft parking standards were endorsed by Cabinet on 15th January 2018. Public consultation on this guidance is due to take place in Spring 2018 and therefore, although they amount to a material consideration, officers afford the standards limited weight. The guidance emerged at a late stage in the evaluation of these applications, nevertheless Officers are satisfied that parking comments in the reports represent a sound basis for decision making.
17/01930/REM Land Between Daventry Road AndWelsh Road East, Southam
Additional correspondence – Manoeuvring of refuse vehicles
Additional correspondence has been received from both County Highways and Southam Town Council regarding the manoeuvring of refuse vehicles and the potential for bin lorries overlapping pavements. The Town Council is of the opinion that this is a safety issue.
The Highway Authority accepts the proposals and considers them adequatearrangements. They advise that:
“Regarding the Town Council's concerns regarding the potential for the refuse vehicle to drive over the footways there is always that risk. The block-paved roads are 5.0m wide and we would not want them being any wider due to their nature. Unfortunately this does mean that when such a large vehicle as the Econic moves along these roads there is a potential for it to mount the footway due to parked vehicles.”
The Highway Authorityhave also advised that “this situation, the 5.0 metre wide road serviced by the Econic, is widespread throughout Stratford-on-Avon.”
Notwithstanding the above the Town Council maintain their objection on these grounds however do not intend to speak at committee tonight. Their latest correspondence is appended to this update at their request.
Officers have considered this matter in detail and have sought amendments during the lifetime of the application to address it. On the basis of County officersconfirming that they are satisfied with the details as provided, officers have concluded that the proposed roads are appropriately designed and any potential impacts will not be severe.Officers therefore conclude that the latest submitted plans are acceptable in this regard and consider that the recommendations within the report remain satisfactory.
Additional correspondence – Southam Town Council (12.01.2017)
Additional correspondence has been received from Southam Town Council regarding the Housing Mix, Open Space and Play Areas:
“Southam Town Council withdraws its objection to the affordable housing mix and also to the play area, sports field and sports pavilion on the understanding that it will enter into discussion with the developer to address any issues that may arise. It requests that consideration is given to changing the planned safety surface from Grass Matting to Wetpour as the Council is currently doing in its other play areas. This is for reasons of durability.”
Condition 5 of the recommendationwithin the agenda is adequate to secure the necessary consideration of surface and finish.
Amended Plans
Minor amendment plans were received 21st December 2017. These related to the alignment of the backs of pavements and the position of trees in the highway.The Highway Authority has confirmed it accepts the amended plans.
Boundary Treatments
Enquiries have been received regarding the existing and proposed boundaries between Rainsbrook Close, Napton Rise and the proposed development. The landscape proposals demonstrate that this area will benefit from planting to strengthen the boundary and to provide a planted buffer area within the gardens of future residents. Officers concur with the views of residents that the landscaping scheme and boundary treatments in this area are necessary and consider a separate condition in addition to those in the agenda would be appropriateto secure final details and trigger delivery at the most appropriate time.
A scheme for the installation of CCTV at the underpass between Welsh Road East and Pound Way was secured as a condition of the outline approval. The detail of that scheme has been submitted by the applicant and agreed. Accordingly, an additional condition is appropriate to trigger the delivery of that scheme at an appropriate time.
17/00178/S106A Harbury Cement Works, Bishops Itchington
In addition to the 37 affordable units proposed (rented – 22 units, shared ownership – 15 units), additional affordable units proposed as per the following:
11 additional units at a discount to market price of 30%OR the equivalent off-site financial contribution
This equates to a total of 48 affordable units of the 195 units proposed under 16/03142/REM. This represents an affordable housing provision of 24.6%.
In light of this, the ward member Councillor Chris Kettle has confirmed his agreement for the approval of the deed of variation application to be delegated to officers.
UPDATED RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Manager be authorised to determine the deed of variation application under delegated powers
17/01429/REM Land OffThe Burrows, Newbold-on-Stour
Updated response from WCC Ecology (08.01.18)
Based on the updated information detailed in the Cotswold Wildlife Surveys Report, I am now satisfied with the proposed badger mitigation measures. No conditions or notes are suggested for the reserved matters application.
17/02362/FUL Land Next To The Lankett, Mill Lane, Fenny Compton
Since the report was published Policy advice has been received indicating that further research is needed into the principle of development. Members are therefore requested to defer the application. In the event that the principle objection is overcome the application may be determined under delegated powers.
17/02668/FUL 5 Newbold Road, Wellesbourne, Warwick
No updates

Appendix 1:

Application 17/01930/REM - Correspondence from Southam Town Council.

From: Debbie [mailto:
Sent: 17 January 2018 08:30
To: David Jeffery
Cc:andrew Crump
Subject: RE: Application Reference 17/01930/REM

Dear David,

Thank you for your email of 15th January and your efforts to clarify the position on refuse vehicle tracking with the Highway authority. We have considered the fresh drawings supplied by the developer, however, as acknowledged by the Highway officer in your email the concern and risks still remain.

The revised / new drawings clearly still show a refuse vehicle overhanging the pavement on reversing manoeuvres in the development, this is without the added complication of parked cars within a completed development. On the majority of these cases this could be solved by lengthening rather than widening to the turning areas in the development or by altering slightly the layout of junctions. Whilst a refuse vehicle does move at slow speed throughout a development, the reserving manoeuvre is still the most dangerous point of operation on the highway, and is sighted by the HSE as one the biggest causes of fatalities in waste collection. It would therefore seem more sensible to design this out prior to a developments completion with greater effort from the Highway Authority working with the developer.

Whilst we therefore feel that our objection is still a valid one, we believe that it is an issue for the developer and highway authority to solve, and we would urge them to do so. We believe that better close working on this matter between the two parties would bring about a better outcome for Southam regardless of the Highway custom and practice elsewhere in the district. We have certainly found this to be true on other matters where the District and Town Councils have worked with this developer to deliver outcomes for Southam.

As this is a matter that has come to light late in the day, it is not our intention to speak at committee tonight, however, it would be appreciated if this email could be included in your late representation report.

Kind regards

Debbie Carro

Town Clerk

Southam Town Council