University of Missouri Faculty Scholars

Dedicated to Promoting the Success of New Faculty

University of Missouri Faculty Scholars

The University of Missouri Faculty Scholars (UMFS) program is designed to support the efforts of the universityto acclimate and retain new faculty members. In this unique program, scholars participate in campus-specific activities and in systemwide programs designed to create avenues for communication and collaboration across the four campuses of the UM System. The UMFS program offers new ideas for thinking about research, teaching, scholarship and engagement on each campus.

UM Faculty Scholars Goals

The goal of the UMFS program is to support cohorts of new faculty members by providing opportunities to:

  • Construct academic portfolios adequate for examining, portraying, explaining and highlightingtheir academic lives and contributions to the university’s mission;
  • Learn techniques and strategies that will assist them in becoming effective educators and support the UM System goal ofremaining a learning-centered institution;
  • Learn how to integrate teaching and scholarly activities; and
  • Develop collegial networks and collaborations with their university peers.

UM Faculty Scholars Events

Participants in the UMFS program are expected to attend monthly on-campus activities as well as the three systemwide retreats. On-campus activities will include a variety of learning opportunities that address topics designed to support faculty development and enhance faculty roles in student success.

Program Features

  • UM Faculty Scholars participants are selected from tenuretrack and non-tenure track ranked faculty in their second, third and fourth years of employment on the four UM campuses.
  • Participation in the program lasts one year.
  • UM Faculty Scholars are selected to create a diverse distribution of academic disciplines represented within each cohort. Interested colleagues are encouraged to express their interest to their department chairs and deans.
  • UM Faculty Scholars are required to participate in monthly programs on their own campuses and in systemwide events.
  • Participants will be reimbursed to carpool to systemwide retreats.Lodging, meals and materials willbe provided.

Systemwide Retreats for 2014-2015

Building Your Academic Portfolio

September 18-20, 2014

Lodge of the Four Seasons

Lake Ozark, MO

Integrating Teaching and Scholarship

February 19-20, 2015

Capitol Plaza Hotel

Jefferson City, MO

Course Design and Technology

April 13-14, 2015

Lodge of the Four Seasons

Lake Ozark, MO


Applications for the 2014-2015 program are dueto your provost’s office by May 30, 2014.

To participate, complete the attached application.

University of Missouri Faculty Scholars Application Form



Email address:Campus: MU S&T UMKC UMSL


Name of department chair:

Initial appointment date in the UM System:


Please include this form and a statement addressing why you want to participate in the University of Missouri Faculty Scholars program, and what you hope to gain from the program. Include your vitae (5 pages, maximum) with the application. If you held a faculty or research position prior to your appointment at the University of Missouri, please describe the nature of the appointment and its duration.


Based on the stated goals of the University of Missouri Faculty Scholars program, I believe the above applicant will benefit from and contribute to the 2014-2015 UM Faculty Scholars program. I have reviewed the goals of the program, support the time commitment necessary, and have discussed ways to assist the applicant with arranging for alternate ways to cover classes and other obligations to allow for full participation in the UMFS program.

Department Chair Signature:


I agree to attend the three systemwide retreats and on-campus events offered by the UMFS program. I understand the time commitment involved, and my chair and I have discussed ways the department can assist me so that I can fully participate in this program. With the support of my department and chair, I agree to make arrangements to get my classes covered, as needed, in order to attend the retreats.

Faculty Member Signature:

Please submit your application to your campus provost’s office by May30, 2014.