U.P. Collaborative Development Council

Thursday, February 13, 2014 12 pm eastern

Landmark Inn, Marquette MI

12:00 PM

Present: Carmen Pittenger, Davy Nyberg, Jim McBryde, Jennifer Tucker, Bob LaFave, Nancy Douglas, Lois Ellis, Kathy Reynolds, Jennifer James- Mesloh, Amy Clickner, Caralee Swanberg, Denise Elizondo, Paul Garber, Joel Shultz, Bruce Orttenburger, Donna LaCourt, Vicki Schwab, Devin Olson

Virtual: Michael Brown, Kristen Claus, Tino Breithaupt, Randi Schmeltzer


  1. Low-mod income status and surveys (CDBG staff on phone)
  2. Tucker gave an overview of Low- Mod status stating that the list is determined from Census data. The main benefit of the status is to gain CDBG funding. If your community is not on the list, it is possible to take the Low-Mod survey to gain the designation. Communities make the list based on their cities’ median household incomecompared to the median household income of their county. In order to apply for the status, a community must identify a dramatic change in their income. They must then identify the change and notify the MEDC, specifically for our region, Jen Tucker. The designation lasts two years, or until a new list comes out, whichever comes first.
  3. Marketing/Data Project – (Jennifer update counties quickly on presentations)
  4. Elizondo shared the folder and inserts with the group. Jennifer James-Mesloh reported her student’s progress and intentions. There was some discussion on the accuracy of the data and contact information was shared.
  5. Jim McBryde update
  6. McBryde announced to the group his new position will be more involved with the CDC, ICC, boards and committees, Governor’s Office and creating an enhanced federal role for the MEDC.
  7. McBryde shared the Governors 2014 budget with the group. The budget has been sent to the legislators for approval.
  8. He discussed the Mining section of the ICC. This is intended to be a “one stop shop” for the permitting process. Nyberg also stated that the ICC is looking to have a team for Biomass as well.
  9. Local Community’s Incentives
  10. The group discussed community funded incentives such as DDA façade grants. Tucker is sending examples of how local communities have developed such incentives. Lois Ellis is to send out some information on CDBG, PA 198 and other local tax abatements.
  11. Regionalization Of Loan Funds
  12. Clickner updated the group that Dennis West will be at the March meeting to discuss the loan funds.
  13. State Updates
  14. Governor’s Office- Dave
  15. Energy update- MISO filed with FERC to approve a tariff to keep PIPP up and running for a year, which would mean the consumers in the footprint of ATC would see an increase in their rates to subsidize the plant. The Governor’s Office will be asking the UPCDC to sign onto a letter, the letter will need a quick turnaround time. The Governor’s Office is also sending out a plea to find a creative solution for long term affordable and reliable energy.
  16. Propane shortage- there is a shortage nationwide due to weather, traveling conditions and pipeline conditions. The state has doubled low income heating assistance, lifted fire bans and declared 4 emergencies. The Governor has also asked for Federal assistance.
  17. The LG- Brian Calley is coming to Marquette on May 16.
  18. Scott Holman has been appointed to the NMU Board of Trustees.
  19. Jason Rolling, Tim Kobasic have been appointed to the MI Snowmobile and Trails Board
  20. Region 1 Team Updates
  21. Tino Breithaupt – discussed the Pure MI B2B. MEDC and MDARD are partnering on March 26 for an agricultural business to business opportunity. Applications for this are due February 26.
  22. Group discussed Statewide Supply Chain Logistics board. PasiLuatala, an Assistant Professor from Michigan Tech is the representation from Region 1.
  23. Roundtable
  24. P. Garber- asked the group to update their contact records to his information.
  25. B. Orttenburger- reported the Ski Jumps the past weekend had gone very well
  26. N. Douglas- shared Amy Clickner’s visit to Menominee went well. She has a second building starting soon and an automotive expansion will be taking place as well.
  27. V. Schwab- shared Verso’s acquisition of NewPage
  28. J. Tucker- deadline for RRC stats was February 12. There will be training in May on the RCC certification. There will also be CBBG Certified Admin Training late spring.
  29. K. Reynolds- Shared information on her Leaders Luncheon Series as well as Yooper free day for the Pictured Rocks tours which will be June 14.
  30. A. Clickner- discussed incentives for ‘for profit’ hospitals

Upcoming UPCDC 2014 Meetings, (location indicated below):

  • March 13- UPCDC - Escanaba