Town of Winter Harbor

20 School Street, P.O. Box 98

Winter Harbor, ME 04693

(207) 963-2235


Board of Selectmen Meeting

Tuesday, September 6, 2016, 7:00pm, Town Office

Attending: L. Smith, W. Faulkingham, C. Carruthers, D. Mitchell, T. Keller, D. Backman,

K. Young, P. Drinkwater

1. Call Selectmen Meeting to order and adjustments to the Agenda. L. Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

2. Approve Minutes of Selectmen Meeting of August 22, 2016. Approved 2-0

3. Approve Warrants #11 & #12 that closed September 2, 2016. Approved 2-0

4. Approve Treasurer’s report dated September 2, 2016. Approved 2-0

5. Approve Tax Collector’s report dated September 2, 2016. Approved 2-0

6. Tree Growth Property – Keith Young. Keith has received an amount ($20,780) for Tree Growth Penalty if chooses to remove his land (Map 010, Lot 02-A) from Tree Growth. He would like to negotiate a lower amount. Much discussion. W. Faulkingham called for an Executive Session.

Regular meeting stopped at 7:30 pm. Into Executive Session-Confidential Records – 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(F) at 7:31 pm.

Out of Executive Session at 7:40 pm. Motion made and seconded to reduce the Tree Growth Penalty to $15,000 if Keith removes the property from Tree Growth. Approved 2-0

7. Other:

  1. Town Manager (TM) Updates: Gym Repairs-TM and L. Smith met with Matt Gurney (Coastal Maine General Contractor) and M. Sealander (Engineer). They did a thorough inspection of the gym and will develop an estimate; Timber Harvesting-Harvesting has started on the Town property; Auditor Update-Auditors completed their work in the office in one day instead of the normal two days because the records and all information was prepared for them. All financials look great. ; Schoodic Byway/Camp Moore Update-The interpretive and Kids Quest signs will be installed soon.; Basketball Lights-There have been children playing basketball and would like the lights turned on in the evenings. Selectmen approved.

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Selectmen Meeting Minutes

September 6, 2016

  1. Selectmen issues: W. Faulkingham-Requested the TM find out: a) why Schoodic Woods did not pay a penalty on all the land they took out of Tree Growth. b) Ask Code Enforcement Officer about the signs Acadia National Park placed on the sides of Schoodic Loop Road being legal or permitted.
  2. Chairman's issues: None
  3. Other: D. Backman reported the Ramp is still in need of repair and fill. He has spoken with Robert from A.R. Whitten & Son. Estimate is required before work can begin. The same with the stones at the Town dock.

8. FYI: Hancock County Commissioners Caucus Warrant; Municipal Review Committee Letter; National Park Service Press Releases (3); Thank You Letters-American Red Cross, LifeFlight; Schoodic Institute Events; PD Activity Report

9. Adjourned meeting at 8:08 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy J. Carruthers

Town Manager/Clerk