Towards a literacy-friendly CLIL Classroom

Prof. Dra. Raquel FernándezFernández

Day: Saturday 10th March, 2012Time: 09:00-10:30

This workshop is intended for teachers involved in CLIL projects at infant and 1st cycle Primary levels who are interested in making their classroom more literacy-friendly. We will explore useful guidelines and effective practical resources to make our pupils more literacy-aware and to integrate literacy tasks into our everyday practice.

Biodata: Raquel FernándezFernández is a university lecturer working at the EscuelaUniversitariaCardenal Cisneros (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid), where she also coordinates its Bilingual Project. She’s been researching bilingual education and CLIL since 2004 and has directed and taught a good number of CLIL teacher training courses. Her latest project is as a course writer for University of Dayton Publishing.


Raquel Fernández Fernández



University of Dayton Publishing:

Making meaning together!
Thrhsbn an ntrstngdbatovrthpsttn yrs abtthtchng of rding. Sme see rding as thmastry of phncs, othrs as a process of prdctnwhrby the rderussbckgrnd knowledge and knowledge of thlnggesystm to prdictmning.
Theesdiffreingveiwshaevinfelunced the wyaraeding has benetuahgt. Appraochsehaev varied betwenethoes who argeu that the taeching of phoincs is the msotimprtoantelmeent of a raedingprorgam, and thoes who argeu fro a whoel-language appraohc in whchichildnrelaern to raed by perdictingmaenngi.
But it shou_ be obvi_ to anyo_ readi_ thin_ th_ goo_ read_ use a rang_ of strateg_ to gain_ mean_ fro_ writ_ text_.
First, you should arrange things into different groups. It is better not to have big groups of things, and arrange them into different bits. When the procedure is completed, organise groups according to priority, and start with the first group assigned. Once you have finished with all the groups, arrange them again into different groups. You can start the procedure again as many times as you like.

Research is proving that...

children learn languages by unlearning other possibilities. They can discriminate any sound at the beginning (even in their mothers’ wombs), but learn to forget the sounds which are not meaningful in their context.


The basket


Bulletin Board

Feel the letters

Open your ears

The washing line

The fly swatter

Spying on posters

The fish tank

Useful websites

(here you can create your literacy worksheets selecting the vocabulary you want to practise or revise)

Book with activities to work on vowels

A video to revise the 42 sounds studied with Jolly Phonics. You may also use:

worksheets working on short texts.

IWB app to make new words.

To get sounds and images.

required for full access. Interesting free resources to print and use.

University of Dayton Publishing Materials

Toy Box for Infant Education.

Comet for Primary Education.

Popcorn ELT Readers for extensive reading.