ARMY JROTCSenior Army Instructor: Major Mark Knight (Ret) (PEL 730/740)

“Tornado Battalion”Army Instructor: SFC Eduardo Gonzales (Ret) (PEL 710/720)

BALL HIGH SCHOOLWk: 409-766-5847 E-mail: or

Fall Semester/SY 2017-18Conference Period(s): 7thPeriod


-Physical Conditioning & Physical Education Credit & Program, Sweating is a requirement! [PE CREDIT]

-Maximize Potential for success through learning and self-management.

-Develop citizenship, character, personal responsibilities, a sense of accomplishment, leadership, and a willingness to serve.

-Incorporate principles of mental and physical wellness into behaviors and decision making.

-Build effective relationships with peers, co-workers, and the community.

-Apply physical and political geography to building global awareness.

-Correlate the rights and responsibilities of citizenship to the purposes of U.S. Government.

-Relate events in U.S. History to choices and responsibilities.

-Characterize the role of the military and other national service organizations in building a democracy and maintaining peace in a democratic society.

-Graduate and pursue meaningful careers particularly in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Requirements (Mandatory):Academic Schedule by Day:

-Member of a team or committee (Major Grade)Mo: Drill Tu: Academics We: Uniform Th: Sergeants Time Fr: Physical Training (PT)

-JROTC Locker & a Physical Training (PT) Shirt = $20 Fee

-Weekly uniform wear: Class A/B on Wednesday’s (Approximately½ the Wednesdays) & PTUniform on Friday’s (every Friday): Running Shoes, Shorts, JROTC PTShirt

-Proper Hygiene: Shower or Soft-Cloth Wipe (i.e. Wet wipes), Towel, Soap, Shower Shoes (i.e. Flip Flops), Change of Clothes

Teams & Committees:Color Guard, Flag Detail, Drill Team, Staff, Marksmanship Team, Physical Training Teams, Raider Team, Academic or Leadership Teams, Military Ball Committee, Turkey Shoot Committee, Sea Wolf Park Picnic Committee, or other.

JROTC - Leadership Education and Training (LET) Elective Classes:

JROTC 1 (PEL 710):First Year of JROTC

Prerequisite:Student must have satisfactorily completed the 8th grade.

May enter in either semester1 Credit

This course provides the student with a basic introduction to ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) and the United States Army. The topics include foundations of JROTC and personal organizational & civic involvement, hygiene, map reading, air rifles, safety & marksmanship, theory of leadership, drill and ceremony, communication, conflict resolution and higher level educational success. The Army physical fitness program is introduced.

JROTC 2 (PEL 720):Second Year of JROTC

Prerequisite:JROTC 11 Credit

This course provides the student with the basic knowledge of intermediate map reading, health and wellness, first aid, drug awareness, geography and earth science, American history and government, intermediate marksmanship, methods of instruction, leadership development and drill, battalion organization, introduction to leadership theory, small unit leadership, and standard operating procedures. Students may serve as a small unit leader at squad through platoon levels. The Army physical fitness program is continued.

JROTC 3 (PEL 730):Third Year of JROTC

Prerequisite:JROTC 21 Credit

This course provides the student with the basic knowledge of psychology of leadership, advanced leadership strategy, along with small unit leader problem solving, advanced drill and ceremony, applied marksmanship, ethics, critical thinking, financial understanding and planning, applied methods of instruction, advanced American history and government and United States military history. Students may serve in unit leader roles at platoon through company levels. The Army physical fitness program is continued.

JROTC 4 (PEL 740):Fourth Year of JROTC

Prerequisite:JROTC 31 Credit

This course provides the student with the knowledge of advanced leadership development, advanced drill and ceremony, advanced instructional methods, advanced financial understanding, staff functions procedures, organization and staff actions, service to the nation, citizenship and command and staff relationships. Student will serve in a unit leader role.

Events: Uniform Issue, Drill Team, Color/Honor Guard, Academic Team, Physical Training & Test, Leadership Team, Orienteering Team, Ranger Swim Test, Drill Meets, Military Skill Meets, Philanthropic Events: i.e Civic Pride Event, BN Class Area Beautification Project, Homecoming Parade, Staff Ride, Warrior Challenge, Veterans Programs.

GRADING: (1st/2nd/3rd Six-Weeks):

Major Grades = 60% of GradeMajor Grades: Test’s & Uniform Wear, Team Membership

Minor Grades = 40% of GradeMinor Grades: Participation, Quizzes, Physical Fitness, Leadership LabsPortfolios,

**Parents, by signing below you understand the above. And, that you give permission for GISD & JROTC to utilize the images, artwork, school work or special projects for promotion by publicizing your cadet’s great efforts on the district TV channel, website, radio & other media purpose’s that promote good citizenship. Also, we need your help as parental volunteers! Contact us to help. (1 Copy for JROTC/1 for Cadet).

Student Cadet Name (Last Name, First Name):Parents Name (Last Name, First Name):


Student Signature of Understanding:Parent Signature of Understanding:


Student Cell Phone Number for Contact:Parents Cell Phone Number/ E-mail Address for Teacher Contact:
