Kungsbacka municipality


The personal details in the application will be processed in accordance with the Personal Data Act. You consent to your information being stored and processed in registers. You have the right to obtain extracts and corrections.


Family name / First name / Civic registration number
Address / Telephone, home
Postal address / Pupil's mobile number (optional)

Choice of school

School / Year / Desired start date for school
Write the child's current placement in preschool or school (including the section/class) / If there are siblings at the selected school, write their class
If the pupil comes from another school, municipality or country, write where
Contact/mentor at previous school/preschool / E-mail / Telephone
Other information such as allergies, choice of language, mother tongue etc.
I would like an after-school centre place for my child at the selected school.
Send in the schedule and income statement using the e-service/form - see Kungsbacka.se
Desired start date at the after-school centre / Desired number of hours/week at the after-school centre / Need for care,
evenings and weekends / Need for the school's after-school centre, mornings
The child goes to an independent after-school centre

Guardians' signatures

Guardian 1Guardian 2

Place and date / Place and date
Guardian's signature / Guardian's signature
Name in capitals / Name in capitals
E-mail / E-mail
Telephone home/mobile / Telephone work / Telephone home/mobile / Telephone work

Sole custody as above

If a guardian has sole custody, only his/her signature is required.

Headmaster's signature on decision

Class / Not approved
Justification/reference to legislation (Education Act Chapter 10 Section 30)
Signature / Name in capitals

The application must be signed by the guardian and handed in to the selected school. If the pupil has special needs that you want to mention, please contact the selected school.

When changing school, a copy is always sent to the guardian and the office at the previous school. When selecting a school, a copy is only sent to the guardian if the application is rejected. Certain decisions regarding the selection of a school can be appealed to the Board of Appeal for Education. A form for this is attached if required.


The child's personal details

Civic registration numbers have 10 digits, YYMMDD-XXXX

Choice of school - desired start date

Write in the date when you want your child to start school. If your child is starting at the normal term start, you can just write "term start" in the box.

After-school centres

Your child has the right to stay at the after-school centre while you are working or studying, plus travelling time. If you are looking for work or are on parental leave for the care of another child, your child does not have the right to a place in an after-school centre. Exceptions can be made for children who have their own needs to be at an after-school centre. Please contact the headmaster in this case.

The municipality can offer after-school centres in the evenings and weekends. Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 18:30-22:30 and Saturdays and Sundays 7:30-19:30. If you need an after-school centre at nights and weekends, put a cross in the box. When we receive your application we will send you a letter with three forms to fill in and send back. Your information will be the basis for a needs assessment. For more information on after-school centres in evenings and at weekends, visit our website:

When you mark that you want an after-school centre, a subscription is started which continues until you cancel it. You pay a charge for the place there. You must give 30 days' notice to cancel a place at an after-school centre. You can cancel your place by e-service or using a form or e-mail to .

Independent after-school centres can be applied to via the independent school. Please note that when you change place from a municipal to an independent after-school centre, you must cancel your place at the municipal centre.

Educational care by childminder

Educational care by a childminder, for example, is an alternative to an after-school centre before and after school. The childminder looks after children of different ages in their own home. Places can be offered from preschool class until the spring term in the year when the child is 13. In Kungsbacka there are both municipal childminders and self-employed childminders.

If you want a place with a childminder instead of at an after-school centre for your child, you must apply by e-service or using the form "Application for a place in preschool or educational care/childminder" at

Independent schools

Independent schools have their own application procedures with queue management. If you select an independent school, they will contact you about a place in school, but you are not guaranteed a place at that school. If you do not get a place at that school, you will be asked to apply for another school. The municipal school in your catchment area guarantees your child a place; seemap of catchment areas in Kungsbacka municipality.