Glasgow Netball Association Committee Meeting Minutes

Tuesday 21st August 2012

In Attendance:

Zoe Wray (VC; Cardonald); Karen Thomson (League Co-ordinator; Harmony Row) ; Angela Boyd (Secretary; Broomhill); Terri McWaters (Technical Coaching; Scotstoun); Anneka Haines (Website and Facebook; Eastbank); Jill Sutherland (Senior Events; Bellahouston); Liz Kerr (Sports Council for Glasgow; Kelvin); Lyndsay King (Technical Umpiring; Helensburgh); Gillian Bridges (Junior Events; St. Stephens); Geraldine Gibson (Junior Events; Cumbernauld).


Karen McKellar (Chair; Strathclyde Uni); Catherine Vaughan (Treasurer; Harmony Row); Natalie Doherty (District Squad Co-ordinator); Donna Blair (Assistant Squad Co-ordinator; Bellahouston); Eilidh Thomson (Marketing and Grants; Glasgow Uni); Nicky Devine (Fundraising; Dumbarton Harp).

Item / Discussion / Action
1.Welcome /
  • Zoe Wray thanked everyone for coming.
  • All sub-committees sent their reports in prior to the meeting or brought them on the night apart from St. Stephens, who'll send it via e-mail or Dumbarton Harp, who're yet to submit a report.

2. Sports Council for Glasgow /
  • Liz Kerr delivered her report on the Sports Council for Glasgow. As it's a committee she sits on, she is unable to provide a three year plan. However her immediate aims are to increase membership and increase the amount of grants and awards that netball clubs receive by e-mailing clubs.
  • This year the Sports Council will meet in the Glasgow City Chambers as they want to encourage as many people as possible to attend (she added that she would like to see some of the GNA Executive Committee there.)
  • Liz spoke about the various awards and grants the Sports Council runs. She sits on the grants committee and emphasised that they haven't seen any grant applications from Netball Clubs: You need to be a member to apply but they are particularly keen on granting money for coaching as well as large events (particularly international events held in Glasgow.) This year they are, in conjunction with Sports Scotland, running six coaching awards with prizes of £100 each which anyone can apply to. She would also like to see more applications from netball for 'club of the month' which offers a monetary reward as well.
  • Karen Thomson asked Liz to send on some up to date information on the Sports Council to Eastbank to put on the website.
/ Liz will continue to e-mail clubs all relevant information on the Sports Council for Glasgow and try to encourage membership.
3. Junior Events /
  • Gillian Bridges delivered St. Stephen's report on junior events: Last year the events ran smoothly but were a lot for one sub-committee to take on. Their targets are to successfully run all the events coming, to progress the girls involved onto higher playing levels and to organise 'come see' visits to clubs to get the juniors more involved in netball.
  • The executive committee asked if the two clubs had met to arrange how they're going to divide the events. Geraldine Gibson said they're waiting for the Junior Events Calendar to come through before they can plan anything. It was also suggested that they meet twice a year to discuss the events and report back to the exec. The representatives replied that they will try and meet after each event.
  • Geraldine also raised the issue that if clubs drop out last minute they don't normally know until it's too late to change order of play etc. due to the clubs e-mailing Lorna who is out of office. She suggested that the junior events contact form should have their contact phone numbers on it for any cancellations.
  • Karen Thomson suggested that they e-mail any clubs whose juniors are attending an event as they should be able to help at that event. She also asked Geraldine and Gillian to forward on the results from the events to Eastbank to put onto the website.
/ Angela to email Lorna and ask her to send the Junior Events Calendar to St. Stephens and Cumbernauld, so they can meet up to divide the workload.
Angela to send on contact numbers to Lorna (once St. Stephens have confirmed their rep.) so she can put them on the entry form.
Gillian to email Angela St. Stephen's report.
4. Senior Events /
  • Jill is planning on organising two events this year.
  • She aims to keep Fastnet in conjunction with the Awards Night as it was a roaring success last year. The only change she will make is to go to named umpires for every club to make the event run smoother (this year there were a lot of players having to umpire random games as there were no umpires present.) She also suggested that the Under 17 and 21 district squads be allowed to enter as it would be good competition for them. She asked about a consent form for the U17's and was told that between district and league consent forms they should be covered already.
  • The second event she is planning will be in the winter season. Karen Thomson suggested that October would be a good time as the NPL is off. Jill would like to organise a 'fun' event, for example a 'mixed' tournament where teams can invite their other halves or any non-netballing friends along for the day. She put forward a price of £5 per head but after suggestions decided that £40 per team would cover the cost with a little bit of profit. Lyndsay King added that she would need to get a disclaimer drawn up for everyone taking part due to there being unaffiliated players/ men involved.
  • Karen Thomson asked Jill to draw up a three year plan for her events and send on the projected cost to Eilidh so that she can apply for funding. Jill asked about the format for her three year plan – Karen suggested including everything: venue costings, umpire costings, prizes and so on.
  • Karen spoke about the Awards Night and how the executive committee would like Jill's help to organise it.
  • Jill asked about potential venues for her competitions. Karen suggested that she look at the Commonwealth Arena for next year's Fastnet as Kelvinhall may close. But Kelvinhall would be ideal for the fun event this winter.
/ Jill to send costings through to Eilidh.
Helensburgh have a disclaimer from one of their tournaments which they can forward for Jill to use.
5. Website and Facebook /
  • Anneka Haines, who attended the meeting, will probably be taking over Facebook. She is due to meet up with Louise who will pass on all the information to her. Karen Thomson said she will forward her the password to Facebook. (Target 200 likes by end of September, 500 by April). Terri McWaters suggested that the junior clubs should have a separate Facebook page to avoid privacy issues.
  • Anneka asked all clubs present to send Louise more club information to put on the website. Karen suggested that they should put on the results of Junior events as well as technical coaching courses, workshops, umpiring courses etc. The website should also be updated more regularly. Terri McWaters suggested that she get in contact with Netball Scotland to get the District Fixtures online. (Gillian Stewart )
  • The idea of an online shop was also suggested to Anneka. Helensburgh have set up a shop on their website so she should e-mail them for any information. Marketing should source the products and liaise with Eastbank to get it running.
/ Anneka to pass on all information to Louise.
6. Technical Umpiring /
  • Lyndsay King had a meeting with Netball Scotland last week. They are going to use the umpire mentoring scheme in Glasgow as a pilot. Lynsday confirmed that the Talent ID group will mentor the 'A' umpires, the 'A' umpires will mentor the 'B's and so on.
  • The executive committee asked Lyndsay for more detail on the projected cost of the scheme over the next three years so the GNA can try and secure grants for it. Karen urged Lyndsay to exaggerate her costs rather than under-exaggerate as they are unlikely to source the full amount.
  • Lyndsay also mentioned her ideas on the progression of umpires – including self-evaluation, (an umpire diary) which she'll speak about at the Umpire Workshops over the next two weeks. Karen asked Lyndsay to contact Lesley for the list of people who are attending the workshops and chase any umpires who aren't due to attend.
  • The 'B' umpire course for September has been cancelled by Netball Scotland as only eight people were booked on. This has repercussions for the league as, due to there only being two leagues this year, all umpires must be at 'B' level. Lynsday is going to contact Netball Scotland to try and resolve this issue.
/ Lyndsay to chase up Level B umpiring course cancellation.
Lyndsay to e-mail Eilidh her projected costings.
Technical Coaching /
  • Terri McWaters submitted her Technical Coaching report.
  • She stressed that she needs more response from clubs on what they would like to see from technical coaching. For example, more workshops or more courses?
  • She wants to develop a coaching mentoring system like technical umpiring. Karen asked her to send all her costings onto Eilidh so that she can add them on to the lottery application.
  • Karen asked Terri to create a database of coaches so that she can target any that are sitting on old qualifications or could be developed more. She also asked Terri to make sure there is a database of coaches with disclosure checks.
  • Terri put forward the idea of having a ranking system within the GNA for coaches (similar to karate belts.) So at the first level you would start off with a certain colour t-shirt and aim to get the next colour up.
  • Terri is also keen to make coaching more accessible. She talked about making the coaching workshops open to all, even players with no coaching qualifications, which should create more interest in the courses.
/ Terrri to send Eilidh her projected costings.
A.O.B / ·  The meeting was ended. Zoe Wray will e-mail all the sub-committees with a synopsis of their targets for this year.