Phoenix Oncology Nursing Society- 2017 Board of Directors Nominees

Jennifer Peterson
/ Background: I am an Oncology Certified Nurse working on the float team at Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) in inpatient, PACU, acute and non-emergent ambulatory care, care management and navigation. After many successful years in technology, I entered nursing as a second career in 2010. I began as an LPN and worked bedside as I went through the process of attaining an ADN, then BSN and am now a Nurse Practitioner student at Grand Canyon University. I attribute my success in oncology nursing to the gracious mentoring of wonderful oncology nurses at Banner University Medical Center and CTCA, without whom I wouldn’t be the nurse I am today. I am also involved in the Breast Care SIG and recently published an article in the Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing updating nurses on new immunotherapy drugs which was then picked up as a “Five Minute In-service” by the publication ONS Connect.
Vision/Goals for PONS: As President-Elect, I plan to help PONS in reaching their goals while engaging oncology nurses across the valley. I would love the opportunity to increase membership and also increase activity by current members by starting dialogue with members about what types of information they would like to be presented with at meetings. I feel that oncology nurses from different practice types should be represented at our meetings and would like to work towards the goal of having something that benefits a variety of oncology nurses at meetings, including nurses from small practices, radiation oncology, and infusion centers as well as the larger hospital systems. I am also passionate about nursing certification and I would love the opportunity to collect data for nurses about different programs that help to defray the cost of certification and/or reward them for becoming certified and make it available to the membership for review.
Director-at-Large Elect
Don Day
/ Background: Don has completed his undergraduate work at Indiana University, graduate work at Grand Canyon University. Don has held leadership positions in PONS serving as Director at large and President within the past 6 years. Don has worked with the ONS to create oncology nurse leadership competencies and to co-sponsor several ONS events in the Phoenix area. Don is currently leading a medical oncology unit at HonorHealth Scottsdale Shea Medical Center as Clinical Director. He has experience in Critical care, med/surge, oncology, Nursing Administration, and education in terms of nursing. He has also served Sigma Theta Tau- NU Upsilon, and Arizona Organization of Nurse Executives as a board member as well. He resides in Mesa with his wife of 33 years and family. He is active at Mission community church in the cancer support group and in serving single mothers and widows through the car clinic on campus.
Vision/Goals for PONS: As Director at Large Elect I will support the current Director at Large to operationalize the agenda set forth by the PONS executive team. Historically this has consisted of representing PONS in community events, by coordinating education events for oncology nurses, and attending local dinner meetings to engage the constituency. I would like to see the PONS organization to strive to continue to partner with Local and State officials to use our influence on health care policy and legislation in an active manner. I would also seek to maintain the status of being one of the largest chapters in the United States by looking for gaps in our existing membership to help build programing to close gaps in education or learning.
Vincent Zomok
/ Background: Northern Arizona University/Grand Canyon University Graduate. Working on my 7th year as a Registered Nurse. Previously worked with Banner Estrella Medical Center and Mayo Clinic Hospital in Hematology/Oncology. Actively working at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Radiation Oncology Care Management.
Daisy Award Winner for Oncology. Everyday Hero Foundation Award Winner for 2015-2016.
Active Captain for Light the Night, Relay for Life, Lungevity and Lung Force Campaigns.
Vision/Goals for PONS: Meetings that I have had the pleasure to attend, often focus more on chemotherapy (infusions, oral medications, hormonal therapy). I would like to offer chances for nurses to see the multiple treatment modalities in relation to Interventional Radiology, Surgical, as well as Radiation Therapy.
West Valley seems to be limited on the amount of meetings offered. I would like to create a balance of meetings offered not only for East Valley, but state wide. Our hospitals are so diverse and widespread over Arizona, each Oncology Nurse deserves the chance to attend meetings to further their education.
Lastly, I’d like to talk with the nurses PONS directly encompasses. Determine what it is they want to see more of, learn more about. Healthcare and education are a business just like any other. If we want the product to heard and understood, we have to know the clientele.
Zana Niles
/ Background: I started my nursing career as an LPN in phase I research and continued in the unit as an RN. After relocating to Arizona, I was fortunate enough to join the Honor Health Oncology Clinical Trials unit and learn everyday what it means to fight cancer from my inspiring patients. My oncology career took me then to Banner MD Anderson where I worked in the bustling clinic and saw the ups and downs of cancer treatment on a much broader scale. I also had the honor of working in their clinical research department developing the new ImmunoTherapy drugs that are making waves in many tumor types.
I enjoy the commitment that PONS has to its oncology nurses in Phoenix and have learned tremendously from its board members that I have had the pleasure of interacting with in the past. I am a strong believer in continuing education and would be honored to assist in PONS leadership to help others maintain great access to resources in Oncology Care.
Vision/Goals for PONS: PONS is a strong leader in oncology and serves Phoenix Nurses currently, I would be honored to serve and assist in it continued support to our city. As a research nurse, I have had to organize my own skills to be detailed oriented and an excellent communicator. I would apply these qualities to any tasks to be completed in the PONS leadership role.
Reanna Rentschler
/ Background: My name is Reanna, I started my nursing career three years ago in oncology at Cancer Treatment Centers of America where I currently still work. In my three years of nursing, I have received my oncology nursing certification and obtained my baccalaureate degree in nursing from Grand Canyon University. I have been a member of the Oncology Nursing Society for three years as well and have my chemotherapy biotherapy certification through them. I am currently enrolled in my master’s program in nursing education through Grand Canyon University and love to learn. I have a strong passion for my oncology patients and blessed that I am able to be a part of their cancer journey.
Vision/Goals for PONS:My goals and vision for PONS is to have more engagement and involvement with the nurses on the west side. I would love to be an advocate and representative of the Phoenix Oncology Nursing Society to share education, increase networking and share community with other oncology nurses in the valley. I wish to grow individually and professionally through an opportunity to serve as a board member of the Phoenix Oncology Nursing Society.
Yashika Young
/ Background: Dear Phoenix Oncology Nursing Society,
It is with respectful honor that I accept the Phoenix Oncology Nursing Society nomination as Treasurer-elect. My nomination has filled me with a sense of pride and I would like to express thanks to the Phoenix Oncology Nursing Society for considering me for this position. I have been a Registered Nurse for the last four years and have been an Oncology Nurse for the last three years. I currently work as a Registered Nurse at Cancer Treatment Centers for America. I have participated in many PONS educational dinners and participated in many cancer walks throughout the three years I have been working with Cancer Treatment Centers of America. I believe in your mission to promoting excellence in oncology nursing and quality cancer care and practice this mission daily while providing quality care to my patients on a daily basis.
Vision/Goals for PONS:The vision for the Phoenix Oncology Society is to lead change in cancer care. As treasurer for the Phoenix Oncology Society, I will continue that vision by learning the role as treasurer and demonstrate the responsibilities that are asked of the treasurer. I have reviewed the responsibility of the Treasurer and fully understand the responsibilities that are being asked of me to fulfill as Treasurer for the committee. I look forward to serving as treasurer and being involved in a committee that commits to serving the Cancer community.