COURSE DESCRIPTION: This one year course will examine both the physical and human aspects of geography. Students will explore earth’s physical systems in a global context and its human systems in a regional one. Students will utilize the geographic skills of acquiring, organizing, and analyzing information to both ask and answer geographical questions. Four unique and diverse perspectives will be used as a frame of reference: the spatial, the ecological, the historical, and the economic. Students will come to understand concepts, patterns, and interdependent relationships that shape our increasingly diverse world.


Students will:*


World Geography and Culturesby Richard Boehm, Ph.D., McGraw Hill/ Glencoe 2012


Students will be able to think on a global context, understand the five themes of geography and apply them to present day situations, identify the location of various places on a map and appreciate the diversity and interdependence of world cultures.


If a student needs extra help, I am available before school from 6:30am - 6:55am as well as any day after school from 2:05pm - 2:30pm. Students need to arrange with me if they are planning to stay after school.


All students’ grades will be based on daily work, homework, projects, quizzes, tests and participation. Assignments are weighed in accordance with Hyde Park guidelines: homework/classwork 20%, tests and quizzes 50%, and major assignments 30%. Point values are then converted to percentages according to Clark County School District standards:

100-90%A69-60% D

89-80%B59 - BelowF


Evaluated assignments, progress reports and report cards help students remain informed about their grade. A pre and post assessment will be given for every unit of study in order to track student’s progress. Parents and students may monitor their grades and receive information on assignments in class by checking their Infinite Campus account and my webpage on the school website. Geography grades will be updated at least once a week.

Quarter grades are figured as the total points earned by the student divided by the total points possible. Semester grades will be figured as follows: Quarter Grade (45%) + Quarter Grade (45%) + Semester Examination (10%) = Semester Grade.


Students are expected to complete their work with quality and neatness. All work turned in for a grade must be completed in final draft quality. Final draft quality is typed, or written in cursive in blue or black ink. Assignment headings should be at the top left hand corner of the paper. The first line should be the student’s full name. The second line should be the due date of the assignment. The third line should be the class period.

Homework will depend on the unit and the student. Some students work quickly and efficiently with the time they are given in class. Work not completed in class will be completed at home. Homework may include reading, research, completing maps, vocabulary, special projects and discussing pertinent issues with you.

When a student is absent from class, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what work was missed and make it up. Finding out missed work is best done outside of class time. There is a weekly bulletin posted in class on the white board that lists daily assignments and class work. Students may check the bulletin on their own time. They should not miss current instruction or disrupt the class to check on past or missed work. Another good way is to have a class “buddy” who will allow the absent student to copy their notes for the missed day and explain the assignment. Again, students must not disrupt the class to do this. When turning in make-up work, be sure to write “Absent” across the top of the paper so it is not counted as late work. Students have three school days to turn in make-up work. After that, it will be considered and treated as late work.

All work is to be completed by the student. Late work may be turned in for 10% off for each day that it is late to be counted no less than 60%. If a student would like to raise his/her grade, then extra credit may be given if there are no missing assignments.


Students are expected to:

*Be in their seat and prepared with the necessary materials when the bell rings.

*Respect themselves, others, and school property at all times.

*Take pride in completing their work neatly, and turning it in on time.

*No food, gum or drinks in the classroom.

*No cell phones on during class unless directed by the teacher.

*No applying make up, perfume, lotion or hairspray during class.

*Academic integrity is expected and enforced. Any academic dishonesty will result as a 0 for the quiz or test and the student’s parents will be informed. A makeup test may be arranged but the student’s grade will be the average of the 0 and what he/she earns on the makeup test.

Consequences for inappropriate behavior:

*1st -Teacher conference with student before or after class

*2nd - Teacher conference with student before or after class

*3rd – Parent phone call home

*4th – Counselor referral

*5th – Dean’s referral

If the infraction is considerably bigger than stated above, the teacher may skip all of the progressive discipline steps and immediately refer student to the dean.


A student must be entirely in the classroom when the bell begins to ring. A tardy will be handled through the HPMS progressive discipline.

•Tardy Consequences

•1st- Detention

•2nd- Detention

•3rd- Detention and In-House Suspension

•4th- Detention and In-House Suspension

•5th- Detention, In-House, and RPC

•6 or more – Detention, In-House, RPC, Suspension, and/or additional discipline.


Bullying will not be tolerated at Hyde Park and will be reported immediately to an administrator for required action. Please read this definition and be familiar with it so you will not be accused of bullying or a victim of bullying.

•1. Under NRS 388.122, “bullying” means written, verbal or electronic expressions or physical acts or gestures, or any combination thereof, that are directed at a person or group of persons, or a single severe and willful act or expression that is directed at a person or group of persons, and:

•a. Have the effect of:

•(1) Physically harming a person or damaging the property of a person; or

(2) Placing a person in reasonable fear of physical harm to the person or damage to the property of the person; or

•b. Interfere with the rights of a person by:

•(1) Creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment for the person; or

(2) Substantially interfering with the academic performance of a student or the ability of the person to participate in or benefit from services, activities or privileges provided by a school; *This is a summary of the legal definition of bullying. Please use the link below to access the full legal definition and for other information on bullying:


Citizenship grades are based on classroom behavior and outlined as follows:

O = Outstanding - The student’s attitudes and actions have a positive

effect upon the class. Leadership quality is demonstrated. Students have 0-3 missing assignments. Students have never needed to be spoken to before or after class.

S = Satisfactory - The student’s attitudes ad actions display an

acceptance of personal responsibility. The student does not have a

negative effect on the class. Student has 4-7 missing assignments.

Student needed to be spoken to once before or after class.

N = Needs Improvement - The student’s attitudes and actions have a

harmful effect upon the class. The student does not work toward personal

success within the class. Student has 8-11 missing assignments.

Student has needed to be spoken to more than once before or after class.

U = Unsatisfactory - The student’s attitudes and actions have an observable,

negative effect upon the class. The student does not work toward

personal success within the class. More severe discipline measures were needed to

be taken with student. The student has 12 or more missing assignments.


It is our belief that students do better in school when teachers and parents communicate and work together. The strongest ally we have in the classroom is you. Whenever you have questions or concerns about your student, please feel free to leave a message at the Main Office. The school number is 799-4260. You may also email individual teachers at any time. My email address is as follows:

, or

You may also check my web page at:

Please scroll down to staff directory and click on my name. On this page I discuss any upcoming projects and their due dates, units of study, etc. I usually update the web page once a week. If you have questions about anything you can email me directly from this web page. Students will be required to subscribe to my webpage.

Students are required to join my Edmodo group. It is a way for students to interact with me and other students in the class. Students will also be required to complete certain assignments here. Students need to go to If they are not already a member, they need to follow the steps to join. The group name is Hyde Park Travelers 2017-2018. The group number is wdj9k9.

Grades are updated on a weekly basis through Infinite Campus. Please monitor your child’s grades by checking your account every week.

Thank you in advance for your support. It is my pleasure to work with your child. I am looking forward to a year filled with learning!

Ms. Weinstein’s World Geography Class, Room 305

Please sign and send in with your child to school.

Name of Student:______

I have read the course expectations for World Geography and agree to follow the policies and procedures stated thus.


Signature of studentDate

I have read my child’s course expectations for World Geography and understand the policies and procedures.


Signature of parentDate

To improve our ability to communicate, please provide the following information if possible:

E-mail Address ______

Cell Phone ______

Home Phone______

Best time to call______

Special Notes or Information ______
