Declaration of Candidacy for Senior Level Promotions and the Award of Tenure 2018-2019

To be completed by the Candidate and the Department Chair/Director

Nomination by the Department for: ___Promotion; ____ Award of Tenure (check one or both)

Candidates for senior level promotion and/or award of tenure whose department chairs nominate them must submit this form byApril1, 2018 to Nicole M. Deming, Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and Human Resources in the Office of Faculty Affairs and Human Resources, School of Medicine, W171, location code 4915, email: Fax: 216/368-3013. Complete promotion packets must be submitted by the Department to the Office of Faculty Affairs on May 1, 2018.

  1. Promotion Candidate (Full Name and Degrees):______
  2. Candidate Email and phone number:______
  3. Department:______
  4. Department Chair: ______
  5. Department Administrative Contact regarding promotion materials (Name/Title/Phone/Email):______


  1. Candidate’s Current Academic Rank: (Assistant Professor or Associate Professor)______
  2. Is the department nominating you for promotion? (Yes/No)______
  3. Track: (Tenured/Tenure Track/Non-Tenure Track)______

-If on the Tenure-Track, is the department nominating you for Award of Tenure? (Yes/No)

-If Tenured/Tenure-Track or Research-focused Non-Tenure Track: Do you identify as an independent scientist or team scientist or both?______

-If on the Non-Tenure Track: What is your Primary Area of Excellence: Teaching, Clinical Service/ Research (Independent, Team, Hybrid)? ______

-If on the Non-Tenure Track: What additional area(s) have you made acceptable contributions in: Teaching, Clinical Service/ Research (Independent or Team Scientist)?______

Please read each statement and sign below acknowledging your understanding and agreement of the promotion process requirements of the SOM at CWRU.

My CV is current, dated, and formatted according to the School of Medicine template;

If there are significant accomplishments between May 1st and December 1st, I will email an updated CV to Faculty Affairs and name the file “Updated CV_CandidateName_Date”;

I will not submit other faculty’s teaching evaluations with my own teaching evaluations;

All external referees submitted will meet the definition of an “arm’s length” reviewer;

All referees will be selected according to instructions and I will indicate which referees I selected;

I understand that Promotion/tenure processes are conducted in a confidential manner. I will not communicate directly with any of my referees regarding the promotion/tenure process; and

I understand that all updates regarding my promotion will be communicated to my Department Chair and they are responsible for providing timely updates to me.

Final decisions regarding promotions will not be made until June 2019 and will be effective July 1, 2019.

Promotion Candidate Name:______

Promotion Candidate Signature:______


Department Chair Name:______

Department Chair Signature:______
