Tillingbourne Valley Task Group

Tillingbourne Valley Task Group



Attending: David Wright (Chairman)

Rob Fairbanks

David Bunting

Moira Cash

Lesley Childs

Tim Harrold

Roy Hogben

Chris Howard

Helen Neve

Mike Parsons

Maggie Scott

Pennie King (Administrator)


1. / Introductions/Apologies
The group welcomed David Bunting, St Martha PC; Mike Parsons, Shalford PC;
Apologies received from Roy Davey, Shere PC and Nuala Livesey, Shalford PC.
2. / Notes of last meeting
The notes of the last meeting were approved.
3. /

The Project

3.1 / RF outlined where we are in terms of the project and stressed that we need to be very clear about next steps and target dates. He stressed that we need to be more modest in what we want to achieve and to focus on outcomes for Heritage and Community. We need to bear in mind that HLF do not want money to go for private gain.
RF had circulated an outline proposal in advance of the meeting. He confirmed that the application contains many parts of the original application but is more community focused, with the main beneficiaries being the people who live in the area. It was important to emphasise that the proposal is promoting a “bottom up” approach. The group suggested amendments to the draft proposal which RF will make and will circulate the amended proposal to the Group.
The Surrey Hills Board will apply to HLF on behalf of Tillingbourne2gether, with letter of support from the parish councils and other community groups. SCC would act as bankers, which HLF would be in agreement with.
RF confirmed that the school visits would not be included in the application as they are already being carried out and it would be difficult to demonstrate added value. The meeting with Shere Museum proposed a focus on family activities.
RF stated that the “Guildford Landscape Character Assessment” would be a very useful document for this project and to reference it in the application. /



3.2 / RF confirmed the objectives:
  1. To support local committees and local organisations to research, record and archive the industries associated with the Tillingbourne Valley, and undertake practical activities.
  1. To develop and coordinate information on a Tillingbourne2gether website and promote a network of high quality trails and hubs (eg Shere Museum, Shalford Chapel, Shalford Mill and West Lodge, Chilworth Gunpowder Works) that interpret the rich heritage of the Tillingbourne Valley.
  1. To inspire and engage people to re-discover the unique history and heritage of the Tillingbourne Valley through family orientated walks, talks and events.

3.3 / HN confirmed that it is more achievable to go for the smaller “Our Heritage” scheme, with a maximum grant of £100k. This is a simpler application process than the Landscape Partnership Project, with a greater chance of success. It is possible to be a serial HLF applicant, building on previous successful applications. In-kind contributions are taken into account, especially volunteer hours. There are three levels of volunteer in-kind rates: manual, semi-skilled and professional (eg surveyor). HN stressed that important of being VAT registered. There is no closing date as it is a rolling programme. HLF will assess the application within 8 weeks and then take it to the regional Board; approximately a 3 month turn around.
3.4 /

HLF Regional Workshop

Maggie Scott reported that she and David Bunting had attended a regional workshop held by the South East arm of HLF. HLF went through the “Our Heritage” criteria. MS and DB came away with the knowledge that the project should be more community focused with the need to identify what the legacy left behind will be. DB stated that there needs to be evidence of costs through quotes, and HLF will be looking for a timeline: a beginning and an end. As soon as a grant is awarded, HLF will expect the project to start immediately, so it is imperative that we are ready to go. At the end of two years the project has to be finished, although it will need to be sustained. MS voiced her concern about the start date, in particular with regard to West Lodge, as it will be difficult to be ready to start and therefore suggested this was not included.
3.5 /

Project Officer

The AONB Unit will have a role in employing a Project Officer and will deal with the employment issues, but the Project Officer will be based locally, possibly in Shere Museum. Although the downside of employing a Project Officer would be the cost involved, it was felt that it would beneficial to have someone to oversee the project. However the Project Officer will support and ensure that the project is sustained once the Project Officer is no longer in post. RF said that if a parish council or another organisation would like to act as the accountable body for the Project Officer, that could be appropriate. RF agreed to write the job description for the Project Officer and will circulate a draft to the group. /


4. /

West Lodge

4.1 / MS felt there was a threat that West Lodge could be sold off by GBC as an asset. MC replied that if a good proposal were to be put forward, it would be considered by GBC’s Asset Development. It is not currently on the agenda to be sold and could be registered as a community asset. It was agreed that a great deal of money would need to be spent on West Lodge to make it usable and that it is not a building of intrinsic value, as it is small. MS stated that the proposal would be for GBC to retain ownership and to grant Chilworth2gether a lease. This would demonstrate that GBC is supporting the Gunpowder Mills by allowing the community to use West Lodge. It was agreed that DW, as Borough Councillor, is in a good position to lobby. There would need to be a business plan in place before it is possible to apply for a grant for West Lodge, perhaps by setting up a Community Interest Company (CIC) to manage it. The Parish Council would need to be the accountable body, working in partnership with Chilworth2gether.
DW said that if GBC gave West Lodge to Chilworth2gether in good and proper order, Chilworth2gether could then apply for money to kit it out as part of a future bid. /


4.2 /

Next Steps for West Lodge

  • The first task is to talk to GBC assets to see what their decision is and how they perceive it
  • Chilworth2gether to put to GBC what they would like to achieve and to start looking at costs
  • In the “Our Heritage” application West Lodge should be mentioned but not made part of the bid; pointing out that as a result of the original bid it is being progressed and may form part of a future bid
  • May want to mention the business of future management and oversight
  • There could be merit in having a group to manage West Lodge, the Gunpowder Mills and the proposed village green
  • Trusts could be set up for the West Lodge, the Gunpowder Mills and village green
  • As part of the exit strategy ensure it goes into the future through the website, two annual meetings etc.

5. /

Next Steps/Time Line

  • Paper to be taken to Surrey Hills AONB Board meeting on 16 April to get an “in principle’ agreement for the Board to act as the accountable body
  • Pre-application to be submitted to HLF for feedback
  • In May/June detailed briefs for interpretation to be written (including for website)
  • Job description for Project Officer to be prepared and circulated to Group for comment
  • Costings of capital works to Museum
  • Clarification of number of activity days, walks, etc
  • Landscape survey to determine
  • Send draft application to partners by end of June, particularly to parish councils.
  • Write to parish councils, asking for “in principle” letters of support
  • Compile list of Parish Council meeting dates
  • Letters of support also needed from History Society; Surrey Archaeological Society’ Industrial History Society; Parks & Garden Society
  • Need to write to GBC to keep them in the loop
  • Plan to recruit Project Officer by end of 2014, to start New Year “with all guns blazing”
  • Plan activity programme to include water resource management (crayfish; Japanese knotweed, etc). Volunteers could be used to count crayfish and invasive plants. SWT could be used to co-ordinate a river search and volunteers could count crayfish and invasive plant. NB: As it is a river project, it is important to emphasise the river in the application. Need to speak to SWT.
  • Group to sign off application on 2 July 2014
  • Application to be submitted on 4 July 2014 for decision in October.











6. /

Date of Next Meeting:

Wednesday 2 July 2014, 15:00 – 17:00

Newlands House