Sub BrailleToNeumes()


' This Macro takes a file of Byzantine music in Braille (i.e., ASCII code) and converts

' the braille characters for the lyrics into their corresponding Greek characters (using

' the Minion Pro font). Furthermore, it also converts the braille characters for the neumes

' into their corresponding characters of the EZ Psaltica font set and places those neumes above

' the Greek lyrics.

' The alignment of the neumes and lyrics is not perfect enough for the output of this

' macro to be published, but it is good enough so that a sighted chanter could use the output

' of this macro to chant with. Another small flaw is that occasionally a fthora will overlap

' another neume. For these reasons, a sighted person who knows how to use the EZ Psaltica fonts

' should always proofread the output of this macro so that any imperfections can be manually

' adjusted.

' Currently it assumes that the braille lyrics represent Greek characters. It is likely that in

' the near future I will add flexibility to this macro so that it can also convert Braille

' Byzantine music written with lyrics in English.

' In order to work, this macro relies on the following subroutines, which are included in this

' file: KentemataCombos, ShiftMultiGorgons, FixAplesinBraille, and FinalPolishing, and the

' following functions: AddSpace, RemoveSpace, and Switch.


' Macro created 5/19/2010 by Papa Ephraim and completed on 8/20/2010


Dim text, insertion, previous_char, current_char, change, vowel

Dim previous2_char, previous3_char, extend_count, extend

Dim oligon_flag, petaste_flag, vareia_flag, psefiston_flag

Dim caps_flag, all_caps_flag, wide_neume_flag, new_line_flag

Dim i, j, m, n, x, y, caps, next_char, max_char, next_char2

Dim get_low_martyria, combo_done, end_of_line, gorgon_dot

text = 1 ' This variable is 1 when the current selection is Braille codes that represent lyrics or martyrias

' It is 2 when the current selection is Braille codes that represent the melody.

' It is 3 when the current selection is Braille codes that represent a fthora.

' It is 0 when the current selection is Braille codes that represent numbers.

insertion = True 'The default value of insertion is True, since the loop will insert something

' after mo st Braille characters. But when it doesn't, it sets this to False

extend = False ' This flag variable is True when more than one Braille symbol need be combined

' into a single neume.

oligon_flag = False

petaste_flag = False

vareia_flag = False

psefiston_flag = False

caps_flag = False

all_caps_flag = False

wide_neume_flag = False

gorgon_dot = False

caps = 0

extend_count = 0

get_low_martyria = False

combo_done = False

end_of_line = False

new_line_flag = True

Selection.WholeStory 'these 4 lines create a new document for the output file


' Documents.Add DocumentType:=wdNewBlankDocument

' Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdPasteDefault)


With Selection.font

.Name = "Minion Pro"

.size = 12

.Spacing = 1 ' this helps MS Word recognize zero-width characters

End With

Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

' The following 17 lines capitalize all letters of the alphabet


For x = 97 To 122



With Selection.Find

.text = ChrW(x)

.Replacement.text = ChrW(x - 32)

.Forward = True

.Wrap = wdFindContinue

.Format = False

.MatchCase = True

.MatchWholeWord = False

.MatchWildcards = False

.MatchSoundsLike = False

.MatchAllWordForms = False

End With

Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll

Next x

Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory

Selection.TypeText text:=ChrW(990) 'inserts a qoppa at the end of the file as a marker

Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory

Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine

Selection.TypeText text:=ChrW(992) 'inserts a sampi at the end of the line as a marker

Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine ' moves cursor to the beginning of the line

max_char = 2000 ' The maximum number of characters for this macro to convert is 2000.

' Doing more at a time makes it more time-consuming and prone to error.

For j = 1 To max_char

' --1

current_char = Selection

Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1 ' PEEK AHEAD

next_char = Selection

Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

If extend = True Then ' Beginning of CheckCombos Subroutine

extend_count = extend_count + 1



Select Case text

' --10

Case 1 ' When current selection is for martyrias (columns beta, xi, and

'omicron), tempo, and "column alpha" names of notes

' --11

Select Case extend_count

Case 1 ' for extend_count = 1 and text = 1

' --111

' --1110


Selection.MoveRight Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

next_char = Selection

If (next_char = "I") Or (next_char = "A") Or (next_char = "U") Or (next_char = ">") Or (next_char = "J") Or (next_char = "E") Then

' --11100

Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1


' --11101

Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

Select Case previous_char

Case """" ' dot 5 (does this """" work???)

Select Case current_char

Case "D" ' Diatonic martyria for high Di

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="m/"

End With

get_low_martyria = True ' This means I still need to get the lower

' part of the diatonic martyria

combo_done = True

Case "G" ' Diatonic martyria for high Ga

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="n/"

End With

get_low_martyria = True

combo_done = True

Case "B" ' Diatonic martyria for high Vou

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="b/"

End With

get_low_martyria = True

combo_done = True

Case "P" ' Diatonic martyria for high Pa

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="v/"

End With

get_low_martyria = True

combo_done = True

Case "N" ' Diatonic martyria for high Nee

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="c/"

End With

get_low_martyria = True

combo_done = True

Case "Z" ' Diatonic martyria for high Zo

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="./"

End With

get_low_martyria = True

combo_done = True

End Select ' End of previous_char = """"

Case "_" ' dots 456

Select Case current_char

Case "K" ' Diatonic martyria for Ke

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:=","

End With

get_low_martyria = True

combo_done = True

Case "D" ' Diatonic martyria for Di

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="m"

End With

get_low_martyria = True

combo_done = True

Case "G" ' Diatonic martyria for Ga

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="n"

End With

get_low_martyria = True

combo_done = True

Case "B" ' Diatonic martyria for Vou

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="b"

End With

get_low_martyria = True

combo_done = True

Case "P" ' Diatonic martyria for Pa

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="v"

End With

get_low_martyria = True

combo_done = True

Case "N" ' Diatonic martyria for Nee

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="c"

End With

get_low_martyria = True

combo_done = True

Case "Z" ' Diatonic martyria for Zo

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="."

End With

get_low_martyria = True

combo_done = True

End Select ' End of previous_char = "_"

Case "^" ' dots 45

Select Case current_char

Case "K" ' Diatonic martyria for Low Ke

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Special-I"

.TypeText text:=",<"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "D" ' Diatonic martyria for Low Di

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Special-I"

.TypeText text:="mM"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "8" ' Hard Chromatic martyria for Low Ke

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Special-I"

.TypeText text:=","

End With

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica" ' Will this work?

.TypeText text:="M"

.font.Position = 6

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "5" ' Hard Chromatic martyria for Low Di

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Special-I"

.TypeText text:="m?"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

End Select ' End of previous_char = "^"

Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1 ' deletes braille last cell of martyria

End Select ' End of text = 1 extend_count = 3 combos

End If ' For next_char check

' --11101x

' Else ' (if previous_char = "X")

' --1111

' End If ' (when previous_char = "X")

Case 2 ' for extend_count = 2 and text = 1

' --112

Select Case previous2_char

Case """" ' dot 5

Select Case previous_char

Case "7" ' soft chromatic

Select Case current_char

Case "D"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="m/"

End With

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Fthora"

.font.Position = -2

.TypeText text:="R"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "B"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="b/"

End With

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Fthora"

.font.Position = -2

.TypeText text:="R"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "N"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="c/"

End With

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Fthora"

.font.Position = -2

.TypeText text:="R"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

End Select

Case "6" ' soft chromatic

Select Case current_char

Case "G"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="n<?/"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "P"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="v<?/"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "Z"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:=".<?/"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "K"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:=",<?/"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "D"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="m<?/"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "B"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="b<?/"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "N"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="c<?/"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

End Select

Case "8" ' hard chromatic

Select Case current_char

Case "P"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="vM/"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "Z"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:=".M/"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

End Select

Case "5" ' hard chromatic

Select Case current_char

Case "N"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="c?/"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

End Select

End Select ' for previous_char when previous2_char = """"

Case "_" ' dots 456

Select Case previous_char

Case "#" ' initial martyria for kentemata-oligon

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Special-II"

.TypeText text:="y"

End With

combo_done = True

Case "7" 'soft chromatic

Select Case current_char

Case "K"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:=","

End With

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Fthora"

.font.Position = -2

.TypeText text:="R"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "G"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="n"

End With

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Fthora"

.font.Position = -2

.TypeText text:="R"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "P"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="v"

End With

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Fthora"

.font.Position = -2

.TypeText text:="R"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

End Select

Case "6" ' soft chromatic

Select Case current_char

Case "D"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="m<?"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "B"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="b<?"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "N"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="c<?"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "K"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:=",<?"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "P"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="v<?"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "G"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="n<?"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "Z"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:=".<?"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

End Select

Case "8" ' hard chromatic

Select Case current_char

Case "D"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="mM"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "B"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="bM"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "N"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="cM"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "K"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:=",M"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "G"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="nM"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "P"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="vM"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "Z"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:=".M"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

End Select

Case "5" ' hard chromatic

Select Case current_char

Case "K"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:=",?"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "G"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="n?"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "P"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="v?"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "Z"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:=".?"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "B"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="b?"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "N"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="c?"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

Case "D"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="m?"

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

wide_neume_flag = False

End Select

Case "B"

With Selection

.font.Name = "Minion Pro"

.TypeText text:=ChrW(914) & ChrW(927) & ChrW(933) ' VOU

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

End Select

End Select ' for previous2_char

Case 3 ' for extend_count = 3 and text = 1

' --113

Select Case previous2_char

Case "D"

With Selection

.font.Name = "Minion Pro"

.TypeText text:=ChrW(916) & ChrW(921) ' DI

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

If current_char = "4" Then

Selection.TypeText text:="."

Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

End If

Selection.TypeText text:=" "

Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

Case "G"

With Selection

.font.Name = "Minion Pro"

.TypeText text:=ChrW(915) & ChrW(913) ' GA

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

If current_char = "4" Then

Selection.TypeText text:="."

Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

End If

Selection.TypeText text:=" "

Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

Case "B"

With Selection

.font.Name = "Minion Pro"

.TypeText text:=ChrW(914) & ChrW(927) & ChrW(933) ' VOU

End With

If current_char = "4" Then

Selection.TypeText text:="."

Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

End If

combo_done = True

text = 2

Case "P"

With Selection

.font.Name = "Minion Pro"

.TypeText text:=ChrW(928) & ChrW(913) ' PA

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

If current_char = "4" Then

Selection.TypeText text:="."

Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

End If

Selection.TypeText text:=" "

Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

Case "N"

With Selection

.font.Name = "Minion Pro"

.TypeText text:=ChrW(925) & ChrW(919) ' NEE

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

If current_char = "4" Then

Selection.TypeText text:="."

Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

End If

Selection.TypeText text:=" "

Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

Case "Z"

With Selection

.font.Name = "Minion Pro"

.TypeText text:=ChrW(918) & ChrW(937) ' ZO

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

If current_char = "4" Then

Selection.TypeText text:="."

Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

End If

Selection.TypeText text:=" "

Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

Case "K"

With Selection

.font.Name = "Minion Pro"

.TypeText text:=ChrW(922) & ChrW(917) ' KE

End With

combo_done = True

text = 2

If current_char = "4" Then

Selection.TypeText text:="."

Selection.Delete Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

End If

Selection.TypeText text:=" "

Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1

' The rest of these cases are initial martyrias

Case "9"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Special-II"

.TypeText text:="Q" ' chart: Xi-2

End With

combo_done = True

Case "6"

Select Case current_char

Case "P"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Special-II"

.TypeText text:="W" ' chart: Xi-3

End With

combo_done = True

Case "&"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="nB" ' chart: Xi-12

.font.Name = "EZ Special-II"

.TypeText text:="|"

End With

combo_done = True

Case Else

Selection.TypeText text:="Initial Martyria Error - dots 235"

End Select

Case "7"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Special-II"

.TypeText text:="pe" ' chart: Xi-4

End With

combo_done = True

Case "8"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Special-II"

.TypeText text:="R" ' chart: Xi-5

End With

combo_done = True

Case "0"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Special-II"

.TypeText text:="E" ' chart: Xi-9

End With

combo_done = True

Case "5"

Select Case current_char

Case "Z"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Special-II"

.TypeText text:="q" ' chart: Xi-7

End With

combo_done = True

Case "O"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Special-II"

.TypeText text:="w" ' chart: Xi-8

End With

combo_done = True

Case Else

Selection.TypeText text:="Initial Martyria Error - dots 26"

End Select

Case "4"

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Special-II"

.TypeText text:="r" ' chart: Xi-10

End With

combo_done = True

End Select ' End of text = 1 extend_count = 3 combos

End Select ' End of text = 1 combos


Case 2 ' When current selection is for neume combos (text = 2)

' --12

Select Case extend_count

Case 1 ' for extend_count = 1 and text = 2

' --121

' Check if any two-symbol combos match previous_char and current_char

Select Case previous_char

Case "_" ' dots 456

Select Case current_char

Case "W" ' +7

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="7"

End With

wide_neume_flag = True

combo_done = True

Case "T" ' +7 with klasma

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="7z"

End With

wide_neume_flag = True

combo_done = True

Case ")" ' +7 with diple

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="7k"

End With

wide_neume_flag = True

combo_done = True

Case "J" ' +7 with gorgon

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="7x"

End With

wide_neume_flag = True

combo_done = True

Case "?" ' -7

If petaste_flag = True Then

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Special-I"

.TypeText text:="R"

End With


With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="&"

End With

End If

wide_neume_flag = True

combo_done = True

Case "D" ' -7 with gorgon

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="&S"

End With

wide_neume_flag = True

combo_done = True

Case "V" ' +4 with petaste

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="r"

End With

wide_neume_flag = True

combo_done = True

Case "U" ' +4 with petaste and klasma

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="r" & ChrW(61585)

End With

wide_neume_flag = True

combo_done = True

End Select

Case "@" ' dot 4

Select Case current_char

Case "%" ' sharp with one crossbeam

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Fthora"

.TypeText text:="}"

End With

combo_done = True

Case "<" ' flat with one crossbeam

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Fthora"

.TypeText text:="{"

End With

combo_done = True

Case "]" ' +3

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="3"

End With

wide_neume_flag = True

combo_done = True

Case "Q" ' +3 with klasma

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="3z"

End With

wide_neume_flag = True

combo_done = True

Case "=" ' +3 with diple

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="3k"

End With

wide_neume_flag = True

combo_done = True

Case "G" ' +3 with gorgon

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="3S"

End With

wide_neume_flag = True

combo_done = True

Case "W" ' +5

With Selection

.font.Name = "EZ Psaltica"

.TypeText text:="5"

End With

wide_neume_flag = True

combo_done = True

Case "T" ' +5 with klasma