

IDP Review

1. / Chapter 1
1.1 / Introduction / 1
1.2 / IDP Process Plan / 2
1.3. / MEC’s comments on 2008/09 IDP review / 9
2. / Chapter Situational Analysis / 14
2.1 / City’s profile / 14
2.3 / Service Delivery Issues / 24
2.8. / Institutional development / 36
Chapter 3 / 43
3.1. / Introduction / 43
3.2. / National and Provincial priorities / 43
3.3. / Vision and Mission / 50
3.4. / MogaleCity’s political priorities / 50
3.5. / Strategic goals and objectives / 51
Chapter 4 / 57
4.1. / Prioritization of community needs in the IDP projects / 57
4.2. / IDP projects (service delivery projects) / 58
4.3. / IDP projects (support service projects) / 80
Chapter 5
5.1. / IDP and budget alignment / 83
Chapter 6
6.1. / Spatial Development Framework / 92
6.2. / LED strategy (Executive Summary) / 100
6.3 / Human Capital Strategy (Executive Summary) / 101
6.4. / Environmental Management Framework (Executive Summary) / 106
6.5 / Performance Management Framework / 109
6.5. / Medium Term Expenditure Framework 2009-10 /2010-11/ 2011-12 (Executive Summary) / 119
List of tables
Table 1 / Framework programme with timeframes / 3
Table 2 / Horizontal alignment activities of district and local municipalities / 6
Table 3 / List of binding plans and legislation / 7
Table 4 / MEC’s comment and MCLM responses / 9
Table 5 / Maternal health / 21
Table 6 / Youth programmes / 22
Table 7 / Sanitation levels / 25
Table 8 / Mogale City MIG backlogs / 30
Table 9 / Households approved in accordance with the indigent policy / 32
Table 10 / Job creation in 2009/10 financial year / 33
Table 11 / Employment equity figures / 35
Table 12 / HIV and AIDS workplace plan / 35
Table 13 / Operational budget performance 2008 / 38
Table 14 / Capital budget performance / 38
Table 15 / SWOT analysis / 51
List of graphs
Graph 1 / Population growth / 16
Graph 2 / Population pyramid / 17
Graph 3 / Employment status / 18
Graph 4 / Income levels and gender / 19
Graph 5 / Access to piped water / 24
Graph 6 / Type of refuse removal / 26
Graph 7 / Types of dwellings / 28
List of maps
map 1 / MogaleCity Map / 15
List of Photos
photo / Old Kagiso hostel converted to family units / 30
Annexure 1: Public Participation Process



1.1 Introduction

This is the 3rd annual review of the 5 years Integrated Development Plan (IDP) of Mogale City Local Municipality (MCLM). This IDP review follows from the City’s vision to provide quality service delivery for all in MogaleCity. Furthermore, the IDP review has considered that there are community needs that should be prioritised to guide the allocations in the City’s budget for the 2009/10 financial year.

This IDP review is prepared in alignment with the budget and performance management plan objectives of the municipality, resulting in the development and submission of the Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP).

This report firstly provides the IDP Process Plan, Chapter 1, which is the methodology that is applied to undertake IDP review. The IDP process plan outlines the IDP timelines, role and responsibilities of various stakeholders as well as discusses the binding legislation and provide a list of comments on the 2008/9 IDP from the MEC for Local Government . Secondly, the report refers to situational analysis, which is Chapter 2; it shed light on population dynamics, service delivery success and backlogs, identification and brief analysis of priority areas as well as community needs.

Thirdly, the report outlines strategy guidelines that have been developed to drive programmes and projects implementation. Chapter 3 would deliberate on the vertical and horizontal alignment issues respectively. In this chapter focus would be on the City alignment with national and provincial programmes as well as to explain the strategic alignment with adjacent municipalities, in particular the municipalities in the district municipality. Finally, the IDP review would outline the project plans in chapter 4, which outlines the budget allocation for the 2009/10 financial year and the two outer years of the Medium Term Framework. The project plans would be provided as ward based.

1.2. IDP Process Plan

1.2.1. Legislative framework

The Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000(MSA) provides that the IDP be reviewed and updated every financial year in accordance with the resources and changing circumstances of the municipality.

The MSA (2000) requires from the municipality, after the start of its elected term to adopt a single, inclusive and strategic plan for the development of the municipality. The preparation of the Mogale City IDP is in the spirit of providing a 5 year strategic plan for the WRDM.

In terms of Section 27 of the MSA, a local municipality should develop IDP process plan. The framework requires consultation between the district municipality and the constituent local municipalities during the process of drafting the respective IDPs. Thus, the framework binds both the district and local municipalities.

In terms of the provision of the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 the IDP and Budget process plans should be table by the Executive Mayor at Council 10 months before the end of the financial year.

1.2.2 Approval of the IDP Process Plan

MCLM has approved the IDP Process Plan in August 2008. The process plan for IDP review was prepared in terms of the provision of the MSA, 2000.

According to the IDP guide packs issued by the Department of Provincial and Local Government (DPLG), the IDP Process plan should include the following;


1.2.3 Framework programme with timeframes


Table 1, above outlines the process to be followed during the IDP planning and budget process during a financial year, in terms of the provisions of the MSA and Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (MFMA). Section 23 of the MFMA, states that the Mayor of a municipality must at least 10 months before the start of the budget year, table in the municipal council, a time schedule outlining key deadlines for the:

  • preparation, tabling and approval of the annual budget
  • Integrated development plan in terms of Section 34 of the MSA.

Moreover, the MFMA states that the municipal council must, at least 30 days before the start of the budget year, consider the approval of the annual budget.

1.2.4. Issues of roles and responsibilities

The Executive Mayor and the Municipal Manager of the WRDM are the overall accounting and responsible persons for the monitoring and implementation of the IDP review process. However, this responsibility has been delegated to the Municipal Manager. The Municipal Manager with the support of the IDP and performance Management unit is responsible for managing the IDP preparation.

a. IDP/Budget Implementation Team

The IDP/Budget team is chaired by the Chief Operations Officer and consists of Chief Financial Officer and IDP and Performance Management Budget and Treasury Office and Public Participation Officer other senior officials. The role of this committee is to provide:

  • overall management and co-ordination of the planning process
  • relevant technical, sectoral and financial information for analysis and determination of priorities.
  • contribute technical expertise in the consideration and finalisation of the strategies and implementation of projects

The technical committee meets on a weekly basis to assess the progress made and to guide the process of IDP preparation.

b. IDP Co-ordinators Forum

The co-ordinators forum of IDP managers from local municipalities and the district provides a platform where the district and local municipalities discuss areas of mutual interest and provide alignment between all municipalities. The IDP co-ordinators meet at least once a month to discuss the alignment process.

c. IDP Stakeholder Forum

The IDP stakeholder forum consists of all stakeholders, such as labour, business, youth and religious groups. The IDP representative forum ensures effective and efficient public participation on matters of the IDP review. This structure meets to;

  • consult on the contents of the IDP
  • monitor the implementation of the IDP
  • discuss the development, implementation and review of the municipality's PMS and
  • monitor the municipality's performance in relation to the key performance indicators and performance targets set by the municipality;

1.4.3. Procedure for alignment and consultation

a. Levels of alignment

The City has, for the duration of the IDP review, promoted horizontal and vertical alignment

(i)Vertical alignment:

Between spheres of government,role players are:

  • national and provincial departments
  • parastatal institutions (Eskom, Telkom, Rand Water etc.)
(ii) Horizontal alignment:

Major role-players in horizontal alignment are;

  • local municipalities within the WRDM area of jurisdiction.

Table 2: Horizontal Alignment Activities of District and LocalMunicipalities

Information on priority issues
Joint decision on IDP guidelines
Technical inputs to project planning
Sector programmes under responsibility of the district
Submissions of draft IDP
Comments on the draft IDPs

1.2.6. Binding plans and planning requirements at provincial and national level

Table 3:List of Binding Plans and Legislation

Category of Requirements / Sector Requirements
For a municipal level plan / Water Services Development Plan
Integrated Transport Plan
Integrated Waste Management Plan; State of the Environment Report
For sector planning to be incorporated as a component in the IDP / Municipal Housing plans
Local Economic Development Strategies;
Financial Plan; Medium term budget plans
Capital Investment Programme
Spatial Development Framework.
Performance Management System
Integrated HIV/AIDS Programme
Integrated Poverty Alleviation and Gender Equity Programme
Disaster Management Plan
For compliance with normative frameworks / National Environmental Management Act
Development Facilitation Act principles
Gauteng Spatial Development Framework

1.2.7 Procedures and principles for monitoring of planning

a. Mayoral committee and Council

The Mayoral Committee and Council have an oversight role in the IDP preparation and drafting and approval. The Mayoral Committee should approve;

  • IDP framework,
  • community needs register and
  • public participation plans and reports before the IDP review is submitted to Council for Final approval.

Council is the only body that has the competence to approve the draft IDP and Budget.

b. Adoption of the IDP Review

The adoption of the 2009/10 IDP review has to be approved by Council 30 days before the end of the financial year. Section 27 of the MSA states that the municipality consults with the local community in adopting the process and gives notice to the local community.


1.3 MEC’s comments on the 2008/09 IDP review

In terms of Section 32(2) of the Municipal Systems Act (MSA), I have concluded that there is no issue that requires amendments to the …. For 2008/9 and therefore provide my comments below. The comments are clustered according to the five Key Performance Areas (KPAs) against which the Municipal Integrated Development Plan was measured.

Table 4: MEC’s Comments and MCLM response

1. / Local Economical Development and Growth / MCLM Responses
a. / In 2007 the West Rand District Municipality (WRDM) approved its Growth and Development Strategy (GDS), which outlines the growth and development potential of the entire West Rand Region. As the Mogale City Local Municipality (MCLM) is in the process of developing a Local Economic Strategy (LD), it is imperative that the strategy be aligned to the GDS in ensuring an integrated focus for economic development in the region. / MCLM LED programme has been aligned to the District GDS
b. / It is concerning to note that the MCLM does not have strategies or polices to support the provincial 'Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) Strategy. The municipality is urged to develop and implement comprehensive BBBEE programmes as a matter of urgency in order to achieve sustainable and inclusive economic development. It is important that the MCLM work closely with the Department of Economic Development (DED) to address this issue. / The BBBEE strategy of has been incorporated in the Supply chain strategy of MCLM
c. / Training and skills development for the community is an important aspect of enhancing employment and addressing poverty. It is critical that citizens acquire the necessary skills for adequate access to employment opportunities. The MCLM is also urged to focus on establishing learnership programmes in order to allow the youth to develop into skilled productive members of society. Furthermore, the MCLM is advised to jointly work with the Department of Labour (DoL) for support and funding on these issues. / Noted
d. / The decline in the production and employment within the mining sector, which is the cornerstone of MCLM's economy, remains a concern. It is recommended that the MCLM in partnership with all relevant stakeholders, further explore other existing opportunities to boost local economic growth (e.g. reviving the agricultural sector, given the current global food scarcity and the consequently rise in food prices). / Noted
e. / Tourism has been identified as the second largest contributor to the local economy of the MCLM. The well renowned Cradle of Humankind & Maropeng which are within the boundaries of the MCLM, are part of the sought after tourism destinations in the province. However the 2008/09 MCLM's IDP does not clearly indicate any support initiatives to capitalize on these aspects. In his 2008 speech, the Gauteng Premier: Mbhazima Shilowa indicated that "We need to strengthen our position as a tourism destination by continuing to increase the appeal of our special destinations such as the Cradle of Humankind and Maropeng". The MCLM is urged to develop strategies and projects to support the Cradle of Humankind and Maropeng as tourism initiatives. The MCLM is further urged to utilise the opportunities created from this initiative to create a ripple effect of economic growth that should extend through the MCLM and the whole region. / The programme to integrated tourism in MCLM has been included in the 2009/10 IDP review
It is noted in the 2008/09 IDP Review that the MCLM is constantly engaging with the mining houses, the WRDM and the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) on the matter of rehabilitation of the mine dumps. However the IDP does not indicate any progress made with regard to this matter and it raises concern since the finalization of the matter has been outstanding for a long period of time. The MCLM is urged to include a detailed progress report on this matter in the next revised 2009/10 IDP and also indicate any support required from other stakeholders. / Mines have improved in rehabilitation of mine dump. Thus this issues in no longer a major issue
Service Delivery
a. / It is pleasing to note that the MCLM has embarked on water and sanitation programme aiming to meet the 2008 and 2010 targets for delivery of water and sanitation services respectively to the poor as well as eradicating backlogs in service delivery to urban and semi-urban areas. For the financial year 2008/09 R11, 4million has been budgeted for this purpose. This indicates that the MCLM is working towards meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) targets. The MCLM is further encouraged to make a concerted effort to implement its plans and utilise the assigned budget. / A programme to address MDG goals has been included in the 2009/10
b. / The Gauteng Premier Mbhazima Shilowa in his 2008 State of the Province (SOPA) Address stated that there is Energy crisis in the country and we jointly as government should prioritise planning around this issue. The municipality is urged to formulate an Energy Plan and further explore alternative sources of energy in partnership with the West Rand District Municipality (WRDM) and DLG particularly noting mining activity (as the mining industry requires and utilises vast amounts of energy) in the area. / MCLM has introduced energy saving mechanisms to improve the use of electric energy
c. / The issue of land evictions in rural areas has been a challenge in the MCLM and this has been noted in past IDP reviews. It is concerning that nothing has been done towards addressing this issue. It is critical for the MCLM to start working closely with the Department of Land Affairs (DLA) and DoH in addressing this issue and ensuring the rights of all citizens in MCLM are respected and upheld. / MCLM is has been in constant discussions in the with DLA and DoH on management of farm evictions
d. / The MCLM is earmarked to be hosting 2010 World Cup Soccer activities and it is anticipated that the city will benefit greatly from this event. As a result the city is in the process of building the Amakhosi Stadium which will be utilized for practice sessions for various teams. The MCLM is encouraged to continue working closely with the Department of Sports Recreation, Arts and Culture (SRAC) to ensure the timeous and successful completion of the project.
e. / The 20 Prioritized Township Programme (20PTP) is aimed at the renewal of impoverished urban environment and provision of social and economic amenities in the twenty old established townships. Munsieville and Kagiso are the townships identified to benefit under this programme and it is noted in the current 2008/09 IDP that progress has been provided. The MCLM is commended for outlining progress in this regard and urged to continue to forge ahead for the timeous completion of the project. / noted
Institutional Development and Transformation
Capacitating and empowerment of women constitutes one of the key policy principles of the current term of local government and beyond. It is however concerning that 2008/09 MCLM IDP places very limited emphasis on programmes that seek to promote women empowerment in the municipality. The municipality is therefore urged to develop a comprehensive strategy and embark on an aggressive drive to build women capacity and promote women empowerment. / noted
The MCLM's efforts of ensuring that at least 90% of the vacant posts are fully funded for the coming financial year are noted. However, in line with the municipality's Employment Equity (EE) Plan, it is recommended that the municipality prioritises female candidates in filling these posts. / noted
According to the 2008/09 IDP, critical challenges pertaining to capacity, skills and staff retention continue to persist in the municipality. This situation poses a serious threat to the municipality's long term ability to meet its Constitutional obligations if allowed to continue unabatedly. The MCLM is therefore urged to develop a Skills Development Plan that would address this challenge. In addition, the municipality must develop and implement, as a matter of urgency, a staff retention policy to ensure that critical skills are retained in the municipality. / noted
Financial Management and Viability
It is noted with serious concern that the MCLM received a qualified audit report from their 2007/08 financial statements from the Auditor General (AG). The MCLM is advised to develop and implement corrective measures in partnership with the WRDM to ensure that an unqualified audit report is achieved in the next financial year in line with the provincial target of clean audit reports by 2009. / The CFO’s forum is assisting in this case
The MCLM reported a low spending on the capital budget of 49.6% as at 31 May 2008 in their financial statements submitted to Provincial Treasury. This is unacceptable since the lack on capital spending affects service delivery and negatively impacts the quality of life of the citizens of the MCLM. In order to accelerate capital spending during the next financial year, the municipality is urged to engage the DLG and Provincial Treasury for support. / noted
Monthly budget statements submitted to the Provincial Treasury as at 31 May 2008 indicates a negative bank balance and creditors are accordingly not paid within 30 days. It is for this reason that the MCLM should accelerate the development and implementation of a revenue enhancement strategy in order to improve the cash flow status of the municipality. / Revenue enhancement strategy is current place.
Furthermore, the total debt outstanding is alarmingly high at (R565.3 million) and raises serious concern. The MCLM is advised to urgently engage the DLG and Provincial Treasury to aid in addressing this issue in order to improve the financial viability and sustainability of the municipality. / noted
In the 2008/09 MCLM IDP there is no clarity on the status of implementing the Municipal Property Rates Act (MPRA). Since the MPRA is a key measure of revenue enhancement the municipality is advised to include the status of the matter in the IDP to emphasize its importance. / The MPRA status and implementation plan has been included in the 2009/10IDP