Things To Have Down Cold For The APUS Test

This is NOT an exclusive list of the things you may need to know for the multiple-choice section of the AP test, but these are the things that most often appear on the test. If you have these things down cold you should score well. As you review, try to commit to memory as much as you can on each of these topics and you will be on your way to a very good score.


·  Jamestown

Ø  Reason for establishment

Ø  Tobacco

Ø  Headright system

·  Pilgrims/Puritans

Ø  City on a Hill

Ø  Religious Tolerance

Ø  work ethic

Ø  Mayflower compact

Ø  Halfway Covenant

·  Bacon’s Rebellion

Ø  and slavery

Ø  and Indentured servants

·  Mercantilism/Salutary Neglect

·  French and Indian War effects

Ø  End of Salutary Neglect

Ø  Proclamation Line/Proclamation of 1763

§  —what it is, what consequences

Ø  Stamp Act; other revenue acts

·  Great Awakening

Ø  What

Ø  When

Ø  effects on established churches

·  Deism

·  Declaration of Independence

Ø  Contents

Ø  Purpose

·  Revolutionary War

Ø  Importance of French Aid

·  Article of Confederation

Ø  and weak central government

Ø  and Shay’s Rebellion

Ø  and flaws

·  British violations of Treaty of Paris

·  Land Ordinance of 1785; Land Ordinance of 1787

Ø  Orderly creation and admission of states

·  Constitution

Ø  How it strengthened the federal government

Ø  Ratification fight and who supported and who opposed

Ø  Major Amendments to it

·  Founding Fathers attitude toward political parties

·  Bill of Rights—Purpose and timing

·  Hamilton economic policies

Ø  funding and assumption

Ø  tariffs

Ø  Bank of US

Ø  and Jefferson reaction

Ø  and growth of political parties

·  Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation

·  Washington’s Farewell Address

·  Alien and Sedition Act

Ø  and Kentucky and Virginia Resolves

·  Election of 1800, significance

·  Louisiana Purchase; why Jefferson wanted it

·  Marbury v. Madison

·  Cult of Domesticity

·  War of 1812; causes

·  Hartford Convention

·  Lowell System

·  Compromise of 1820/Mo. Compromise

Ø  purpose, terms and how it changed the map

·  Eli Whitney

Ø  and Cotton Gin impact

Ø  and interchangeable parts

·  Monroe Doctrine

Ø  reasons

Ø  philosophy

Ø  development

Ø  and Roosevelt Corollary

·  American System/Clay-Whig policies

Ø  Canal building and their effects

·  Emerson, Cooper and other early 19th century authors

·  Tariff of Abominations/Nullification crisis

Ø  What

Ø  Calhoun

Ø  effects on later secession

Ø  Jackson’s reaction

·  Andrew Jackson

Ø  and Indian policy

Ø  and expansion of suffrage

Ø  and Bank of US

Ø  and Pet Banks

·  Irish Immigration

Ø  and Know-Nothing (Nativist) party

·  Transcendentalism

·  Mexico

Ø  Election of 1844 and Whig policy

·  Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

·  Manifest Destiny

Ø  Whig policy

Ø  Democratic policies

·  Popular Sovereignty

·  Kansas-Nebraska Act

Ø  and Popular Sovereignty

Ø  and Missouri Compromise

·  Compromise of 1850

Ø  California

Ø  Fugitive Slave Act

·  Seneca Falls Convention

Ø  Stanton and Anthony

·  William Lloyd Garrison

·  Dred Scott case

Ø  and Constitutionality of Missouri Compromise

Ø  and reaction in the North

·  John Brown

Ø  and Harper’s Ferry

Ø  and Reaction in the North and South

·  Lincoln/Republican policy on Slavery in 1860

Ø  and secession

·  Civil War

Ø  Causes

Ø  Strengths and Weaknesses of the North and South

Ø  Foreign Policy of Britain and France

·  Emancipation Proclamation;

Ø  purpose,

Ø  terms

·  Republican Reconstruction

Ø  Terms

Ø  Election of 1876

·  Post Civil War southern society

Ø  sharecropping

Ø  Black Codes

·  Dawes Act

·  Transcontinental RR

Ø  and Government subsidies

Ø  and land grants

Ø  and effect on industry

·  Social Darwinism

·  Gospel of Wealth

·  Laissez faire economics

·  Titans of Industry

Ø  and business combinations

Ø  and horizontal and vertical integration

·  Gilded-Age business cycles

·  Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Ø  and use against Unions

·  Populism

Ø  Policies

Ø  Why it failed

Ø  and southern racism

Ø  farmer discontent—why

·  Southern and Eastern European immigrants—1880s

·  Growth of the Cities

Ø  and machine politics

Ø  and sanitation

Ø  and stratification of classes

·  Frederick Jackson Turner Thesis

·  Spanish American War

Ø  and Yellow Journalism

Ø  and Philippines

·  Open Door Policy

·  Frederick Douglas compared to Du Bois

·  Progressivism

Ø  Reforms

Ø  Muckrakers

Ø  and city government

·  League of Nations

Ø  Terms

Ø  Reason Senate defeated

·  Mellon economic policies

·  Kellogg-Briand Pact

·  Naval Building limitations

·  World War II draft and difference from WWI draft

·  Post WWI attitude of Americans

·  Ford/Model T/assembly line

·  Scopes Trial and cultural conflict

·  1920s literature

Ø  Lost generation

Ø  Sinclair Lewis

·  Plessy v. Ferguson—Brown v. Board of Education

·  1930s Isolationism

Ø  and European debt issue

Ø  and causes

Ø  and consequences

·  Great Depressions

Ø  Causes

·  Hoover attitude toward welfare and handouts

·  Labor Unions

Ø  and Gompers

Ø  and Lewis

Ø  and AFL

Ø  and CIO

Ø  and Wagner Act

Ø  and Taft Hartley Act

Ø  and immigrants

Ø  and Sherman Anti-Trust Act

·  Neutrality Acts

·  FDR

Ø  100 days legislation

Ø  differences with Hoover

Ø  court-packing

Ø  Good Neighbor Policy

Ø  lend-lease

·  World War II

Ø  and Japanese Internment Camps

Ø  and Women in the workforce

Ø  and racism

·  McCarthyism

·  1950s

Ø  and suburbs

Ø  and baby boom

Ø  and nuclear war scare

Ø  and domestic tranquility

Ø  and Rock and Roll

Ø  and consumerism

Ø  and economic boom

·  Truman

Ø  and Fair Deal

Ø  and Republican Congress

Ø  and Korean War

Ø  and Containment

Ø  and Cold War

Ø  and Berlin Airlift

Ø  and Greece

·  Sputnik

·  Cuban Missile Crisis

·  Vietnam

Ø  and Gulf of Tonkin

Ø  and Johnson

Ø  and Nixon

Ø  and Protests

·  Lyndon Johnson

Ø  and Great Society

Ø  Civil Rights

·  Civil Rights Movement

Ø  and Sit-Ins

Ø  and School Desegregation

Ø  and Martin Luther King

Ø  and March on Washington

Ø  and Radical Black Leaders

·  1960s Protests

Ø  and Vietnam

Ø  and counter-culture

Ø  and women’s movement