Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is one of the most important gases on earth. It is critical for photosynthesis –duringwhich trees breathe the gas in and exhale oxygen. It also plays an important part in the GreenhouseEffect,trapping warmth inside theatmosphere.

The CO2 sensor has a broad dynamic range of 350-10k ppm. Plus,it'seasy to use – the sensor automaticallycalibratesitselfbeforeeveryexperiment.

TheCO2 Sensorcanbeconnectedtoanyeinstein™Tablet+,einstein™LabMate™,andeinstein™LabMate™+.ItcanbeusedforvariousexperimentsinBiology,ChemistryandEnvironmentalScience.

Typical Experiments

•Increases in carbon dioxide levels from small animals andinsects

•Changes in carbon dioxide concentration inside a plant terrarium during photorespiration andphotosynthesis cycles

•Carbon dioxide levels during cellular respiration of peas andbeans

•Changing carbon dioxide levels in aclassroom

•The rate at which carbon dioxide is removed from a closed atmosphere using sodium hydroxideorpotassiumhydroxide


•The rate at which carbon dioxide gas diffuses through a gas diffusiontube

•The production of carbon dioxide during fermentation ofsugars

The CO2Sensor has a sensitive element which consists of a solid electrolyte formed between twoelectrodes, together with a printed heater (RuO2) substrate. By monitoring the change in an electromotive force(EMF)generated between the two electrodes, it is possible to measure CO2gasconcentration.

The sensing element exhibits a linear relationship between the generated EMF and the logarithmicCO2gas concentration. A built-in microprocessor and digital-to-analog converter produce an output voltage thatislinearly proportional to the CO2gasconcentration.

The top of the sensor cap contains adsorbent (zeolite) for the purpose of reducing the influenceofinterferinggases.

Range: / 350 to 10000ppm
Accuracy: / ±20 % at 1000ppm
Resolution(12-bit): / 8ppmat350ppm;100ppmat5000ppm
Recommended SamplingRate: / 10 samples persecond
ResponseTime: / 90seconds(to90%off of avalue)
CurrentConsumption: / Approx. 50mA
Normal Operating Temp.Range: / -10 °C to 50°C
Normal Operating HumidityRange: / 5% to95%
Storage TemperatureRange: / -20 °C to 60°C
Storage HumidityRange: / 5% to90%

Note: Sensor cables soldseparately

The CO2 Sensor is shipped fully calibrated and also performs a simple, automatic, calibration procedureeverytime you plug the sensor into an einstein™device. As you begin measuring the sensor goes through a2-minute calibration; it is then ready foruse.

For greater accuracy the sensor can be manually calibrated.

MiLAB™ Desktop

  1. Go to the Full Setup window and in the Calibrate column click Set
  1. The Calibration window will appear

  1. Enter 400 ppm as the Real Reading
  2. Measure air in a well-ventilated room and wait for the readings to stabilize. Click the lock button
  3. Click Calibrate

Calibration – MiLAB™

  1. Tap the Settings button next to the sensor’s name
  1. Tap Manual Calibration

  1. Enter 400 ppm as the Real Reading
  2. Measure the air in a well-ventilated room and wait for the readings to stabilize.
  3. Tap the lock button
  4. Tap Calibrate.

1.Take your einstein™ Tablet OR pair your einstein™LabMate with your Android or iOS tablet viaBluetooth

2.Insert the sensor cable into one of the sensorports


4.MiLAB will automatically detect the sensor and show it in the LauncherView

5.Make sure the icon next to the sensor is checked ( ) to enable it forlogging

MiLAB™ Desktop

1.Pair your einstein™LabMate with your PC, MAC, or Linux machine via Bluetooth, or connect it via the USBcable(found in the einstein™LabMatebox).

2.Insert the sensor cable into one of the sensorports

3.Launch MiLAB Desktop

4.MiLAB Desktop will automatically detect the sensor and show it in the Current Setup Summarywindow

5.Click Full Setup, located at the bottom of the Current Setup Summary window to program the datalogger’s sample rate, number of samples, units of measurement, and otheroptions

6.Click the Run button( )on the main toolbar of the Launcher View to startlogging

Experimental Setup

The CO2 Sensor comes with:

  • One CO2sensor
  • One Flask
  • One Rubber Stopper
  • Flat cover with arubber stopper built in.

An example of using the CO2 Sensor

Measuring the CO2produced by a burning candle

For this experiment you will need:

  • An einstein™device
  • A CO2 sensor (with stopper)
  • A container
  • A cover for the container
  1. Cut a hole in the cover to hold the rubber stopper
  2. Put the CO2 sensor in the stopper
  3. Tap Run and wait for the sensor to measure around 390 ppm
  4. Light a candle and put it in the container
  5. Put the cover the container and follow the changes in CO2 levels

IftheCO2sensorisn'tautomaticallyrecognizedby MiLAB,pleasecontactFourier Education'stechnicalsupport.



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