Contact Information:
Email: Voicemail: Ext. 2614
· Students- Come see me or contact me if you need anything.
· Parents- Email is the fastest and most efficient way to reach me. I will do my best to respond during my plan period or by the end of the day.
Course Materials and Supplies:
· Textbook- Holt Science & Technology Series: Motion, Forces and Energy, Introduction to Matter, Interactions of Matter, and Environmental Science
· Students are expected to come to class prepared daily with the following materials and supplies: Holt science textbook, iPad, unit packet, writing utensils (pen, pencil) and planner.
Online Support- - Directory- Smith
· Front Page- Important test and project dates
· Links- link to text and additional resources from my website
The main topics of study include:
Metric Measurement:
-basic units for metric measurement
-metric conversions
-tools used for measurement
Motion, Forces and Energy:
-force and motion relationships
-affects of friction and gravity
-Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
-calculate speed, acceleration and momentum of moving objects
-work, energy and power
-kinetic and potential energy
-interactions of matter
-different states of matter
-basic structure of the atom
-periodic table
-signs of chemical reactions
Environmental Science:
-human impact on the environment
-interactions of organisms
-abiotic and biotic factors in the environment
-interactions between populations within communities and ecosystems
Grades and Grading Scale:
90 percent of your grade will be from Summative Assessments (test, quizzes, culminating projects and full lab write ups).
10 percent of your grade will be from Formative Assessments (packet material and shorter projects and labs).
Grades will be available online.
Grading Scale
90- 100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
0-59% = F
If you ever need extra help, I will be available before or after school and during Colt Time. I just ask that if you need help before or after school that it is scheduled ahead of time to avoid any other conflicts that I may have.
Retakes are offered; however, only 1 retake per semester. Students will need to fill out an alternate learning plan(ALP), obtain a parent signature, and complete test corrections in order to take a retake. Students will have one week from the date the tests were handed back to complete the corrections. All test corrections must be completed in the presence of an 8th grade science teacher.
Common Quarterly Projects:
Physics- Newton Law Books
Chemistry- Chemistry Choice Project
Environmental- Environmental Issue Project
Late Policy:
Homework is expected to be turned in on time, the day that it is due. However, late work will be accepted to a degree. I understand things happen so if you are struggling or unusual circumstances arise, please come talk to me. Students are not eligible for a retake if they have any missing assignments. Make-up work from an excused absence is not considered late, but is the responsibility of the student to obtain.
Behavior and Expectations:
You are to follow the classroom and lab safety norms created and agreed upon in the class. You will sign a classroom Safety Contract that will be kept for the entire year that you will be expected to follow. It is also expected for you to be in class and in your seat when the bell rings. Three unexcused tardies will result in a detention as stated in the student handbook.
I ask all of my students to comply with 3 simple rules in order to maintain an engaging and safe learning environment for all. No inappropriate behavior will be allowed.
1. Be respectful.
2. Be responsible.
3. Be safe.
I look forward to having a great year!