Week of December 1-5


The Word Wall Words (reading words) for this week are: also, like, some, blue, green, brown. These will be introduced on Tuesday and we will continue to review and do activities with them throughout the week. Please practice them at home each night and complete 3 or more word wall activities during the week. Students should be able to recognize and read the words by Friday.

Please continue to practice the spelling patternfor this week week. When studying the spelling pattern with your child, please focus on the sound we are working on or the rule, rather than just memorization. Spelling test date is Friday, December 12th. Your child will be tested on some of those words as well as similar words on the spelling test day.

Monday, 12/1- New Sort Work; work on your organization sheets for our Traditions Celebration!

Tuesday, 12/2- Word Wall Activities;work on your organization sheets for our Traditions Celebration!

Wednesday, 12/3- Math; work on your organization sheets for our Traditions Celebration!

Thursday, 12/4-Re-read the story in your anthology What a Trip! or the leveled book in yourreading bag. Please complete the follow-up writing activity. Be sure to check that your sentences make sense, have capital letters, and have the correct punctuation.

*Be ready to show your completed organization packet tomorrow 12/5!

Notes and Reminders:

  • We will have a Traditions Celebration on Thursday, December 18th at 10:00. Parentsare invited to join us for this celebration. Please review information as it comes home.

Overview of the Week:

In Language Arts, we will have two new stories for the week. We will enjoy the stories- Hilda Hen’s Scary Night (a big book) and What a Trip! (from the anthology). As we read these stories students will work on comprehension skills with an emphasis on: categorizing and classifying objects in a story. In terms of phonics, students will work on their individual sorts and complete activities using the spelling pattern/sound throughout the week. As a whole class, we will learn to associate the consonant clusters br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, and tr with the sounds they represent. We will learn how to read contractions with ‘s. We will practice reading and writing words with the verb endings -s, -ing, -ed. In writing we are continuing to work on writing complete sentences that begin with a capital letter and end with the correct punctuation.

During Writer’s Workshop, we will continue to focus on getting more writing on a page. These mini-lessons will help students elaborate on their small moment stories. As writer’s, the students will think hard and make a movie in their minds, and/or say detailed stories aloud before beginning to write.

In Math, we will begin Chapter 4 “Subtraction Strategies” In this chapter, we will answer the question How do you solve subtraction problems? Also, the students will learn think addition as the major thinking strategy for learning and recalling subtraction facts. To use this strategy, the students must understand the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction. They must also begin to master their addition facts. This week we will focus on counting back and recalling addition facts to subtract numbers within 20.

We will begin our Holiday Customs around the world unit. Over the next few weeks we will look at how different cultures and countries celebrate the holidays. Students will learn about Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and look at how Christmas is celebrated in many countries including Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Ireland, Mexico and here in the United States. The students will learn a lot about children around the world!

Have a wonderful week!