Thank you for your interest in the Rebel Softball Bat Girl Program. This program is open to kids in 2nd grade through 5th grade. This program operates on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis. This application must be completed and e-mailed to Coach Matt Huntley at . Girls will be assigned a game according to the order the applications are received. There are no requests for specific games. They will be assigned in order of applications received. If they cannot attend the game, parent must notify Coach Huntley and a make-up game will NOT be given. There are no Guarantee’s as to girls getting to participate. It is a first come, first serve basis.
Girls will need to meet Coach Huntley at the field 30 minutes before scheduled game time. Girls who are late may not have the opportunity to participate in the game. A parent or guardian must be present at the game and remain at the game the entire time.
Name: (Last)______(First)______
Home Address: ______
City: ______State:______Zip:______
Age:______T-Shirt Size:______
Name of Parents or guardians:______
Home Phone: ______
Work Phone: ______
Emergency Contact Number: ______
Release Waiver of Liability: (Please read carefully before signing)
The undersigned hereby acknowledges that participation in this game and related activities involves an inherent risk of physical injury, and the undersigned, on behalf of the registrant, hereby assumes all such risk and does hereby release and forever discharge the school and all employees and agents thereof from and by reason of any and all known, foreseen and unforeseen bodily and personal injuries, damage to property, and the consequences thereof, resulting from this registrants participation in or involvement with this school, including any failure of equipment or defect on or in the premises.
I hereby State that I am legal guardian of said child.
Date: ______
Name of Parent or Guardian:______
Signature of Parent or Guardian: ______