Justin Cleveland

The Population Puzzle:

An Interactive Game Raising Awareness of the Increasing Threat of World Population

Population Statistics, Graphics, and Main Sources (Annotated)

Description: The web site of an organization dedicated to “networking for a sustainable future”. It contains position papers, monitors important summits on population issues, and serves as a clearinghouse of information.
Source used in questions: Environmental Consequences (D10) Ramifications (E10)
6 Billion and Beyond
Description: This is the web-site of the PBS documentary on population growth and its consequences. Designed to accompany the program, it offers educational resources and supplements the facts of the video.
Source used in questions: Environmental Consequences (E30)
6 Billion Human Beings
Description: This is an excellent multi-media site that is incredibly interactive and hands-on, personalizing population data for each visitor. Run by a French organization, it offers a global perspective in a very easy to manipulate format that places statistics within an individual context.
Source used in questions: Grab Bag (H20), Potential To Populate (A20, A30), Environmental Consequences (E30)
Bitter Harvest: The New Urban Planet
Description: Facts on Urban Sprawl
Source used in questions: Ramifications (D20)
Description: This site is part of the child-free web-ring. It is more personal than academic, but it offers several good resources about childless lifestyles.
Source used in questions: Grab Bag (H40)
Child-Free Web Resources
Description: An excellent list of links to many different sites that promote the choice of not having children both on a personal and an ecological level.
Source used in questions: Goals For Zero Growth (C20)
Day of 6 Billion! World Population (PAI)
Description: This highly interactive site is filled with statistics, facts, maps and graphics and offers many flash-enhanced maps and charts that allow visitors to comprehend facts about overpopulation on multiple levels. It seems to be designed more for young-people but it is a good resource for others as well.
Source used in questions: Ramifications (D40), Environmental Consequences (E40, E50)
Dismantling the human population
Description: A good source of statistics, it presents the option of halving our population and discusses various ways in which this could become a viable possibility for solving the problems of overpopulation.
Source used in questions: Grab Bag (H10)
EcoFuture (TM) Population and Sustainability
Description: Quotes, questions, statistics etc.
Source used in questions: Links to The Great Challenge website in Tie-Breaker (I50), Maximum Occupancy (B20)
Internet Infidels
Description: Darwin Photo, Quotes, other great links!
Source used in questions: Maximum Occupancy (B50, B10) Goals for Zero Growth (C50)
Malthus, Thomas. "A Summary View of the Principle of Population" (1798). On Population: Three Essays.
Description: Malthus’s much quoted essay, a forerunner today’s population researchers, he laid out such concepts as geometric multiplication and hypothesized that controlling the food source was key to controlling population growth.
Source used in questions: Population Scholars (G10)
Mitchell, Jennifer. “Before The Next Doubling” World Watch. Jan/Feb 1998 pp. 20-27.
Description: Quotes the Population Council on three basic factors in achieving population control.
Source used in questions: Facts & Figures (F50) (Graph and quotes)
NPG - Welcome to the Negative Population Growth Homepage - NPG
Description: Graphs, figures, statistics, Poll results and quotes
Source used in questions: Links to website and graphics in Maximum Occupancy (B30, B40, B50) Environmental Consequences (E20)
Overpopulation - Information and resources on the overpopulation debate
Description: Another site masquerading as a true resource on overpopulation. This is desgined to combat the views of those like Paul Ehrlich, Ralph Nader, and Daniel Quinn. It is important to know what those who attack the research of these scholars think and the methods by which they wish to distribute false information. It’s “rational” approach to disputing facts about environmental and ecological castrophes illustrate the danger
Population Research Institute
Description: This is NOT a site that supports scholarly research on overpopulation issues. However, it is important to see what those who do not support global family planning and who deny that overpopulation is a problem think and to see what measures they are attempting to prevent. There is a fairly large, conservative sector of people who share these views and several other sites like this one pop up during searches for overpopulation information.
Quinn, Daniel. Ishmael.5th edition. New York: Bantam/Turner, 1992.
Description: Fictional novel about a talking gorilla that wants to change the world. Urges society to adopt profound new attitudes towards the planet and its other inhabitants to prevent the downfall of our civilization. Discusses problems of overpopulation/over consumption, promotes living sustainably according to a natural law.
Source used in questions: Population Scholars (G50)
Seitz, John L. Global Issues: An Introduction. Blackwell Publishers, Massachusetts 1998. pp 41 & 52.
Description: Graphical concepts of relationships between population and carrying capacity, Birth and Death rate graphics.
Source used in questions: Facts & Figures (F10)
The German Remote Sensing Data Center
Description: Spinning globe graphics, Graphical data analysis of atmospheric and environmental conditions
The International Society of Malthus Home Page
Description: Short bio of Malthus, a picture, his thoughts, and more links
Source used in questions: Links to website in Population Scholars (G10)
The Ishmael Community & Ishmael-Resources for Further Study
http://www.ishmael.org/ http://www.angelfire.com/or/ishmael/
Description: Websites devoted to the novel Ishmael (see above reference to book)
Source used in questions: Links to website in Population Scholars (G50)
The Population Explosion Paul Ehrlich & Anne Ehrlich
Description: Quotes, statistics, facts, and projected population graphs
Source used in questions: Population Scholars (G30), Facts & Figures (F20)

The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement

Description: Figures & statistics on the voluntary human extinction, this page is designed to promote childless living and provides a wide variety of commentary on why gradually phasing out our species would be a good thing.
Source used in questions: Maximum Occupancy (B50, B40, B10) Goals for Zero Growth (C50)
To Breed Or Not To Breed
Description: A text-based site, but very dense in content. This site offers many different perspectives on “breeding” and choosing responsible, child-free lifestyles.
Source used in questions: Maximum Occupancy (B40)
Why Population Matters
Description: Lots of statistics, quotes, links, and population trivia, this page is part of a larger site offering a wide variety of resources.
Source used in questions: Potential To Populate (A10, A40, A50) Goals for Zero Growth (C50) Facts & Figures (F20, F30) Grab Bag (H20, H30, H50) Tie Breaker (I30)
World POPClock Projection
Description: Statistical and graphical data, figures, and maps, etc
Source used in questions: Population Counter data
Year Six Billion
Description: Run by planned parenthood, this focuses in on global family planning measures and monitors those who would limit their efforts. A good clearinghouse of contraceptive related population statistics.
Source used in questions: Tie Breaker (I40, I10)
Zero Population Growth
The “CNN” of overpopulation websites, this site tries to provide a widerange of breaking news stories important to the issue of overpopulation. It focuses more on contraception and adequate family plans as solutions to overpopulation and serves as a watchdog against those seeking to limit access to family planning.
Source used in questions: Goals For Zero Growth (C10)