OCTOBER 30, 2013

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bauerle, withBeck,Sandquist,and Beckmanpresent.

Beck moved to approve the agenda with the addition of the following: Reports – Concerns about county mowing and On Site Waste Water Systems; Unfinished Business – New Hire Sheriff’s Office.

Sandquist second, carried.

James Wittler, Attorney, joined the meeting. Wittler presented the Board with a draft of a resolution establishing the Sedgwick County Communication Board. Discussion was held. A work session will be planned to discuss this issue further. Wittler reported on the pre-1974 trailer issue. Wittler suggested amending the zoning regulations and the Board would like to change the permit fee’s. Wittler left the meeting.

Alan Coyne, Ken Berges and Todd Blochowitz, Police Committee and Vickie Sandlin, observer, joined the meeting. Beck told the guests that they had a meeting with Randy Peck about the Town of Julesburg / Sheriff contract and relayed that Peck would like to change how the attendance of meetings is worded in the contract and agrees to do the work asked of the Town. Berges expressed his concerns that the Sheriff will have to take care of State and Federal laws even without payment from the Town. Berges told the Board that the concern is the Town paying for services that the Sheriff would have to do anyway. Blochowitz said he thought the Town is paying for ordinance enforcement, not law enforcement. Bauerle expressed concerns that if the contract is not honored the services from the Sheriff’s department will not be as efficient due to loss of deputies. Discussion was held on the interpretation of codes. Blochowitz suggested changing the title of the agreement to Code Enforcement Agreement as opposed to Law Enforcement Agreement. Berges asked if the Board is telling him that if the Town does not pay, there will be less coverage? Beck told the guests that the Sheriff’s office is losing a deputy and that position will not be able to be replaced without the signing of the contract. Blochowitz summarized by stating to the Board that the Town will be paying $57,000 for code enforcement and $24,700 for the communication center if the contract is signed. Blochowitz is concerned that $57,000 is a lot of money for code enforcement to which Berges agreed. Bauerle told the guests that the Sheriff’s office is not statutorily required to enforce town ordinances without a signed contract. Coyne asked what the Sheriff’s office will actually do for that $57,000 and stated that it would be worth it if he were to honor the obligations of the contract. Discussion was held. Beck asked if Sheriff Peck agrees to honoring the contract, would you be willing to pay the amount asked for in the contract? The guests responded with different answers. Discussion was held. Blochowitz stated that it has already been voted no to signing the contract and they would like to know how the ordinances will be taken care of to know how much money to consider paying if they decided to renegotiate the contract. Coyne said they will take this discussion back to the Town Board and will make a decision. Discussion was held on the Joint Space Agreement. The guests left the meeting.

Alan Harris, Building Maintenance, joined the meeting to give an update on the communication center and the evidence room. Bauerle asked about the progress on the courthouse equipment and furniture that was moved out to the fairgrounds for bids. Harris and Beckman will get everything set up after the 31st. Harris reported that the transformer switch and generator can be sold for $2,000 if the Board will approve. The Board will wait until they have more details. Harris left the meeting.

Discussion was held on pre 1974 trailers.

Karrie Doleshall joined the meeting. Discussion was held on adding more security cameras to the outside of the courthouse. Discussion was held on reimbursements for the flood volunteers. Doleshall left the meeting.

Brian Miller joined the meeting to update the Board on the Feasibility Study. Miller is currently working on writing the study and meeting with the Town Boards. Discussion was held. Miller left the meeting.

Juby Cumming, Assessor and Wanda Trennepohl, Treasurer, joined the meeting. Discussion was held on the current CCI system bankruptcy situation and the new contracts with Harris Computers. Cumming and Trennepohl presented the Board with the contracts for their computer lease software programs. The Assessor program will be increasing in cost and will require a one-time payment. The contracts have been reviewed by the attorney and a minor change has been suggested. Discussion was held. Sandquist moved to approve the signing of the contract between Harris Computers and Sedgwick County Assessor and between Harris Computers and Sedgwick County Treasurer. Beck second, carried.

Payable vouchers and payroll were reviewed. Sandquist moved to approve payable vouchers and payroll as presented. Second by Beck, carried.

The minutes of the October 22nd, 2013 meeting were reviewed. Beck moved to approve the minutes as presented. Sandquist second, carried.

Bauerle told the Board that the Historical Society has asked that Connie Juhl, Economic Development, write grants and he is concerned that too much is being asked of her from non funding entities. Bauerle reported that there are two people interested in joining the EDC Board and the Commissioners need to appoint one as their representative. Beck moved to approve Justin Tjaden as the representative to the Economic Development Board if he will accept. Sandquist second, carried. Bauerle moved to approve Justin Tjaden as the representative for Progressive 15 if he will accept. Sandquist second, carried. At large will be Brian Talamantes. Tjaden was contacted by phone and told of the motion. Tjaden agreed to serve for both.

Bauerle reported on the Onsite Wastewater Systems meeting in Sterling. Bauerle presented documentation from the meeting. There will be two more stakeholder meetings and there will be rulemaking in March. Bauerle told the Board if there were any concerns they need to be addressed before then.

Let it be noted that the Buckley Trust grant agreement was received and signed.

Beck moved to approve Building Permit #489 for Rick and Pam Ornelas for an addition located at 1001 Walnut Street. Sandquist second, carried.

Dennis Kaan, Extension Office, joined the meeting. Discussion was held on the 4-H program coordinator position currently held by Kendra Plumb. Kaan suggested changing the structure of the position to ¾ time position as opposed to a ½ time position. Discussion was held on hiring a local person and remaining at the ½ time position. Beck stated that he would like to keep the position local if possible. Beck moved to have the ½ time 4-H position advertised through the CSU / Extension program. Sandquist second, carried. Kaan left the meeting.

Bauerle stated that the meeting will be adjourned at 12:00 p.m. and will reconvene at 1:30 p.m. to begin the work session with an open meeting to follow.

The meeting reconvened at 3:47 p.m. Beck moved to implement a $4,000 permit fee on pre-1974 manufactured mobile homes. Sandquist second, carried. Discussion: this is based off of concerns with asbestos and aluminum wiring.

The Board will present the Town of Julesburg a proposal for the Town of Julesburg / Sheriff contract in the amount of $57,000 with a breakout of $31,000 per deputy at 40 hours per week, $12,000 benefits, $8,000 vehicle maintenance and $6,000 for the vehicle. The verbage of the title of the contract will be changed to Board of County Commissioners, the Sedgwick County Sheriff and the Town of Julesburg;Number 4 in the contract will be changed to say “the Sheriff will appear before the Town Board as needed or at the request of the Town Board.”

Beck moved to approve the new full time hire of Bridget McCormick as a dispatcher in the Sheriff’s office to begin at $14 per hour. Bauerle second, carried. Discussion: Sandquist is not against the new hire, only the salary. Beck added that he hopes there will be some salary adjustments for the existing dispatchers in the near future. Roll call vote: Gene – Yes, Jim – Yes, Glen – No.

The communication center resolution is still under advisement. Beck moved to table the communication center resolution until next week’s meeting.

Meeting was adjourned,


Gene Bauerle, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board