APRIL 7, 2010


The meeting was brought to order by President Grant Ervin.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said by all.

President Ervin asked the Membership to introduce themselves.

MINUTES Corinne Antoszewski

The minutes were approved as read by the Membership. (John Santore/Mike Hellman)


As of April 7, 2010 the balance in the Treasury is $1,796.08. The Treasurer’s Report was approved and will be filed for Audit. (Mike Hellman/Stacey DiRenzo)

President Ervin introduced Mr. Dave Adkinson from Highland Park who spoke about the possible closure of Peabody High School and Westinghouse High School. He wanted to know if there was anybody who would be willing to help to try to keep these schools open and also to work with Highland Park about this cause.

Mr. Mark Sbetich the owner of the property on Butler Street and also some of the land on Baker Street gave a brief presentation on his plans for both properties. He didn’t have any sketches with him though.

COMMUNICATIONS Consultant Diane Wuycheck

Ms. Wuycheck gave a brief report on the past meetings that the Communications Committee has had. Ms. Wuycheck stated that the next meeting will be on Wednesday, April 14, 2010, from 6-8 p.m. The Goal of this meeting is to tie together all the previous meetings.


Ms. Ervin stated that the next clean up would be on Earth Day, Saturday, April 24, 2010 at 10 a.m. The group will focus on Baker Street. They will also pull the stakes from trees that were planted in the fall.

HOUSING Matt Diersen

Mr. Ben Kelly gave the report for Matt Diersen. Mr. Kelly stated that if anybody has any housing problems to address please send an e-mail to MaccHousing@Yahoo. com

EVENTS Jen McCarthy/Emily Keebler

Ms. McCarthy went over the Easter Event. She stated that they had twenty (20) children attend. They also took in $$60 in donations.

Ms. McCarthy also stated that she will chair the Fall Festival.

Ms. Nan Pischke stated that Movie Night will be on August xx. A poll will be taken on what movie to show that night.


Ms. Kass stated that as of April 7, 2010 the total Membership is 73. When new residents move into the neighborhood, a Welcome Package will be distributed to the new residents, which will include coupons from local businesses.


The Neighborhood Investment Association has given M.A.C.C. a Grant of up to $1,000. Some things suggested to use the funds for are: electricity at Garden plot, flowers, and for operating costs for M.A.C.C.

Some of the operating costs for M.A.C.C. this year for 2009 have been Newsletters, Events and plants.


Ms. DiRenzo reminded the Membership of the upcoming City Wide Meeting that is to be held on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at St. Vianni Church in Mount Oliver at 6 p.m.


Ms. Emily Keebler from City Councilman Patrick Dowd’s officer reminded the Membership about the Luminaries that were to be placed in Stanton Heights for the Fallen Heroes, she also stated that the next Council to Go would be on April 28, 2010 from 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m.., Be aware of un reputable Contractors, she had flyers with guidelines on how to pick a contractor which should be regulated by the state, also the Highland Park list has a Contractors list.


Vice President John Santore explained to the Membership about the Insurance Policy. A sixty (60) day extension. The cost of the Insurance for other years has been $370. The new insurance quote for M.A.C.C. is $750 per year. Mr. Santore will check out other Community Groups and see if they pay as much. The new Manager at First Commonwealth stated that they may be able to help us with an Insurance Policy.

A member of M.A.C.C. stated that some residents aren’t picking up after their dogs and letting them poop on their lawns. It was stated to call 311.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Corinne Antoszewski, SecretaryAPPROVED