HOMCO/QT-3/ 2015-16 dtd. 01.12.2015



Sl.No / Item / Part Used / Approx.Qty per order/annual reqrmt.in kgs / Rate quoted

1Abies canBark04 /04

2AbsinthiumLeaves & Flowers04 /4

(Artimisia Absinthium)

3Abroma AugLeaves10 /30


(Artimisia Abrotanum)

5Aconite NapRhizome15/50

6Acalypha IndWhole Plant20/100

7 Actea Racemosa

(Cimicifuga)Rhizome20 / 60

8Adonis vernWhole Plant04 /24

9Aegle foliaLeaves4/ 4

10.Aesculus HippSeeds30 /120

11Agnus castBerries04 / 04

12Alfalfa(Medicago sativa)Whole Plant excluding Root 100 /300

13Allium sativaBulb50/500

14Aloe SoctrinaDried exudates10/ 50

15Apis MelBees25 / 150

16Apocynum CannabinumRhizome & Root20 / 100

17Aralia RacemosaRoot30/ 200

18Arjuna(Terminalia Arjuna)Bark20/ 60

19Arnica MontFlower 50/ 200

20ArnicaMontRoot 50 / 200

21Artimisia VulgRoot04 / 08

22Asafoetida Gum10 / 50

23Asoka (Saraca Indica)Bark30 /250

25AswagandhaRoots50 / 300

(Withania Somnifera)

26Avena SatSeed50 / 300

27Aethusa cynWhole Plant04 / 04

28Alstonia scholarisBark02 /02

29Anacardium OriNuts02 /02

30Azadirachta IndicaBark02/02

31Alnus SerBark02 / 02

32Apium GravFruit05/30

33 Andrographis Pan (Kalmegh) Whole Plant30 /100

34 Amoora RStem Bark02/02

35.Actaea SpicRoot04 /04

36.Ailanthis GStem bark & Flower10 / 50

37.Ambrosia AWhole Plant02 /02

38.Ampelopsis CStem Barks & twigs02

39.Amygdal Am.Kernel of Ripe seed04

40.Anacardium OccidentaleOily juice of Shell02

41.Anatherum MRhizome with roots02

second years growth

42.Angustura VeraBark04

43.Anthemis NFlower Head02

44.Anthoxant OWhole Plant02

45.Arum TriphRoots/corn04

46.Asarum EuropWhole plant02

47.Asterias RubRed S02

48Balsam peruBalsam 4

49.BovistaRipe bovista(Fungus)02

50.BadiagaSponge10 / 60

51.Baptisia TinctRoot 100 / 500

52.Belladonna (Atropa Belladonna)-Whole Plant50 / 200

53.Bellis perWhole Plant30 / 200

54.Berberis AquiRoot40 / 200

55.Berberis VulgBark of Root100 / 500

56.Blatta OriWhole Insect 100 / 600

57.Boerhavia DWhole Plant20 / 150

58.Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri)Whole Plant50 / 200

59.Bryonia AlbRoot20/200

60.Blumia OdorWhole Plant10/200

61.Caesalpinia BondSeed2

62.Calotropis GigRoot2

63.Caltha PalWhole Plant2

64.Cascarila (Croton eleutaria)Bark2

65.Cassia SophRoot04 / 8

66.Castella texana (Chaparro Amarg) W/p4

67.Chimaphila UmbillataWhole Plant10/50

68.Cicuta VirosaRoot2

69.Cineraria MarWhole Plant

Excluding Root30/ 200

70.Cinnamonum zeylanicumInner Bark4

71.Cistus CanWhole Plant02 /10

72.Clematis ErectLeaf & Stem02

73.Conium MacWhole Plant08

74.Copaiva OffResin04

75. Cubcba OffDry unripe Fruit04

76.Cyclamen Eu.Root02

77.Cynodon DaWhole Plant15/ 100

78.Cactus GrandFloweringstem30 /100

79.Caladium segWhole Plant2

80.Calendula OffFlowering tops100/500

82.Cardus MarSeeds30/200


84.Ceanothus americanaLeaves15/150

85.Cedron (Simaba cedron)Seeds10/50

86.Cephalandra IndLeaf 100 /500

87.Chamomilla (Matricaria Chamomilla)-Whole Plant25 /100

88.Chelidonium MajWhole Plant30/200

89Chelone GlabraWhole Plant10/ 100

90.Chenopodiumanthelminticum-Whole Plant20/150

91.China (Cinchona officinale)-Bark50/300

92.Chimaphilla UmbWhole Plant10/100

93Chionanthus VirgBark25/150

94.Cina (Cinchona Officinalis)Flower tops30/200

95.Coculus IndSeeds02

96.Condurango (Marsdenia Cundurango)-Bark10/100

97.Colchicum AutCorm10/50

98.Collinsonia CanRhizome10/60

99.Colocynth (Citrullus Colocynthis)-Fruits15/100

100.Convallaria MajLeaves10 /50

101.Createagus OxyBerries50 /300

102.Croton tigSeeds08

103.Gaultheria PLeaves20 /100

104.Cheiranthus CheirFlower & Stem02

105.Castanca VcscaLeaves02

106.Damiana (Turnera)Whole Plant 50/200

107.Digitalis PurpureaLeaves08 /20

108.Dioscorea VillosaRhizome20/150

109.Drosera RotWhole Plant20/200

110.Dulcamera (Solanum Dulcamara)-Whole Plant4

111.Dolichos PPods04 /30

112.Embelia RDried fruit04

113.Eryngium ARoot02

114.Eupatorium PurpRoot02

115.Euphorbia corRoot02

116.Echinacca AngWhole Plant /Root 50/300

117.Erigeron CanWhole Plant 04 /30

118.Eriodictiyon(Yerba Santha)Whole Plant 10 /50

Excluding root

119.Eucalyptus GLeaves25/150

121.Euphrasia OffWhole Plant30/200

122.Equisetum HymaleWhole Plant10/100

123.Euphorbium (Euphorbia resinifera)-Dried resin04 /20


125.Filix MasRhozome10

126.Fraxinus AmerBark20 /100

127.Fucus VesWhole Plant20 /100

128Gaultheria ProcumbansLeaves10 /50

129.Gratiola OWhole Plant04 / 30

130.Gelsemium SempRhizome30 / 150

133.Gossipium HerbInner bark of root20 /100

134.Granatum (Punica granatum)Root Bark10 /30


137.Gymnema SylLeaves 50/300

138.Gambogia Gum resin04

139.Gnaphalium polycephalumWhole Plant5/20

140.Gentiana luteaRoot04 /20

142.Helleborus NigRhizome04

143.Helonias DioRoot20 / 150

144.Hydrangea ArbRoot20 /100

146.Hydrocotyle AsiaWhole Plant30/200

147.Hypericum perfWhole Plant30/200

148.Holorhena antidy(Kurchi)Bark30/200

149.Hedra HelixFloweringbranch02

150.Helianthus AFlower Heads02

151.Hyoscyamus NWhole Plant

second year growth04 /10

152.Illicium ASeeds04 /20

153.Ignatia AmaraSeed5/20

154.Ipecac(Cephalis ipecaunha)-Root20/100

155.Iris VersRhizome10 /100

156.Iberis AmSeeds02

157.Ipomoea Jalapa (Exogonium Jalapa)-Root02


(Pilocarpus Jaborandi)

159.Jacaranda CFlower02

160.Juglans CinInner bark 02

161.Juniperous comW/p02

162.Kalmia LatLeaf10/50

163.Liatris SpicRoot04

164.Ledum PalWhole Plant30 /200

165.Leptandra VirginicaRhizome04

166.Lobelia InflWhole Plant30/200

167.Lycopodium ClavSpores10/50

168.Lycopus VirgWhole Plant10 /100


170.Lechananthus TinctWhole Plant02

171.Lemna MinorWhole Plant20 / 100

172.MezeriumBark10 /50

173Achilia MillefoliumWhole Plant30/200

174Melilotus AlbFlower tops10 /50

175.Magnifera IndBark02

176.Menisper CRoot02

177.Mentha PipW/p excluding

root04 / 50

178.Menyanthus trifoliateW/p02 /10

179.Mitchella repensW/p02

180.Myrica CeriBark of root04 /10

181.Myristica SebGum of bark04 /10

182.Nuphar LutRhizome10 / 50

183.Nymphoea ORoot04

184.Nux VomSeed05 /50

185.Nux MoschSeed04

186.Negundium amerWhole plant10/100

187.Ocimum SanctLeaves excluding root30/150

188.Ornithogalum umbBulb5/20

189.Ocimum canLeaf15/50

190.Oenanthe CrocLeaves5/ 30

191.Oleander (Nerium oleander)Leaves02

192.Paullinia PinRoot02

193.Phaseolus VulgarisDried ripe pd02

194.Phellandrin AFruit02

195.Physostigma VSeed02

196.Pichi(Fabiana Imbricata)Yong twigs04

197.Pinus SylYong Shoot02

198.Piscidia E.Root Bark4 /10

199.Populus CanBuds(collected in hilly area) 08 /20

200.Prunus SpinFlower buds02

201.Prunus VirgInner Bark02

202.Ptelea TrifoliataBark02

203.Passiflora IncLeaf 50/200

204.Phytolacca DecRoot30 /200

205.Plantgo MajWhole Plant30 /200

206.Podophyllum PelRhizome10/50

207.Pothos FoetRoot20/150

208.Psoralia CorSeeds10/30

209.Pulsatilla NigWhole Plant20 /100

210.Paeonia OffRoot10 /30

211.Paraira BravaRoot10 /30

212.Pinus LambResin05 /10

213.Quassia AmaraWood02

214.Ranunculus BulbRoot5

215.Raphanus SativusRoot04 /10

216.Ratanhia (Kremeria triandra)-Root10 /50

219.Robina PseudacaciaBark30/200

220.Ruta GWhole Plant30/150

221.Ricinus ComRipe Seed04

222.Rheum emodi OffRhizome02

223.Rananculus bulbosusWhole Plant

excluding root02

224.Rhamnus CaliBark02

225.RhododendronLeaves & Flower buds04

226.Rumex CrispRhizome04 /15

228.Sabina(Juniperous Sabina)Leaf & Stem10 /100

229.Salix NigBark10 /50

230.Sambucus NigLeaf & Flower30/150

231Scrophularia nodosaW/p04 /10

232.Senecio AurWhole Plant05 /20

233.Sarasaprilla (Smilax ornata) Root30 /200

234.Senega (Polygala senega)Root30 /200

235Spartium ScopW/p04

236.Spigelia AnthWhole Plant5/10

237.Spongia TostaWhole body

Including skeleton15/60

238.Squilla MarBulb10 /50

239.Staphisagira (Delphinum Staphysagria)-Seed10/50

240.Sterculia AcumiNut02

241.Sticta PulmWhole Lichen10 /30

242.Strophanthus hispidusSeeds15/60

243.Symphoricarpus racemosaBerry5/15

244.Symphytum OffiRoot20/150

245.Syzygium JambSeed 150/1000

246.Sabadilla (Schoenocauton officinale)-Seed10/50

247.Secale corDried fungus01

248.Sanguinaria CanRhizome20 /100

249.Sumbul (Ferula sumbul)Root02

250.Stellaria MedWhole Plant04 /10

251.Senna(Cassia anguistifolia)Leaves10 /50

252.Sinapis AlbSeed04

253Sinapis NigSeed04

254.Solanum NigWhole Plant with

berries including04

255.Solidago VWhole plant

Excluding root04

256.Stillingia SRoot04

257.Stramonium (Datura stramonium)-Whole Plant08

258.Scutellar LWhole Plant02

Excluding root

261.Tabacum (Nicotiana tabacum)-Leaves04

262.Tamus Com.Root02

263.Terminalia CSemi mature fruit02

264.Tussilago FWhole Plant02

265.Teucrium Mar verWhole Plant50 /300

266.Thalaspi.B.P.Whole Plant20/150

267.Thuja OcciLeaves & Twig30 /200

268.Trillium PendRoot20 /100

269.Tribulus TerrestrisWhole Plant30 /150

270.Taraxicum PendWhole Plant04

271.Tinospora CorStem04

272.Urtica UrensWhole Plant30 /200

273.UstilagoFungal galls10/30

274.Uva UrsiLeaf20 /60

275.Valeriana Officinalia)Rhizome10/30

276.Veratrum virRhizome20/150

277.Verbascum ThWhole Plant30/150

278.Viburnum OpBark20 /150

279.Viburnum PruBark10/100

280.Vinca MinorWhole Plant04 /20

281.Viola OdorWhole Plant04

282.Viscum albLeaves & Berries10 /50

283.VesicariaWhole Plant02

284.Xanthoxyllum FraxineumBark10

285.YohimbinBark10 /50

286.Zingiber officinalisUnder ground dried stem30/150

287.Aspidosperma quebracho


288.Cantharis (Spanish fly)The whole fly20/80

Lytta vesicatoria febricus

289.Eupatorium Perf (imported)Whole plant25/100

290.Geranium Maculatum Root20/60


291.Ginseng (Korean)Rhyzome10/30

(Panax Quinquefolium)

292.Grindelia RobustaLeaves, Flower & Heads50/300

293.Rauwolfia SerpentinaRoot100/700

294.Hamamelis VirginicaBark25/150

295.Hydrastis CanadensisRhyzome50/300

296.Rhus ToxicodendronLeaves50/200

297.Sabal SerrulataRipe fruit25/100

  1. Please quote for genuine items only
  2. Quote separately for imported items (Documents to prove nation of origin and test certificate should be produced for imported items)
  3. please send the samples along with the quotation (Indian/Imported)
  4. Do not powder the items.
  5. The herbs are to be quoted against their botanical names, not against local names.
