Price List – on form 2010



Richard Aumonier1.Earthly Light £6,250

2. Stone GB 1001£ 630

3. Stone BB 0805£ 630

4. Stone BY 0908£ 630

Stephanie Carlton SmIth5. Split £14,000

6. Promethean heat £ 8,000

7. This Mortal House£ 9,000

Regis Chaperon8. Encuentro£6,000

9. Form III£1,000

Frederic Chevarin10. Love and Tenderness£9,500

11. Birds£3,500

12. Eleplant£2,200

Mat Chivers13. Hybrid £20,000

Luke Dickinson14. Aciform £3,900

15. Wanting, Liking, Doing £4,200

16. Boredom and Desire£9,000

Simon Hitchens17. In the eye of the beholder £19,500

18. The other I £19,500

John Joekes19. Circle of power£5,500

20. Wing£9,000

21. Improbable Mollusc£7,000

Immanuel Klein22. Erosion£17,500

Daniel Lingham23. Congruence£7,950

Contingence £ 7,950

As a pair £14,000

24. Volubilis Revisited £ 4,150

Jonathan Loxley25. Marble Sunflower£10,400

26. Lambda£12,700

Bridget McCrum27. Windrider II£14,000

28. Bird of Paradise£11,850

Nicolas Moreton29. Lord and Lady £17,000

(Available singly by commission)

30. Flowering £ 4,000

31. Rompa Stompa£ 4,000

Rosie Musgrave32. Three Gunas incl. plinths£ 6,500

Three Gunas without plinths£ 6,000

33. Folding Form £ 3,500

34. Penumbra incl. plinth£ 5,800

Penumbra without plinth£ 5,600

William Peers35. Resolute £11,000

36. Orbit £14,000

37. Reclining figure, after ‘100 days’£16,000

Peter Randall-Page38. Corpus POA

39. Parting Company II £40,000 + VAT

40. Parting Company III £40,000 + VAT

Julian Rena41. Icon 2£ 4,500

42. Rolling Landscape Icon £ 4,500

43. Egg£ 3,200

Ana Ruiz Agui44. Ruts£ 8,000

45. Ganesh £ 1,300

46. Surcos£ 1,300

Rachel Schwalm47. Insight £ 14, 500

48. In sight £ 7,000

47 and 48 together £ 20,000

Sarah Smith49. Wave in motion £ 1,450

50. Unfurl £ 2,200

51. The Erratic £ 2,400

52. Contours of the landscape £1,450

Jude Tucker53. Oak leaf£9,500

54. Spring vortex£8,500

Anthony Turner55. Seven sweet peas£7,000

56. Butternut stone £2,500

57. Sack of Black Berries £8,500

58. Bee Leaf£7,500

Paul Vanstone59. If £16,000

60. But£16,000

61. Red vein runs through me£7,500

62. Green force runs through me£7,500

63. White vein runs down me £7,500

Nigel Watson64. Mr Nobody £3,500

65. Jamie£ 800

66. Moon Head £ 800

67. Contented£ 800

Dominic Welch68. Cetacean Plume II£25,000

69. Ancaster Angel III£10,850

70. Silent Moon III£ 6,500

71. Blue-backed Angel £ 25,000

Emily Young72. The Equation of Time £70,000


Stephanie Carlton Smith Synthesis of one £5,500

The Little one £2,500

A Dying call£7,000

Regis Chaperon Meeting point £5,000

Frederic Chevarin Freedom £4,400

Happy Together £4,500

Mat ChiversOutbreath £1,500

Luke Dickinson Outward Bound, Toward Shore£2,200

Halcyon £2,400

Simon Hitchens Limbo £9,000

John JoekesSeascape £2,800


Immanuel Klein Cones£6,000

Remembering Tara£6,000

Daniel Lingham Semper£2,250

Bridget McCrumCreation £9,850

Nicolas Moreton Soft Centre£3,000

Petals £3,000

Rosie Musgrave Relic II: heart shield £ 850

William PeersWorks from the series “100 days”:

Day 72£1,350

Day 45£1,400

Day 50£1,300

Day 53£1,500

Day 49 £1,300

Day 81£1,400

Day 78 £1,450

Day 82£1,450

Day 68 £1,200

Day 74 £1,300

Day 47 £1,300

Day 8 £1,250

Day 7 £1,200

Day 21£1,250

Peter Randall-Page Terminal Bud I£4,500 + VAT

Terminal Bud IV £4,500 + VAT

Julian Rena 3 am £3,000

Icon 1 £4,000

Rachel Schwalm Body incarnate £7,500

Testament £10,000

Sarah Smith Pain and pleasure £2,500

Jude Tucker Arrow leaf £1,750

Alabaster form £3,900

Anthony Turner Bowl of fruits £ 650

Christmas £ 650

Warehouse £ 750

Artist’s quest £ 650

Top Dog II £ 750

Three sisters from Lincoln £3,000

Emily Young Figured disc £18,000


Stephanie Carlton Smith The Gathering £4,000

Sarah Smith Old into new£1,450

Silent witness£1,850

Jude Tucker Out of this Earth £3,600


Richard AumonierStone GY0912£ 630

Stone RB1006T£ 800

Stephanie Carlton SmithSmall oval 1(sold 1, edition of 6)£ 800

Small oval 2(sold 3, edition of 6)£ 800

Frederic Chevarin You are beautiful£4,400

Fire £3,300

Simon Hitchens In the presence of absence II£3,500

Luke Dickinson Curl £ 900

Daniel Lingham Vita 1£1,400

Nicolas Moreton Snapdragon£1,500

Rosie Musgrave Amulet£1,200

Peter Randall-Page Lolui linocut prints (sold 1, edition of 6) £300 + VAT

(sold unframed)

Li linocut prints £250 + VAT

Rachel Schwalm Light that fractures through £3,500

long wet water

Fathom £3,000 Magic Lantern £3,000

Nigel Watson Singing head £ 250


Please come to the Gallery if you would like any further information about sales or commissions.