Future Business Leaders of America

Welcome to the Future Business Leaders of America! We are an organization that meets every Wednesday A-block during 8th period. The purpose of our club is to prepare members about business-related career options and to give members a better understanding of business, finance, law, and accounting.

Here’s an overview of the activities we have planned for the 2004-2005 year:


This is FBLA’s newest fundraiser and it will finally be released this year! The JTRADER is an online marketplace where TJ students can buy and sell items with others students in the school. FBLA members will get the opportunity of managing this new entrepreneurial venture by joining the JTRADER committee which will meet about twice a month to deal with the managing and marketing issues of the service.

Business Lecture Committee

This year, much focus will be spent on educating members on various topics in Business and preparing students for studies in business by lecturing on related professions, colleges, and high school summer opportunities. In order to achieve this, a group of members will join the FBLA business lecture committee and give short presentations on various topics on business issues during meetings.

New York City Trip

Every year, FBLA members go on a trip to see the financial institutions of New York City through the Junior Tours program. In previous years, we have visited the Federal Reserve Bank, the Mercantile Exchange, United Nations, Empire State Building, Wall Street, Ellis Island, and the Statue of Liberty.


This is something new this year. FBLA members will be able to participate in a variety of business-related competitions. Among them will be a State Stock Market competition in the spring, and the national competitions: Let’s Get Real and the Fed Challenge. Let’s Get Real is a national competition where teams receive an actual business problem submitted by a company, and the teams submit their solution to win prizes. The Fed Challenge is a competition hosted by the federal banks of the country, and involves using knowledge of the Federal Reserve System to make analysis and recommendations on budgets.

Ethics Conference

FBLA is one of the organizations involved with the TJ-GMU Ethics Conference that takes place annually for all TJHSST sophomores. FBLA members can attend planning sessions and help out with the conference (last year, FBLA members provided research on various issues).

Community Service

FBLA is also a community service club. The major community service project planned for this year is for the March of Dimes, a national organization dedicated to providing research on ending birth defects. We will fundraise for the group and participate in the WalkAmerica. Additional community service projects being considered are the Ronald McDonald’s House Charities and book drives for children’s hospitals and troops overseas.


Fundraisers will be used to subsidize money for the NYC Trip and raise money for the March of Dimes foundation. Current fundraisers include car washes and food sales during break.

Business Speakers

Every year, FBLA has a series of guest speakers from the business community come in and give a presentation of some aspect of the business.

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas for community service/fundraisers/anything else please e-mail .

2004-2005 Officers

President / Ab Sawant
Co-Vice Presidents / Kevin Silas
Jennifer Wang
Co-Treasurers / Ed Chien
Jason Liu
Co-Secretaries / Ajay Ghadiyaram
Randy Wang
Co-Publicists / Colin Smith
Steven Straker
Co-Special Activities Coordinators / Jessica Dobis
Brittany Fulton


Ms. Judy Lynn –

Mr. Dale Hamby –
