Email sent with Speaker Agreement:

Hi [speaker name],

Plans are moving along as we prepare for the upcoming [conference name], where we’re so happy you’ll be joining us as a speaker on [date]!

This is an important step – PLEASE read and sign the attached document and send it either via regular mail or by scanning and emailing a PDF to [planning committee chair] (information on the letter). Please copy me and [additional individual] if you choose to email it.

The letter confirms your participation, agreement to archiving the presentation, and includes much of the basic critical information related to the conference and your presentation. You’ll receive another email in the coming weeks with more helpful details about preparing your presentation and presenting using the conference software.

If you have any questions about the form, or anything else, please contact me as your Coordinator and I’ll do my best to help.


[coordinator name]

Speaker Agreement Letter (bear in mind: text will be dependent on specifics of platform used and roles your group has established):

[conference logo]


[speaker’s name and complete contact information]


Dear [speaker name],

Thank you very much for agreeing to present during our [name of conference]. You’ll be addressing [key audience]. Your presentation, [name of presentation],will be on [date and time of presentation; include time zones offered, if pertinent]. Please note time zone!

As we hope you are already aware, we would like to make all conference presentations available for viewing in the [name of archive] archive. By signing and returning a copy of this letter, you agree to let us archive your presentation for future viewing on both [archive and website].

In order to make everything run smoothly, we would like presenters to post their PowerPoints to the conference wiki by[date]. By posting materials in advance, we can load and test the materials to make sure that they work for your presentation. We recommend keeping your PowerPoint simple. Advanced features such as fades, animations, and comment balloons and arrows flying in and out may not work well in [platform]. Because of [platform]'s functionality and our limited knowledge of the software, we strongly recommend incorporating screenshots into your PowerPoint. Many attendees may not be able to successfully follow along on if you are using live web pages. Conference wiki information is included below. We have developed a set of slide templates for PowerPoint, available for download at [online location], that incorporate the conference logo. Use of the templates is at your discretion.

We have two people, a program coordinator and a chat monitor, assigned to help you during your presentation so that you will not need to learn the ins and outs of the [platform name] system. The program coordinator will load and test your slides and will advance the slides during your presentation upon receiving a verbal cue from you. About a week before your presentation you will be contacted by the chat monitor for your session. The chat monitor will keep track of questions submitted via chat to help you with the Q & A portion of your session. Additional details on the system, relevant contacts, and specifics for your presentation are included in this letter. The planning team is currently working on documentation for using the [platform name] system that we will send to you by [date] at the latest, along with time to familiarize yourself with the system. Your program coordinator can help you test your presentation and microphone or headset.

One last thing, please send a brief bio to [name of person handling this].

Again thank you. We are very excited to have your participation in [name of conference].


[conference planning team]

By signing below, I agree to present at the scheduled time, and that my presentation may be archived for future viewing.

Please sign and mail a copy of this page to:
[contact name, address, email, fax]

Or send a printed, signed, and scanned PDF copy of this page to [contact email]


Your presentation:



Time: [include start times in various time zones, if relevant]

Duration: [total duration](arriveX minutes before start time, deliver X minutes content, leave Xminutes for questions)

Your program coordinator:


Wiki Technical Support:

Conference Website: [URL] Check on a regular basis for updates. We will be adding participant bios, technical information, and online registration in the near future.

Conference Wiki: [URL] Please access the wiki and send a request to join the workspace at your earliest opportunity. Once approved for membership in the workspace, you can start putting up information on your presentation. The final presentations will live in the [final online destination], but the wiki will be the place for comments before during and after the conference.

Technical Platform Information: [Important information relevant to online room, plug-ins required, etc..]

Making Continuing Education Happen –Details of Planning the Six-State Virtual Government Info

Conference (Presented at Fall 2010 DLC Meeting and Conference - October 18, 2010)