AEL Performance Quality Improvement Award
Employer Partnership
2018 Nomination Form
The Texas Workforce Commission’s three-member Commission approved the use of Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) State Leadership funds for performance quality improvement awards to recognize exemplary program performance in three areas: employer partnership, college integration, and certificate of high school equivalency achievement. The purpose of these funds is to support AEL grant recipient project performance and innovation by disseminating information about proven models and promising practices.
Award Categories and Criteria
Information abouteach of the awards and award amounts can be found at:
The award categories are the following:
Employer Partnerships: Employer partnership awards are evaluated through a nomination form.
College Integration: College integration awards are evaluated through a nomination form.
Certificate of High School Equivalency Achievement: Certificate of high school equivalency achievement awards are evaluated through data match between the Texas Education Agency’s high school equivalency information system (GEDi) and Texas Educating Adults Management System (TEAMS).
Eligible nominees for AEL performance quality improvement awards are AEL grant recipients funded under Request for Proposals (RFP) 320-14-10 and 320-18-01. AEL grant recipients under RFP 320-14-10 who are not funded as a grant recipient or subrecipient under RFP 320-18-01 are not eligible.
- AEL grant recipients funded under RFP 320-18-01can nominate themselves; grant recipientsfunded under RFP 320-18-01 can highlight a subrecipient(s) in the nomination, but the award will go to the grant recipient, who will have sole discretion on how to disperse grant funds.
- A grant recipient funded under RFP 320-14-10 who is funded as a subrecipient under 320-18-01 must be nominated by the grant recipient for RFP 320-18-01.
- Entities who are funded as grant recipients under RFP 320-18-01 who are subrecipients under RFP 320-14-10 can nominate themselves.
Employer Partnership Nomination Form Instructions
- Download, complete, and save the nomination form.
- Email the completed nomination form to with a courtesy copy to the grant recipient grant signatory authority.
- The nomination response should not exceed four pages total, excluding attachments.
- The submission deadline is Thursday, June 21, 2018.
Need help? Email call Awards Committee Co-chairs Reed O’Brien, (512) 463-5624, or Fabiana Ramirez, (512) 936-3297.
Grant Recipient Information
AEL Grant Recipient Name:
AEL Grant Recipient Contact Name:
AEL Grant Recipient Contact Phone Number:
AEL Grant Recipient Contact Mailing Address:
Nomination Responses
- Provide an overview of no more than 350 words describing employer partnerships with your program. Describe linkages, innovation, and collaboration used to create outstanding employer partnerships that enhance services to AEL students.(10 points)
- Describe how AEL students benefited from the employer partnership and include any specific activities that brought students together with employers.(20 points)
- Describe how employers benefited from this partnership.(20 points)
- What were the results of this partnership? Identify quantitative (data/numbers) and qualitative (narrative) outcomes or other measurable employer partnership results since July 1, 2017.(20 points)
- What challenges did you face in implementing this partnership, and how did you address those challenges?(5 points)
- Explain how, if awarded, you will use these funds to disseminate strategies for successful employer partnerships with other grant recipients to build capacity throughout the state.Provide specific examples on how these strategies will be disseminated to other adult education and literacy providers. (25 points)
Nomination Summary for Texas Workforce Conference
Please prepare an 80- to 100-word summary of your nomination for the conference.
Your summary should describe how this program stands out and explain why it is worthy of receiving this award.
Please remember to:
- describe the challenge and solution that your program addressed;
- include positive results or outcomes, or draw comparisons to past years;
- quantify results with data where possible; and
- avoid programmatic language in favor of a public voice.
AEL Performance Quality Improvement Awards1
2018 Employer Partnership Nomination Form