Fisrt of all, demo-casting is a paid service. Read the last page to know the cost.

You have to fill all sheets of next table

y questions please call(495) 755-28-12.

Personal Data

First name and last name
Sex, age, native language
Now you’re working in …
How long do you have experience in the field of voice-over recording
Portfolio (your projects please)
Where do you live?
How many time do you have for voice-over recording?

Contact Information

Home phone
Mobile phone number
E-mail, ICQ

Your quatations

Minimum order
Per 1 din (pageformatA4, appr. 2 minutes of final audio duration) for large non-commercial projects
Per 1 minute of final audio of commercial project
Radio / TV commercial per 1 spot
Corporate video (5=10 minutes of final audio duration)

If you have any questions how to fill this form, please look the example on the next page

Example of filled form

Personal Data

First name and last name / John Johnson
Sex, age, native language / Male, 18, english
Education / MGU, Moscow, Russia
Now you’re working in … / -
How long do you have experience in the field of voice-over recording / 0
Portfolio (your projects please) / -
Where do you live? / Moscow
How many time do you have for voice-over recording? / About 2 hours in the evening

Contact Information

Home phone / No home number
Mobile phone number / +7-916-123-45-67
E-mail, ICQ / , ICQ 111-111-11-11

Your quatations

Minimum order / 50 USD
Per 1 din (pageformatA4, appr. 2 minutes of final audio duration) for large non-commercial projects / 5 USD
Per 1 minute of final audio of commercial project / 5 USD
Radio / TV commercial per 1 spot / 50 / 100 USD
Corporate video (5-10 minutes of final audio duration) / 150 USD


Demo-casting costis defined by amount of works, which we carry out for you to help you to find work in sphere of avoice-over recording.

Demo-casting cost:70 US Dollars

Special price for students: 500 roubles

Into the specified cost enters:

1. Carrying out ofvoice-over recording ofsome short scripts(5-10 scripts, 1-1,5 minutes each)
2.Post-production of the recorded soundfiles
3. Record of a disk with your demo (we will give this disk to you)
4. Entering of data of yourform in the Database (if you show skill of reading, it is termless)
5.Publishing of your demos in our Bank Of The Voices (if you show skill of reading):
5.1. The publication on Studio's site, in section "Voice-over artists" it is termless, including the additional information on you and your photo;
5.2. Accommodation in the program version of Bank of voices at the first updating is termless. We distribute this disk free of charge among our constant and potential clients;
5.3. Gradual updating of your demos-files in Bank of voices (at presence of demand for your voice).
6. The publication of the message about you in the advertising block (in the right top corner):
6.1. On the main page of a site in current of 1-st week;
6.2. After the first week, in the advertising block of Voice-over artists section in current of 3 weeks.
7. The publication of the message about you in "News" section of our web for current date it is termless.

We invite you to mutually advantageous cooperation!