New Curriculum
Great Fire of London theme
Also including the Global Learning theme of Inequality in our investigations, between rich and poor people of the times / NUMERACY
Hamilton Plans/2014 Curriculum / ICT
Programming on screen and with programmable toys
23RD – 27T February 2015
Parent Consultations
Wednesday & Thursday / News writing about holiday
What do we already know about the Great Fire of London? What would we like to find out about the Great Fire of London?
Introduce the Big Book and set the scene for the Great Fire of London.
Phonics and Word Work – Week 11 Bewley – Plurals / Compare two 2-digit numbers, describe properties of numbers and locate numbers on a number line
Find numbers in between 2 given numbers
Find fractions of amounts 1/2s, 1/4s and 1/3s by sharing and using known number facts. / Introduction to programming with Turtle, Scratch and the Roamer.
2nd – 6th March 2015
Tuesday Great Fire of London Workshop
Friday 6th World Book Day / List of things to save in a fire; review punctuation in lists
Great Fire of London workshop
Review of workshop
Phonics and Word Work –
Week 12 Analogies / Add 2-digit numbers using grid and Spider and add 2-digit numbers that cross the tens barrier
Subtract 2-digit numbers using grid and Spider;
Find the difference in the context of change. / Programming activities with Turtle, Scratch and the Roamer.
9th – 13th March 2015
Photos on Thursday / Imaginary recounts based on characters identified from their learning.
Phonics and Word Work –
Week 13 Compound words / Understand difference as one model of subtraction
Subtract two-digit numbers lying either side of a multiple of 10 by counting up, using pairs to ten & place value, e.g. 22 – 17, 32 – 27
Recognise coins and find totals using a combination of coins
Add two 2-digit money amounts together. / Programming activities with Turtle, Scratch and the Roamer.
16th – 20th March 2015 / Investigate Samuel Pepys’ Diary and begin own diary writing activities.
Phonics and Word Work –
Week 14 Strategies for spelling multisyllabic words / Sort calculations according to whether they are known facts or need to be worked out
Use facts to add four or five small numbers, by spotting pairs to ten/doubles;
Begin to sort number problems into whether addition and subtraction is needed to work them out. / Programming activities with Turtle, Scratch and the Roamer.
23rd – 27th March 2015 / Instructions for making bread – The children explore instruction writing and how to make bread. They then make their own bread, subsequently writing their own instructions.
Phonics and Word Work –
Week 15 common prefixes / Count in 2s, 5s and 10s from any number to 100
Recognise multiples of 2, 5 and 10;
Use grouping in 2s, 5s or 10s to count larger groups of objects
Find, describe and continue patterns Understand multiplication as repeated addition / Programming activities with Turtle, Scratch and the Roamer.
30th & 31st March 2015
Easter Service Tuesday 31st March
Weds. 1st April INSET Day / Instructions for making bread – The children explore instruction writing and how to make bread. They then make their own bread, subsequently writing instructions.
Phonics and Word Work –
Revision of areas covered this term / Understand grouping as one model of division
Begin to understand that division can leave some left over
Work out division problems
Create own word problems involving division and multiplication
Know that division is the inverse of multiplication. / Review and assess learning about Turtle, Scratch and the Roamer.
Old Curriculum
Changing Materials / MUSIC
Music Express 2
Exploring instruments and symbols; investigating how sounds are made, plus naming and playing a variety of classroom instruments
OCARINAS – Learn to play ‘London’s Burning!’ / P.E.
Suffolk scheme
Gym: Matching Partner work
23RD – 27T February 2015
Parent Consultations
Wednesday & Thursday / What do we know about materials?
What would we like to find out?
Session 1 - Describe materials according to their properties and / WALA: different instruments and their sounds.
-Identify different groups of instruments.
- Discuss how sounds are made. / WALT: work with a partner safely/ match balances performed by our partner
2nd – 6th March 2015
Tuesday Great Fire of London Workshop
Friday 6th World Book Day / Explore if and how a selection of materials change shape when a force is applied
Use a table / WAT: use pictures to represent voices and sounds.
- Play Jama Quack Voice Game.
- Play ‘Start conducting’. / WALT: match a range of travelling movements
9th – 13th March 2015
Photos on Thursday / Explore natural and man-made materials / WALT: use sound cards to represent a train journey. / WALT: practise a range of matching balances and travelling movements on apparatus
16th – 20th March 2015 / Investigate how some materials change when they are heated. / WALT: develop a class improvisation. / WALT: create and perform a short matching sequence showing at least 4 balances
23rd – 27th March 2015 / Investigation involving the heating and cooling of materials, e.g. chocolate and ice cubes/steam/water / We can perform our class improvisation of a bus journey. / WALT: develop, practise and improve our sequences
30th & 31st March 2015
Easter Service Tuesday 31st March
Weds. 1st April INSET Day / Review and assess / Review and assess
(Speaking and Listening assessment) / WALT: perform and assess our sequences