Tender Response Form

Organisation Development


1.0About your organisation

2.0Section 2: Organisation credentials and experience

3.0Section 3: Skills, knowledge and experiences of proposed team

5.0Section 5: Programme management and reporting

6.0Section 6: Fees / charges

7.0Section 7: Additional information

Appendix 1 – Health Foundation OD Programme Clarification Form

1.0About your organisation

1.1Organisation details

Organisation Name
Type of organisation
Company or Charity Number
VAT Number (if applicable)
What was your organisation’s income in the most recent financial year?(Not applicable for public bodies/universities)
Registered Address (if different)
Website Address
Primary contact name including position and title (to whom all correspondence will be addressed)
Phone numbers (office and mobile)
Email address

1.2Organisation description

Please provide a brief description of the organisation in terms of its activities/services and the organisational governance and management structure.

Word limit: 250 words

Actual word count (please enter):

1.3Primary contact – responsible for relationship with the Health Foundation

Position / title
Phone numbers (office and mobile)
Fax number
Email address


2014-2015 / 2015-2016 / 2016-2017
Annual turnover
No of employees

Please also provide copies of the last two years of your annual report and accounts (if publicly held) or balance sheets / income statements if not. (If available, full audited accounts should be provided although prepared statements may be accepted).

1.5How long has your organisation been in existence (year of incorporation or registration)?

1.6How many staff does your organisation employ?

1.7Has your organisation (or lead contact) provided services to the Health Foundation previously?

1.8What other organisations are you currently working with?

1.9Please provide details of your third party liability insurance.

Thank you for supplying this information, which will be used for our due diligence checks on those organisations shortlisted. Any questions arising from this process will be brought to interview.

2.0Section 2: Organisation credentials and experience

2.1Please detail your organisation’s credentials including relevant experience of completing similar projects and provide up to three specific examples. In each case, you should state a) the work undertaken, b) the timescale for completion, c) how you dealt with issues that arose and d) the value of the work.

2.2How would you describe the vision in terms of what this programme is trying to achieve?

3.0Section 3: Skills, knowledge and experiences of proposed team

3.1Please provide details of the individuals you are proposing will comprise the support provider team – please include CVs as an attachment.

Job title
Role within this tender
Speciality / expertise / skills
Job title
Role within this tender
Speciality / expertise / skills
Job title
Role within this tender
Speciality / expertise / skills
Job title
Role within this tender
Speciality / expertise / skills
Job title
Role within this tender
Speciality / expertise / skills

4.0Section 4 – Understanding of the requirements of the programme and proposed approach to delivering the OD Programme

Please reference specific examples from previous projects and relate your responses to the deliverables set out in the Invitation to Tender document.

Please highlight here which parts of the OD Programme you are tendering for:

4.1 Please describe what you understand the Health Foundation’s requirements for the programme to be. This should include showing understanding of the potential needs of the individual parts of the programme you are proposing to deliver. (word limit: 500)

4.2Please describe your proposed approach and methodology for meeting our requirements within the timeframes we have set out. (word limit: 500 words)

4.3Our expectation is that our OD Programme should incorporate core and common themes. These will be based on providing a common language of context, challenge and collaboration. Please describe here how your approach will help us best achieve this? (word limit: 1000 words)

4.4Tell us what you think the greatest opportunities and challenges in successfully delivering the requirements of this ITT will be. How would you address these? (word limit 500)

4.5We recognise the complexity of deliveringthe three workstreams identified in the specification in a co-ordinated way across an organisation, particularly where elements of different workstreams are interdependent and where separate teams or separate providers may deliver the interventions.If you are bidding as a single supplier for the three workstreams please outline your proposals for ensuring the three workstreams andtheassociated activities are co-ordinated across the Health Foundation. If you are bidding for one or two workstreams only, please provide examples of where you have worked in a similar way with other providers to deliver your elements ofa wider OD programme, and describe the critical success factors for ensuring success across aconsortium of multiple providers.

5.0Section 5: Programme management and reporting

Please reference specific examples from previous projects and relate your responses to the deliverables set out in the Invitation to Tender document.

5.1Describe the programme management arrangements and quality assurance arrangements you propose to use for the delivery of the work. (word limit 500)

5.2Consider any risks in relation to the work and how you will mitigate against these. (word limit: 500)

6.0Section 6:Fees/ charges

6.1Please provide a detailed cost breakdown for the provision of the deliverables, as outlined in the ITT document. Please be sure to include VAT and expenses. In order to ensure we are able to adequately assess applications, as stated in the ITT, we ask applicants to present their financial proposals in two stages: design stage and delivery stage.

6.2The design stage should include detailed proposals for the co-design of the three workstreams and include assumptions around daily rates, suggested activities for co-design and associated costs.

6.3The delivery stage proposal will be more indicative as it will informed by the co-design of the programme, but bidders should demonstrate their assumptions around daily rates, and provide example costs of different elements of the programme based on the information provided (e.g. leadership development for Directors Team of this size, refresh and implementation of PDR process and training etc).

6.4The detailed financial costs will need to confirmed following the co-design and bidders are encouraged to include indicative costs that reflect the assumptions outlined in section 4 of the tender response form.

6.5What is the total cost and breakdown of this proposal (including VAT and expenses)? You may include an appendix document with costings within the Tender Response Form, if helpful.


6.1How does your budget and proposal demonstrate value for money?

7.0Section 7: Additional information


7.1Please list three clients/contracts and briefly describe the nature of work undertaken for each and its relevance to this proposal. Please also indicate the length of the relationship and the nature of any agreements/contracts in place.

At least two of these references should have confirmed they would be willing to be approached by The Health Foundation, and full contact details should be provided. These references should be able to verify the quality of the service you provide.

Name and contact details of referee / Nature of relationship/
Nature of Work

7.2Has your organisation ever had a contract terminated for default? Please give further details if necessary.

Contract information

7.3Do you agree to the terms and conditions included inthe ITT document? If not, please give details of the areas that you are concerned about.Any issues arising must be resolved prior to interview.


7.4Please provide any declarations of interest or conflict of interest in relation to the Health Foundation and provide details (please note: this will not exclude your application).

7.5Is there any additional information about your organisation that you feel we should be aware of which has not been requested in this document?

Signed on behalf of the organisation:

(Electronic signature)


Appendix 1 – Health Foundation OD Programme Clarification Form

Organisation name:
Date: / Reference:
Question(s) raised


Tender Response Form