NineteenthInternational Water Technology Conference, IWTC19 Sharm ElSheikh, 21-23April 2016


A. Author1, B. Author2, and C. Author3

1 First author Affiliation, E-mail:

2 Second author Affiliation, E-mail:

3 Third author Affiliation, E-mail:


This template provides the guidelines and the desired layout of apaper for inclusion inthe 18thInternational Water Technology Conference (IWTC) Proceedings. Regular conference papers, prepared according to this template, are expected to 3 to 4 pages long, and the maximum allowable length is 5 pages.Usage of this format is mandatory, and represents a necessary condition to be published in the proceedings. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 2003 or later.The inclusion of the paper in the IWTC Proceedings will be decided by the IWTC Scientific Committee on the basis of experts’reviews, and is independent from abstract acceptance and participation in the conference.Abstractsmust be text-onlyand should never contain any equations, references, or footnotes. Abstracts should not be split into paragraphs and should not have any indents, with exception of the 1st line. This abstract has been written according to these rules. Do not leave space between the title of the paper and the top margin, but leave two single-line spaces between the last line of author affiliation and the abstract.

Keywords:Template, Water, Technology, Conference, Max 6 keywords


The paper size is A4 (210mm by 297mm). All margins are set to 2.5 cm. Papers should be without line numbering neither page numbering andmust onlyuse the styles contained in this template.

Body text is 11 Times New Roman. Author should use the “IWTC Body Text” style. Paragraphs have single line-spacing.Indents and spacing between successive paragraphsare embedded in the Body text style. No additional spacing or indentation should be used.

All the paragraph titles (i.e., “headings”) have dedicated styles: “IWTCHEAD 1”, “IWTC-Head 2”, “IWTC-Head 3”. Automatic numbering is included in such styles.The word “INTRODUCTION” is also numbered and uses the style “IWTC HEAD 1”.

The un-numbered titles (i.e. the main title, the word “ABSTRACT”, the word “ACKNOWLEDGMENTS”, ABBREVIATIONS, REFERENCES, SYMBOLS, etc.) are not included in the style set of this document, and should just follow the same formatting used in this template.

Text has to be self-explanatory, explaining clearly the nature of the problem, previous work, purpose and contribution of the paper. Language quality and quality of the illustrations are essential, and have the same priorityas the scientific quality of the contribution.

Conference papers that do not meet the editorial standards set for this publication will be rejected regardless of its scientific contribution and technical quality.

The introduction should explain the context of the presented work and provide information about its background, by referencing eventual previous works.

2MAIN HEADING (style “IWTChead 1”)

Each heading (main, secondary or 3rd level heading) does not need any spacing neither before nor after it. Spacing is included in the respective heading style and placed automatically. Please do not add empty lines.

2.1Secondary Heading (style “IWTC Head 2”)

The same applies to the secondary headings. This is a mere example text. Up to three levels of headings are accepted.

2.1.1Third level Heading (style “IWTC Head 3”)

The same applies to the 3rd level headings. Please note that numbering is automatic.


Equations must be clearly typed and numbered sequentially between brackets, i.e., (1), (2), etc.When referring to equations in the text, possibly use the form “equation (1)” or “eq. (1)”, but be consistent.

Equations should be placed as Body Text, thus keeping the same indent, as eq. (1) shows.Bracketednumbers are aligned to the right margin, as it happens in eq.(1).

It is mandatory to use Microsoft Equation Editor.

Be sure that the symbols used in your equation have been defined before the equation appears or immediately following it:


Where ρ, χj and νj are the variables to be defined here.

Equation (1)has been written with the following sizes, which are suggested:

Full text13pt





Non-expert users of Microsoft Word can use eq. (1) as a template, since it contains the size information required.


Tables must be set as part of the text. Captions should make use of the “IWTC Caption” style and be placed above the tables.The word "Table" and a sequential number must be set before the description of the table, with a dot in between. Leave one empty line after each table. Table 1 represents a simple example. Tables are referenced in the form “Table 1”.

Table1. Specifications of A, B and C values

A Value / B value / C Value
1 / 6 / 3
2 / 9 / 5
3 / 8 / 6
4 / 7 / 7


Illustrations should have high quality and particular attention must be given to the readability of embedded text in the pictures. Please ensure that all annotations, (numbers, letters, symbols and legends) are legible. Spelling and symbols on diagrams must conform to their usage in the text.

Figures are allowed both in B/W and in color with no limitation.

Captions should make use of the “IWTC Caption” style. Captions to illustrations should each start with the word "Figure", be numbered sequentially and be placed below the illustrations.

Figures are referenced in the form “Fig. 1”. Any Figure should has a caption as in this example. Horizontal multi-figures are acceptable within the space allowed for writing.

Figure1. Unitary cost vs. evaluation number for the power failure of two pumps

6Results and discussions

This section presents the main results the contribution and its possible reasoning. It may contain text, tables, figures and equations.

In case of early or preliminary results of a research, sections like “RESULTS” or “PRELIMINARY RESULTS” without a dedicated section to “CONCLUSIONS” can be accepted. In any case, few concluding remarks are strongly advised, in order to give a complete logical structure to the paper.


This section indicates clearly and concisely the conclusions, basic advantages, limitations and possible applications of the presented work.

A main section containing the RECOMMENDATION is also possible if strongly needed, which should not be presented anywhere in the paper.


The word “ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS” should be written as 12 Times New Roman, Bold, and Capital. Acknowledgments are obviously optional. The style “IWTC Head Generic” is available for such use.


Nomenclature, if needed, appears after the Acknowledgments. The style “IWTC Head Generic” is available for the title. Alphabetic order is required. An example follows:

BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes

EC Electrical conductivity

TDS Total dissolved solids

U.S. EPA U.S. environmental protection agency

A section for SYMBOLS is also possible if the paper contains many symbols and/or excessive symbols of repeated nature


The word “REFERENCES” should be written as 12 Times New Roman, Bold, and Capital. The style “IWTC Head Generic” is available for such use.

To list references, authors should use the dedicated “IWTC References” style. Please note that journal titles, conference titles and book titles are set to italic font and not underlined.

References mustbe collected at the end of the paper in alphabetic order, according to the last name of the first author.No numbering should be used. References should be recent unless it is absolutely necessary, old references may be acceptable.

In-text citations must be done by the author's name and year of publication, according to the Harvard referencing style, i.e., “…this experiment proves the theory (Nayfeh, 1981)…” or: “… as stated by Renard & De Marsily (1997)…”

As a general rule, the style for two authors is: "Name1 Name2, Year", for threeauthors or more: "Name1 et al., Year".

The following list of references shows the writing styles to be used for the most common sources.

Usage of these citation styles is mandatory.

For ajournal paper:

Renard, P. De Marsily, G. (1997) Calculating equivalent permeability: a review.Adv Water Res, 20 (5-6), pp.253-278, doi:10.1016/S0309-1708(96)00050-4

For whole conference proceedings:

Brebbia, C.A. Ed. (1980) New Developments in Boundary Element Methods, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on BEM, Southampton (UK),Southampton: CML Publications

For a paper in conference proceedings:

Funke, E.R. (1984) Laboratory Experimental Studies Controlled by Minuend Micro-ComputersIn: Brebbia, C.A., Maksimvic, C. and Radojkowic, M. Eds.Hydrosoft/84:Proceedings of the 1st Int. Conf. on Hydraulic Engineering Software, Portorož (Yugoslavia), Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 1.3-1.26

For a chapter in a book:

Jumpeter, A.M. (1976) Jet Pumps. In: Karassik, I., Krutzsch, W. et al. Eds. Pump Handbook, New-York London: McGraw-Hill, pp. 4.1-4.25

For a book (monograph):

Nayfeh, A.H. (1981)Introduction to Perturbation Techniques, New-York Chichester Toronto: John Willey and Sons, pp. 519

For a book (edited):

Shiklomanov, I. Rodda, J. Eds. (2003)World water resources at the beginning of the 21st century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 435