The Lords Prayer

2 - Day Retreat

Talk No. 1 - “Our Father in Heaven”

Speaker -

Main Topic and /or Focus: The parental love of God, especially as a corrective to the absence of parental love often known by the incarcerated

Scripture References:

Genesis 1- “In the Beginning”

Luke 15 : 11 - 32 “ The Parable of the Prodigal Son”

Mathew23 : 8 – 13

Isaiah 63 : 15 - 19

Speaker Witness: Describe a time in your life when God has provided you with some wonderful act of Love that your earthly Father simply could not because of his human nature.

Discussion Question(s): Describe in various ways that God is the perfect Father.

Talk No. 2 - “Hallowed be thy name”

Speaker –Chaplain

Main Topic and /or Focus: The importance of PRAISE! Discuss the various names of Jehovah and why we should hallow His presence in our life’s.

Scripture References:

Speaker Witness: Describe how important praise and worship of our Lord is to your own pursuit of spiritual oneness with God

Discussion Question(s): Describe the various ways God can be praised. How can we better praise God through our prayers?

Talk No. 3 - “Thy Kingdom Come”

Speaker –

Main Topic and /or Focus: God intends, through Jesus, to establish a new kind of rule based on sacrificial love, “not like the rulers of this world”, but like servants.

Scripture References:

Mathew 6: 19 - 24 “Treasures in Heaven”

Speaker Witness: Describe how you have changed your life to seek the Kingdom of God in your daily life and the rewards that come from your sacrificial lifestyle.

Discussion Question(s): What are you doing today to prepare for the Kingdom of God? How can you experience the Kingdom of God here on earth, and in Prison?

Talk No. 4 - “Thy will be done”

Speaker –

Main Topic and /or Focus: The necessity of dying to self

Scripture References:

Jesus prays in Gethsemane“Not my will but your be done” - Luke 22:42

Speaker Witness: Describe the steps you take and the discipline required to be a true disciple of Jesus, loosing your worldly life only to gain spiritual life in Christ and prepare for the Kingdom of God.

Discussion Question(s): Discuss steps that can be taken within prison to help to assume a lifestyle that is like that of Jesus.

Talk No. 5 - “Give us this day our daily bread”

Speaker –

Main Topic and /or Focus: How God provides what we need, not always what we want

Scripture References:

Mathew 7:7

Speaker Witness: Describe a time in your life when you prayed faithfully for something important and God answered your prayer in a way totally unexpected.

Discussion Question(s): Discuss how turning our life over to God and having the trust and faith that we are in his hands and he will meet our needs – applies to prison life. What does this attitude do to your state of mind?

Talk No. 6 - “Forgive us our debts”

Speaker –

Main Topic and /or Focus: The extent and nature of God’s love and forgiveness

Scripture References:

Luke 5: 20

Mark 2: 5

Acts 5: 31

Speaker Witness: Provide a short version of your own personal testimony regarding your own brokenness, and how through Jesus Christ all your past sins where forgiven.

Discussion Question(s): Discuss why we, as habitual sinners, should seek the forgiveness of Jesus Christ on-going basis. What does this frame of mind (repentance) do for our spiritual connection with the Father?

Talk No. 7 - “As we forgive those in debt to us”

Speaker –

Main Topic and /or Focus: Our forgiveness of others affects our ability to receive forgiveness from God

Scripture References:

Mathew 6: 14 - 15

Speaker Witness: Describe a time in your life when forgiveness of someone was impossible to do on your own requiring the help of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Discussion Question(s): Discuss the importance of forgiveness of others and how this impacts our ability to serve, love and follow in Jesus footsteps. Recall the commitment service from your Kairos weekend. What did you feel like after you had been cleansed of all your un-forgiveness?

Talk No. 8 - “Save us from the power of evil”

Speaker –

Main Topic and /or Focus: God’s will, desire, intention, and effort is to defend us from evil. Example the importance of putting on the Armor of God Daily.

Scripture References:

Ephesians 6: 10 – 20 “The Armor of God”

Revelations 22: 12 – 17 “Jesus is Coming”

John 10: “The Shepherd and His Flock”

Speaker Witness: Describe a time in your life when God has delivered you from an evil situation.

Discussion Question(s): Discusshow you can prepare yourself for spiritual warfare and win the battles against the world and the evil one.

Talk No. 1