The following survey was designed to assess your expectations concerning the (Organization) telework program. Individual responses are confidential and will be used for statistical purposes only.

1)Demographics (contact information):

1.1 Name ______

1.2 Supervisor ______

1.3 Name of program ______

1.4 Office location ______

1.5 Work phone number ______

1.6 Home office number ______

1.7 Other ______


2) Environmental/infrastructure parking impacts:

2.1How do you presently get to work?

Drive alone_____ Days per week

Carpool_____ Days per week

Bus_____ Days per week

Vanpool_____ Days per week

Walk_____ Days per week

Bicycle_____ Days per week

Other explain: ______Days per week

2.2How far is it from your home to work (one way)?_____ Miles

2.3What is the approximate cost per month of your travel to and from work? $ ______Per month

2.4 Other ______


3)Scheduled Work Hours:

3.1What is your normal start time at work?______a.m. - p.m. (circle one)

3.2How much time per week do you anticipate needing to be in the traditional office?

_____ Hours _____ Day(s)

3.3 Other ______


4)Status of Home Setup:

4.1Indicate the office furniture and equipment you currently have at home and plan to use for work.(Check all that apply)

Desk Ergonomic chair  High-Speed InternetDesk lamp

 Separate phone line Quiet work location Fax machine Printer

Other: ______

4.2Do you anticipate personally installing a second line during the pilot?

Yes, because ______


4.3Other ______


5)Personal Concerns:

5.1Do you already feel like your personal lifeis affecting your professionalcareer?

Yes (If so, how?) ______


5.2Does the idea of working from home make you feel uneasy or uncomfortable about getting your work finished on time?

Not at all A little  A lot

5.3Are you concerned about how, or if, the relationship might change between you and your supervisor after you begin teleworking?

Not at all A little  A lot

5.4 Other ______


6)Work Efficiency:

6.1How do you think working from home will impact your ability to serve the customer?

Very PositivelyPositively Not at all NegativelyVery Negatively

6.2How much do you think teleworking will impact the quality of your work?

 Very Positively Positively  Not at all  Negatively Very Negatively

6.3How much do you think teleworking will affect your productivity/personal effectiveness?

 Very Positively Positively  Not at all  Negatively Very Negatively

6.4During the pilot, how do you think teleworking will change the way you manage your time?

 Very Positively Positively  Not at all  Negatively Very Negatively


Additional thoughts or comments:





Thank you for your time and cooperation in completing this questionnaire. Your information represents an important part of this home agent pilot evaluation process.


Please return this questionnaire in the enclosed envelope no later than

______to ______.

(Date)(Name or Location)


1)Introduction/confidential statement:

The following survey was designed to assess your expectations concerning the (Organization) telework program. Individual responses are confidential and will be used for statistical purposes only.

2)Demographics (contact information):

2.1 Name ______

2.2 Title ______

2.3 Name of agency/department ______

2.4 Office location ______

2.5 Work phone number ______

2.6 Other ______


3)Business Benefit:

3.1Do you feel that employees how work from home have the potential to benefit your department?


No (Go to 3.3)


3.2In what ways do you expect telework to benefit your organization?


3.3How do you feel this teleworking pilot will affect your task of supervising employees? (Check one)

No change.

Supervision of teleworkers should be easier because I will be measuring performance by results.

Supervision of teleworkers should be more difficult because ______




3.4If the decision were yours, would you approve the purchase of additional communications equipment to enable employees with special needs to telework?



Comment: ______

3.5Do you feel the home agent telework program will affect the employee evaluation system?



If so, how? ______


3.6 Other ______



4.1Given the opportunity, would you want to work from home?

YesIf so, how often? (Check the best answer)

 One or more days per week

 One or more days per month

 Occasionally

No – if no, why? ______


Additional thoughts or comments:





Thank you for your time and cooperation in completing this questionnaire. Your information represents an important part of this home agent pilot evaluation process.


Please return this questionnaire in the enclosed envelope no later than

______to ______.

(Date)(Name or Location)

(Organization) Telework ProgramSurvey Questionnaires



1) Introduction/confidential statement:

For the past ___ months, some of your co-workers have been participating in our telework pilot program. This questionnaire is for employees who are not teleworking or supervising teleworkers during the pilot program. Please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire so a more comprehensive evaluation of the program can be made. Your responses are confidential and will be used for program evaluation purposes only.

2)Demographics (contact information):

2.1 Name of program ______

2.2 Office location ______

2.3 Site location ______

2.4 Other ______



3.1Are you aware that others in ______are participating in the home agent pilot?



Don’t Know

3.2Is anyone in your work group teleworking as part of the pilot program?



Don’t Know

3.3 Other ______


4)Program impact:

4.1If yes, how has telework affected the work routine between you and your teleworking coworkers?

favorablyno changeunfavorablycomments


Work schedule______

Job assignments______

Work coordination______

Individual productivity______

Team spirit______

Relationship w/supervisor______



4.2What affect has teleworking had on the overall productivity of your organization?

 improved not changed

 decreased not applicable

4.3What impact has teleworking had on you work team overall?

 improved not changed

 decreased not applicable

4.4What is your overall evaluation of the pilot’s impact on you professionally?

 improved not changed

 decreased not applicable

4.4 Other ______


5)Personal impact:

5.1Were you given the opportunity to telework?



Don’t Know

IF NO, explain: ______

If given the opportunity to telework, would you participate?


No, because ______

5.2Has the telework pilot been a positive experience for you personally?



No opinion

5.3Do you feel your job would permit you to work at home?



If No, due to concerns with my:

Supervisor _____Home Environment ______Ability to do my job _____

Other ______

5.4 If you were given the opportunity to telework, how do you think you would benefit? (Check all that apply)

 Enhanced productivity

 Improved quality of work

 Better time management

 Improved morale

 Decreased commuter travel

Reduced fuel costs and other travel expenses

 Reduced auto emissions – cleaner air

 Improved work environment w/fewer interruptions

 None of the above

Other ______

5.5 Other ______


6)Environmental/infrastructure parking impacts:

6.1How do you presently get to work?

drive alone _____ day(s) a weekcarpool _____ day(s) a week

bus _____ day(s) a weekvanpool _____ day(s) a week

walk _____ day(s) a weekbicycle _____ day(s) a week

other _____ day(s) a week - explain: ______

6.2How far is it from your home to work (one way)? _____ miles one way

Other comments:




Additional thoughts or comments:





Thank you for your time and cooperation in completing this questionnaire. Your information represents an important part of this home agent pilot evaluation process.


Please return this questionnaire in the enclosed envelope no later than

______to ______.

(Date)(Name or Location)


1)Introduction/confidential statement:

The following survey was designed to assess your expectations concerning the (Organization) home agent program. Individual responses are confidential and will be used for statistical purposes only.

2)Demographics (contact information):

2.1 Name ______

2.2 Supervisor ______

2.3 Name of program ______

2.4 Office location ______

2.5 Work phone number ______

2.6 I’ve now been teleworking for _____ Month(s)

2.7 Other ______


3) Environmental/infrastructure parking impacts:

3.1How do you presently get to work?

Drive alone_____ Days per week

Carpool_____ Days per week

Bus_____ Days per week

Vanpool_____ Days per week

Walk_____ Days per week

Bicycle_____ Days per week

Other explain: ______Days per week

3.2How far is it from your home to work (one way)?_____ Miles

3.3What is the approximate cost per month of your travel to and from work? $ ______per month

3.4 Other ______


4)Asset Management:

4.1Please identify the (Organization) office equipment & furniture you currently use for work at home.

 Desk  Ergonomic chair  High-Speed Internet Desk lamp

 Separate phone line Quiet work location Fax machine Printer

Other: ______Software: ______

4.2Did you personally experience any additional costs due to the telework pilot?

Yes (If so, what?) ______


4.3 Other ______


5)Installation and Technical support:

5.1 How would you describe the installation of equipment in your home?

 Easier than I expected About what I expected Harder than I expected

Please explain: ______

5.6 How would you describe the technical support during the pilot?

Better than I expectedMet my expectationsBelow my expectations

Please explain: ______


6)Professional Impacts:

6.1Did the idea of teleworking make you uneasy or uncomfortable about doing your job well?

 Not at all

 A little How? ______

 A lot How? ______

6.2How much did the relationship between you and your supervisor change after you began teleworking?

 Not at all

 A little How? ______

 A lot How? ______

6.3How much do you think teleworking affected the quality of your work?

 Not at all

 A little How? ______

 A lot How? ______

6.4Does teleworking have an affect on your productivity?

 Not at all

 A little How? ______

 A lot How? ______

6.5During the pilot, do you think teleworking helped you better manage the time you spent working?

 Not at all

 A little How? ______

 A lot How? ______

6.6While you worked at home did you experience?

 More distractions than in the office

 Fewer distractions than in the office

 Approximately the same amount of distraction as in the traditional

6.7Was it easier to do your job at home than in the office?

YesWhy ______

NoWhy ______

About the Same

6.8On the day(s) you worked at home approximately how many times did you contact the office?

By Phone _____

By E-mail _____

Other ______


7)Personal Impacts:

7.1Would you say your attitude toward telework is:

 Positive negative neither

7.2Since you began working from home, has your attitude toward your job:

 Improved remains unchanged declined

Describe (changes only) ______

7.3Would you recommend teleworking to other employees?

YesNoNot Sure

(Why if yes or no response) ______

7.4Would having the option of telework affect your future career choices?

 Yes No Not Sure

(Why if yes or no response) ______

7.4Did your schedule change during the pilot?

 Yes No Not Sure

(Why if yes or no response) ______

7.6While teleworking were you able to keep your work and personal life separate?

 Yes No Not Sure

7.7Did teleworking help you work at your personal "peak" times?

 Yes No Not Sure

(Why if yes or no response) ______

7.8What other computer software, hardware and/or office furniture would enable you to work more efficiently at home?



Additional thoughts or comments:





Thank you for your time and cooperation in completing this questionnaire. Your information represents an important part of this home agent pilot evaluation process.


Please return this questionnaire in the enclosed envelope no later than

______to ______.

(Date)(Name or Location)



1)Introduction/confidential statement:

The following survey was designed to measure your attitudes concerning the home agent telework program. Individual responses are confidential and will be used for statistical purposes only. Your candid responses are to the overall analysis of the program impacts.

2)Demographics (contact information):

2.1 Name ______

2.2 Title ______

2.3 Name of agency/department ______

2.4 Office location ______

2.7 Other______

Please check the appropriate response for the following questions.

3)Management & Program Impacts:

3.1Do you want selected employees to continue teleworking?

 Yes No Not Sure

(Why if yes or no response) ______

3.2Do you feel that teleworking has the potential to benefit others in your department?

 Yes No Not Sure

(Why if yes or no response) ______

3.3If YES, in what ways do you feel telework will benefit your department?

 Enhanced productivity for enabling employees to better manage their time

 Increased staff productivity due to improved work environment with fewer interruptions

 Increased employee efficiency due to ability to work at personal peak times

 Improved employee morale

 Reduced employee turnover

Reduced demand for office space

 Reduced demand for parking


3.4How do you feel the telework pilot has affected your task of supervising employees?

No change

Supervision of teleworkers was easier because I measured performance by results

Supervision of teleworkers was more difficult because:



3.5Did you observe jealousies from non-telework employees regarding those who were able to telework?

YesNo Not certain

3.6Do your think non-telework employees were asked to do more than their share due to employees who were teleworking?

 Yes No Not certain

3.6Do you feel the teleworking pilot has affected the employee evaluation system?



*If so, how?______


3.7Do you think teleworking should be expanded within your organization?

 Yes*

 No

*If so, how?______



4)Personal Impacts:

4.1Did you telework during the pilot?



*If yes, did your area benefit from your participation in the program?Yes No

.. was the communication with your staff adequate?Yes No

.. would you encourage other supervisors to telework?Yes No

4.2Do you think the option of teleworking would affect your future career choices?

 Yes No

4.3If NO, given the opportunity, would you want to work from home?

 Yes*

 No

*If so, how often?

One or more days per week

One or more days per month


4.4If the decision were yours, would you approve the purchase of additional communications equipment and/or furniture to enable employees to telework?



Comment: ______



Additional thoughts or comments:





Thank you for your time and cooperation in completing this questionnaire. Your information represents an important part of this home agent pilot evaluation process.


Please return this questionnaire in the enclosed envelope no later than

______to ______.

(Date)(Name or Location)

(Organization) Telework ProgramSurvey Questionnaires