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[insert date] ISSUE 70[insertissue no.]

Next Meeting: Thursday 27th November 2014 at St Stephen’s Church Hall, Maidstone Road, Chatham, ME4 6JE. 1.00pm to 3.00pm

November meeting – there will be no speaker at the November meeting but a chance for everyone to talk with each other and members to give ideas on what helps them

January meeting – the Pain Management team will be attending as speakers in particular talking about sleep (or the lack of!!!)



Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances a funds update is not available for this newsletter. An update will be available in the New Year.


A huge thanks to Nikki and Jude for being the guest speakers at the September meeting. I now everyone who was at the meeting found it interesting so here are a few notes for those who could not make the meeting.

Magnetic jewellery has been used for many years going as far back as the Egyptians. Even Queen Elizabeth I used it for her arthritis.

Neodymium are used and although they are the most expensive they have proven to be the best and most permanent.

There are different magnets but ones found to most use for fibromyalgia are:

Sportex bracelets – the magnets in these are 30% stronger than the jewellery bracelets and can be put in water

Water sticks – these are magnetised sticks that you pit in a glass of water for 60 secs (jug of water 3 mins). It then magnetises the water and changes the taste making it fresh, clean, clear and crisp

Masage pebble – to massage directly onto muscles

Clothing clip magnets – these are exactly as they say and clip onto your clothes. These magnets only work in the area they are clipped onto

New Product coming end October – insoles for shoes – these have powerful magnets within it and help with any condition including circulation (diabetes, chemo etc)

If you want more information Nikki can be contacted via a number of different ways:-

Webshop –

Email –

Mobile: 07778 613561

All of the magnets are guaranteed to lose 1% of magnet strength in 100 years, so you will only need to purchase the item once in your lifetime!


The facebook page is now live and called Medway Fibromyalgia Support Group. A couple of peoplejoined following the July/September meetings but we think it will become a valuable source for people in between meetings. We are also thinking about arranging in catch ups in between the usual bi-monthly meetings through the facebook page when numbers increase. Any suggestions as to what people would like from the facebook page please see either Pat or Susan.


Please ensure that you return all Library items at the next meeting after they have been borrowed as others may be waiting for them. If you are unable to do this please contact the Librarian.


If anyone has any unwanted suitable items for raffle prizes please bring along to the next meeting.