Public Health Managers’ Injury Prevention Alliance

Core Group Meeting

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014, 1:30PM – 3:00PM


Call-in numbers:(416) 915-8386 or 1-866-384-7224code: 7334020#.

Participants: Marylou Albanese (South West), Loretta Bernard (Central East),Amanda Kroger (Central West), Stephanie Cowle (OIPRC)

Regrets: Hilda Chow (East), Nancy Langdon (East), Kerri Richards (Central East)

Co-Chairs: Loretta Bernard, Kerri Richards

Recorder: Claude Meurehg (OIPRC)

1. Review of the agenda / Stephanie Cowle from the OIPRC joined the teleconference to offer an overview of the work on the IP modules. Number 4.1 was added to the agenda to address her presentation.
The agenda was approved.
2. Review of the minutes / Changes by Loretta, Nancy (proxy), Marylou, Claude made them at the same time on the document.
3. Action Items from minutes
b)Minutes from in-person meeting in March 2014
c)Marylou to send document to Claude for distribution
d)Loretta to call Ottawa to inquire on MOH alcohol champion / a) Microsite
Loretta and Claude populated the headings.
b) On-site
c) Done
d) Loretta asked for suggestions as to next steps, no further comments were made.
4) Follow up from in-person meeting
a)Evaluation of meeting
b)Terms of Reference revision
4.1) IP Modules / a)Sent yesterday, it was well received, there was a general opinion that it had been very good to meet, even well overdue. There were good suggestions for future meetings. March was suggested as an option and Linda has included it in the OIPRC budget. The completion rate of the survey was 50%. Next meeting will incorporate survey results. It was agreed that bringing stakeholders together helped connectivity and that the meeting should be repeated. Mary Ann suggested to work closer with OIPPN and it was debated whether to include a member in the Core Group.
b)Loretta sent the new draft Terms of Reference to the group before this call with a few revisions. Amanda requested to change the term (under meetings) “face to face” to “in-person.” A discussion ensued.
c)Kim from Kingston is to be replaced. Loretta suggested to invita a person from Toronto and Muskoka (Central East) as well as to extend an open invitation for the position of Co-chair.
4.1) Claude mentioned that the IP Modules will be posted on the Microsite in the fall with an announcement to all managers. Stephanie commented on taking over the role of Data and Knowledge Translation from Stacie Carey. / Loretta will adjust the wording for the bullet on evidence-informed decisions and re-circulate the draft.
Amanda to update the document.
Claude to re-post it on the microsite.
To be further discussed in September.
5) Updates from Priority Groups / Core Managers / - There has been a lot of activity in boards. Loretta’s team has been invited to the OPHEA series.
- LDCP- York’s lawyer pointed to concerns about reports.
- 2 trainings with daycare educators by Loretta’s staff presented resources and case studies. It was positively received.
-, magnets, online surveys, will be offered to parents in June for evaluation.
- Amanda referred to the draft report mentioned above in conjunction with the webinar on June 19th. Will look after the webinar for feedback that can be incorporated into the final draft in September.
- Seniors LDCP – There will be more updates in the fall.
- LRAG workgroup has decided on the direction of the messaging. Loretta is in the process of re-assigning personnel in the workgroup and will offer this portfolio to new member at the end of June for July re-igniting.
- Amanda also mentioned the Rethink your Drinking campaign. The group is working with the North Bay Parry Sound Health Unit, whichin turn works with university students on draft messages on posters. They will use the logo and website video that Marylou prepared. These have been shared nationally with good responses. Marylou will inform the group when other posters are available.
- Amanda also mentioned she is preparing a backgrounder to promote initiatives against cancer.
- LRDG are including evidence to support the shift in focus.
- The group collaborated with other municipalities like Hamilton in promoting bike week and cycling in June. Good resources were offered. The purpose is to increase the number of cyclists and to reduce the number of cars on the road. 5 policies out of 8 have been put through council. They will speak at a municipality conference on their work in the region.
- Loretta askedthe group whether they had been approached (because she had) by the OPP/AGCO coalition to put together a Safe Ontario Drinking Alliance focused on young people.
- Other question about apps by CAMH arose. One app, called “say when” it’s believed to be supported by the alcohol industry, Loretta is inspecting initiatives to find out whether they are supported by the alcohol industry.
Loretta doing work with the LCBO that will promote the LRDG in their newsletter and advertisements. The LCBO has offered space for this promotion.
- There are 2 modules up and running in a number of schools around promotion and seniors have been selected to deliver messaging to grade 7 and 8, the transition to highschool.
- There are champions at schools for the delivery of the messaging.
- Interviews with City TV and Global (?)have been scheduledas a part of their attempts to address the Social Determinants of Health. Marihuana issues seem to be important and receiving more and more attention. - - Marylou says substance misuse issues are on the rise.
- Loretta says mental health will receive more focus and is being included in planning for next fiscal cycle. – - Priorities along mental health seemed aligned across divisions and departments. Loretta askedwhether there are groups working on programs with youth.
- CAMH is no longer providing resources, so Loretta is looking at print estimates to produce them and collaborations to fund the printing of them.
- Marylou commented on the Share the Road campaign, saying it includes great visuals of the distance between car and cyclist.
In alcohol, Marylou has been asked to be in the CBC noon radio show on June 17 talking about underage drinking. Also, Her staff Will distribute booster seats in the fall.
- Also, Marylou is doing a pilot as a special certification for PSWs, using the curriculum of the Centre for Activity and Aging.
6) Next Core Group meeting
Sept 10th1:30-3:00 pm
7) Other Core Group Meetings for 2014
(Second Wednesday of the following months)
Oct 8th1:30-3:00 pm
Nov 12th1:30-3:00 pm