Teacher Web Sites and Resources; Addendum to SolidWorks Article of 5/30/08

Composed by, Richard Williams

  1. Here is a web page made for educators and support staff. There are many free programs that can be downloaded for your use in classes.
  1. Here is a novel web site. Unique in some ways. I call it the EBay for Teachers in which educators from all over the globe can sell things to others in the profession that could be of value to you.
  1. I like this site too. I’ve been able to even write a few articles that were published here but aside of that this site has links to some very valuable additional teacher sites that can be of great help. I even found a link to the proper writing one should use in grant writing.
  1. Let us not forget here that our Federal Government in Washington who is supposedly on our side when it comes to educating our children does have some nice links to valuable help. If you check around there you will eventually find what you want to know more about. One clue on these Fed. Gov., web sites. If you haven’t found what you want with an obvious link, do a search on their page if you can find the box to do one in. If that does not work drop someone an email there and let them find the link to what it is you are looking for. They can bury you in links that seem to drift away from the subject at hand. Must be politicians they hired to make the web pages. More that once I had to do that to help a teacher.

Looking for funding? Down below here.

  1. I did a search on Google for Teachers Sites and turned up so many sites I have come to the conclusion that all you teachers out there are very popular. There are too many to list here but I will interject this comment. Google is not the only search engine out there. For all the researching that I do on line I use my old dependable one that has not failed me yet in almost twenty years of usage. Don’t let the name fool you this is really a great searching tool. It simultaneously sends your inquire out to 12 or more search engines that you would use separately. This gets you so many good hits on your search that it would pay to learn a little about Boolean Search Methods. Pretty easy, even I can understand them.
  1. To wind up this summary in my article I then dove into my favorites folder on teacher related sites that I have had for a very long time. I’ll pick out some of the more notable ones for you and list them here. Be mindful that there are so many that I simply want only to list those that have something different for you to access.

I’m working hard to attract more young ladies into the sciences. Only three were accepted into our North West Academy school here for architecture studies. We need to do better next year and that will be year two for this particular academy.

Let us not forget about the possibilities of elearning. It is gaining more popularity for regular school kids and those that are far away from recognized school districts. Even Home Schooled children can utilize this technology and learn things that they could not learn at home in a normal setting. This does work.

For teachers planning to do this work.

This could help you convert anything to something else. Science teachers take note. If you cannot convert it here from this link it most likely doesn’t exist so check it over again. This is very handy to have but I have another one that is free and can be downloaded and placed on your computers desktop with a short cut icon. It is the second one down beneath this first one.

There are two free ones on the left hand side. I use them all the time but I use the professional versions which are really cheap if you depend upon them like I do. Great site so check around some to see what is there. You might even find more to like.

Here is a good site for the high school teachers and administrators. Need some ideas about improving things in academic subjects taught at your school? Well this site can lead you to some good sources for finding out more about these things. Why not give this a try.

Does your school have a homework help link to provide to your youngsters when you are not around or if they aren’t in school? I cannot think of anything else that could be listed here as far as school subjects. But you might find something I couldn’t.

Looking for a software program for school? Any company that does that should be listed here for you so you don’t have to go surfing the internet like I do to find these resources. It can save a lot of time, especially if you are not sure of what you are looking for.

Well folks, I could go on and on but I think you have enough good sites to gain from my surfing the internet, which is part of my job anyway. Remember you can always get me at my own personal email address. for anything special you might be looking for. I do hope that somewhere, somehow and at sometime this information will be useful to you someone. Bye. 