Teacher: S. AzorCourse: 454

Office room 351

Office Number: (914) 721-2570


Textbook: Anton’s Calculus Prior notice will be given when eitherof the textbooks is needed for in-class activities.

Materials: ♦All students may choose to keep class notes and do homework assignments on either an 8.5’’ by 11’’looseleaf binder or 8.5’’ by 11’’ spiral notebook (spiral notebook should be perforated). ♦ Graph Paper (4 squares per inch) ♦Pocket folders for returned assignments will also be required; I suggest at least 2 folders for this class. ♦All students will be required to use a Ti-89 graphing calculatorin class and may use it for homework assignments. However, a scientific calculator will be required for quizzes and exams. Each student is also responsible for having a pen/pencil and notebook everyday for class.

Course Outline: This course will start with Review of Precalculus concepts followed by: Limits and Continuity, Derivatives, applications of derivatives; Definite/indefinite Integral and applications of integrals, and conclude with Volumes of Revolution.

Grading:The breakdown of quarterly grades will be determined by the following:

  • Examinations –Exams will be given generally at the end of each unit and each quarter. Each unit exam is equally weighed and represents 70% of the quarter average.All exams are cumulative and typically two-three unit exams are given in a quarter as well as a quarterly exam. Exam days are typically Monday or Thursday. *** Exams may be given in a two-part format- non-calculator /calculator.
  • Quizzes – Quizzes will be given periodically during the quartereach quiz may vary in number of points. Quizzes are given at the beginning of the class period. The questions will reflect work from previous home work and class work. Students that are late will not be given extended time. Students may be excused from quizzes with a proper late note or legitimate absence from class. Any illegal absences from class will result in a zero for that day’s quiz. Quizzes are equally weighed and represent 10% of the quarter average.
  • Class Participation – Class participation grade will be based on a students overall preparedness for class as well as a students general performance in class. Class participation entails being an active listener/learner as well as being engaged in class activities. An organized notebook is also part of a student’s class participation grade. A student’s overall behavior in class is another factor included in the class participation grade. Class participation represents 10% of the quarter average.
  • Homework – Homework will be assigned on a daily basis with few exceptions. Homework grade will be determined based on a student’s effort to do each assignment. You may be asked on any given day to present your homework to the class for review. Homework represents 10% of the quarter average.

These weighted values may change for Third and Fourth Quarter.

Extra-HelpStudents may make appointments during school hours, or may see me after-school. I will be available everyday after-school for help. Student’s seeking extra-help should sign up and report to room 314. The hours in which I am available will be posted on the door. Additional assistance is available in the Math Center in room 217, see Mrs. Landau her office hours are posted in the Math Center.

The 454 course will end with a District Final in April, 2018.

Philosophy: A Calculus course in high school is an introduction to college-level mathematics. This course will introduce you to new ideas as well as reacquaint you with concepts you’ve already learned but with a different look to them. The foundation set in this course will lead to a greater grasp of materials taught at the collegiate level. Emphasis will be placed on students developing a logical and sequential manner of approaching mathematical ideas. I believe that Effective Effort more than anything else makes the difference between success and failure, not just one’s innate abilities to do mathematics. Effective Effort is not working hard, but rather working smart and efficiently.