TaiYang = poss obese upper..but overlies well-developed musculature.

Yang exuber => red face... easily develop replete heat.

Also phlegm damp thus heat complicated by phlegm & damp

Eat less meaty, fried, fatty, oily foods....acrid, peppery foods ....limit alcohol

More often men

ShaoYang = mesomorphic

This is outward sign that yin & yang rel. balanced and zang&fu Fx normal Depending on dis. cause & mech. can become either yin or yang/ replete or vacuous INHERENTLY YANG so usually trans heat when ill

TaiYin = endomorphic

often grossly obese... tissue is flaccid & w/out tone.... lower body fatter than upper

Complexion = pale... more women than men

This = Yang Qi Xu fail to move & trans phlegm & damp

Sp Qi Xu => Qi & Blood Xu...... Phlegm/damp + Qi& Blood xu

Mixed Xu & Shi MORE exercise.... eat small meals., warm, cooked food... avoid dairy, wheat etc

ShaoYin ectomorphic

tend to Yin XU & therefore develop XU RE

XUE XU => Liver Depression

NEED to rest...avoid desire to be always agitated

AVOID stimulants.... avoid acrid, hot, drying food and flavors

Eat more meat, etc

NOBODY IS PURE... these are guidelines for disease tendencies

Four Basic Body Types

Tai yang

Red faced, beefy, top-heavy

Shao yang

Healthy mesomorph

Tai yin

Pale, grossly obese endomorph, bottom-heavy

Shao yin

Thin, ectomorph

The 4 Yin-Yang Body Types

Chang ti = "habitual body" — may change throughout our life over time and with aging. Different body types predispose one to certain disease mechanisms and, thus, different patterns of disease.

Tai Yang ~ Large, beefy, red-faced, overdeveloped upper body, underdeveloped lower body.

Shao Yang ~ Healthy mesomorphic, neither fat nor thin, normal muscular tone

Tai Yin ~ Endomorphic, obese, pale-faced, lack of tone, overdeveloped lower body

Shao Yin ~ Ectomorphic, thin, nervous, restless

Tai Yang is yang exuberant body type

Shao Yang is of a healthy young adult

Tai Yin is obese, often excessively so

Shao Yin does not have enough muscle and flesh

Spleen is the latter heaven root

A)women lose blood ea month

B)gestation, birthing and lactation consume huge amounts of blood
Women's spleens are taxed

(Thought and worry)

Spleen is the latter heaven root....kidney is the former heaven root easy to understand that Sp XU of the mid 30s leads to Kid XU in the 40s

Sp Qi - Kid Yang Xu

Sp qi - Liv Blood - Kid yin Xu

Sp Qi - Kidney yin & yang Xu

MENOPAUSE - puts a stop to the monthly loss of blood and qi Spleen and Kidneys can recuperate (if she deosn't get "STUCK")

Blood Xu, Sp xu=>Lung Xu, Kid yin &/or yang Xu ALL LEAD TO Liver Depression

As we age we ALL tend to become the above (men just later than women) leading to liver depression which then leads to geriatric depression


Women = Blood

Menstruation, gestation and lactation ALL consume blood

Women's spleen is prone to overtaxation more than men's

Men = anger (?)

A man's pulse tends to be more wiry than a woman's


30's Spleen declines

40's Kidney declines

Nei Sing = At 40 the yin is half gone

50's Menopause

Patterns to Watch Out For Mid 30s

Liver-Spleen Disharmony ; Poss. Transformative Heat Poss. Blood Vacuity Poss. Blood Stasis

Mid 40s

Liver Depression Qi Stagnation Liver Blood-Kidney Yin Vacuity Spleen Qi Vacuity

Late 40s to Early 50s

Liver Depression Qi Stagnation Spleen-Kidney Yang Vacuity Liver Blood-Kidney Yin & Yang Xu Some Evil Heat

In women at seven, their Kidney qi is exuberant and thus their teeth are emitted and grow.

At two times seven, the tian gui arrives, the Ren Mai is free-flowing, the Tai Chong Mai is exuberant, and menstruation descends periodically. Thus they can have babies.

At three times seven, the Kidney qi is even and level and, therefore, the true teeth are engendered and lengthen to their extreme, and the body is exuberant and strong

At five times seven, the Yang Ming vessels decline and the face is beginning to be burnt, while the hair is beginning to fall.

At six times seven, the three Yang vessels decline above and the face is completely burnt, while the hair is beginning to turn white

At seven times seven, the Ren Mai is vacuous, the Tai Chong Mai is declining and scanty, the tian gui is exhausted, and, therefore, the body is spoiled and there are no more babies.