[School Year](4 credit hours)

High School:[High School Name]
WSU Concurrent Adjunct Instructor:[Name]

Concurrent Adjunct Instructor’s email

[WSU Adjunct Instructor’s email]

Course Description

Welcome to Math 1010.

Math 1010 is a developmental mathematics course designed to help students acquire intermediate algebra skills in preparation to take a Quantitative Literacy (QL) course. This course is designed to improve skills involving real and complex numbers, inequalities, systems of equations, rational and radical expressions and equations, and functions (linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic). On a regular basis you will explore and solve real-life problems while working in a group setting. Through guided-discovery activities you will take an active role in learning mathematics. The overall goal is for you to discover that mathematics is an essential and learnable survival skill for the 21st century.


‘C’ average or better in each course: Secondary Math I, Secondary Math II and Secondary Math III. / OR / 21 or higher on the Math portion of the ACT / OR / ALEKS score of 30-45
See: for more placement information

Text Book

Mathematics in Action: Algebraic, Graphical, and Trigonometric Problem Solving. Custom Edition. The Consortium for Foundation Mathematics.

Supplemental Packet

Your instructor will provide information about how to purchase the course materials


Scientific and Graphing Calculators can be used in the classroom. However, only scientific calculators may be used on exams.

Grading Policy

Student’s grades are divided into three portions:

a) Midterm Exam(80 minute time limit):20% (Exam written by WSU)

b) Final Exam(120 minute time limit): 30%(Exam written by WSU)

c) Work in the Classroom: 50%(Determined by HS Instructor)

A grade of C or better is considered passing and meets the prerequisite for the next math course.Student’s final grades in all Concurrent Enrollment Mathematics courses will be determined using the following grading scale.

CE Math Grading Scale
A /
A- /
B+ /
B /
B- /
C+ /
C /
C- /
D /
E /

Course Coverage

Unit 1 / Function Sense
Unit 2 / The Algebra of Functions
Unit 3 / Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Unit 4 / Quadratic and Higher-Order Polynomial Functions
Unit 5 / Rational and Radical Functions


Any student requiring accommodations or services due to a disability must contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD). For more information see the website: weber.edu/ssd or contact their office in the Student Services Center, Room 181 or call 801-626-6413. SSD can also arrange to provide course materials (including syllabus) in an alternate formats if necessary.

WSU CE Math 1010 Syllabus

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