Anterior & Medial Thigh

Dissector: The Lower Limb; Superficial Structures,

Anterior Region of Thigh (DIS 127-135)

Superficial Structures of the Lower LimbN512-514

superficial fascia

small saphenous vein

great saphenous vein

sural nerve

posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh

cutaneous branches of dosal rami L1, L2, L3

perforating veins

dorsal venous arch of the foot

saphenous opening (fossa ovalis)

saphenous nerve

superficial peroneal nerve

dorsal digital nerves

cutaneous nerves of the thigh:




cutaneous branch of obturator nerve

superficial inguinal lymph nodes (horizontal & vertical groups)

deep inguinal lymph nodes

deep fascia (fascia lata)

iliotibial tractN464

crural fascia

Saphenous opening (fossa ovalis)N512

Femoral sheath & contentsN244 & 514

femoral artery in lateral compartment

femoral vein in middle compartment

deep femoral lymph vessels/nodes in medial compartment

femoral canal (medial compartment)

femoral ring (mouth of femoral canal)

femoral hernia

Anterior Region of ThighN457-465, 470-1, 474-5, 481, 506-7, 512-14


anterior superior iliac spine

anterior inferior iliac spine

pubic tubercle

greater/lesser trochanters of femur

lateral/medial condyles & epicondyles of femur

adductor tubercle (near epiphyseal plate)

linea aspera


tuberosity (tubercle) of tibia

Femoral TriangleN462-463, 470-471

Structures bounding the femoral triangle:

inguinal ligament

sartorius muscle

adductor longus muscle

Vessels of the femoral triangle (and branches):

femoral NAV

profunda femoris AV (deep femoral AV)

lateral/medial femoral circumflex arteries

Anterior & Medial Thigh (10/18/95)

Floor of femoral triangle

pectineus muscle

adductor longus muscle

iliopsoas muscle

Nerves of femoral triangle:

intermediate, lateral, medial (femoral) cutaneous nerves (of thigh)

motor branches to sartorius muscle

motor branches to rectus femoris muscle

Adductor canalN462-4633, 470-471, 475

apex of femoral triangle

adductor hiatus

walls of canalN475

vastus medialis muscle (lateral)

adductor longus & magnus muscles (posteromedial)

sartorius muscle

popliteal artery

saphenous nerve

gracilis muscle

Anterior Muscle Group

Fascia lataN464-465, 470, 475, 512

tensor fascia lata muscle

iliotibial tract

intermuscular septumN475

linea apseraN459

Muscles of anterior thighN462-464

quadriceps femoris muscle

3 vasti: vastus lateralis/intermedius/medialis

rectus femoris

patellar tendon (ligamentum patellae

Medial Region of ThighN462-463, 465, 470-471

pectineus muscle

adductor longus/brevis/magnus muslces

gracilis muscle

profunda femoris (deep femoral) vessels

obturator nerve

perforating arteries

adductor tubercle N459

linea asperaN459


by johnny carotid and dick azygosman