TACTE Business Meeting

March 20, 2009

Trevor Hutchins, president, called the meeting to order and introduced guests, Vance Rugaard from the TN Department of Education and Katrina Miller from TEAC. He then recognized Chris Lafevor who is celebrating her 40th wedding anniversary and Jim Stamper and Michael Core who are celebrating their 65th and 60th birthdays, respectively. Trevor introduced the TACTE Executive Committee: Susan Benner (UTK), president-elect; Phil Roberson (TSU), past president; Dottie Myatt (Union), secretary; Pam Browning (Lee), treasurer; Anne Wall (APSU), communications; Hal Knight (ETSU), East TN representative; Kim Paulsen (Peabody/Vanderbilt), Middle TN representative; Kandi Hill-Clarke (University of Memphis), West TN representative; and Dan Baker (UTC), Events Manager. He then introduced two community college attendees, Sandy Williamson (Nashville State CC) and Diane Ward (Roane State CC).

Pam Browning gave the treasurer’s report. The beginning balance on 9/18/08 was $25 in savings and $11,372.37 in checking. The current balanceis $25 in savings and $11,717.76in checking. The current value of the certificate of deposit is $6,913.02 with total assets being $18,655.78. The report was approved as reported and printed.

Dottie Myatt presented the minutes of the September 19, 2008, business meeting, noting one revision: in the last sentence of the sixth paragraph, change date to data. The minutes were approved with this correction.

Trevor asked the chairs of the standing committees to report on their meetings held earlier in the day:

Anne Wall reported that the Communications and Governmental Relations Committees met together to discuss the new structure of establishing liaisons between TACTE and state personnel to provide correct information to the legislators. Trevor will send a list of state legislators to the TACTE listserve, requesting that delegates volunteer to serve as liaisons. If all positions are not filled with volunteers, delegates will be asked to serve as liaisons. “Talking points” will be sent to the liaisons so that the same information will be shared with the legislators. This model will divide the responsibilities, thus reducing the time and effort involved. Anne announced that the Day on the Hill will be held on the Thursday before the spring 2010 TACTE conference.

Hal Knight reported that the Research Committee is continuing in the advocacy role of getting pertinent data from the State on our program completers and getting better disaggregated data from the report card. The Research Committee plans to host a research presentation at future TACTE conferences.

Talana Vogel, chair of the Standards Committee, reported that programs that offer the new Instructional Leadership redesign will need to “think outside the box” to meet the licensure requirements and that practicum experiences must be fully implemented across the program.

Dan Baker reported that the fall conference will be held Thursday, October 1, through Saturday, October 3.

Trevor announced that the State’s Teacher Education Advisory Council met recently to discuss implementation of the Transitional license, teacher education report card, and add-on endorsements.

Bettie Barrett invited delegates to join the TN Association of Teacher Educators, affiliated with the Association of Teacher Education, which was established by AACTE.

Phil Roberson reported on AACTE’s role in governmental relations, resulting in increased funding for public and teacher education, and the increased services provided by AACTE (webinars, etc.). He further reported that Tennessee and Arkansas are part of a pilot program between AACTE and NEA to support state association advocacy between TACTE and TEA. Phil informed the delegates of the status of the unification of NCATE and TEAC and the streamlined NCATE accreditation process.

The slate of officers was presented by the Executive Committee:

  • Secretary (three-year term, 2009-2012)—Talana Vogel of Christian Brothers University;
  • East TN representative (three-year term, 2009-2012) Alesia Orren from Maryville College;
  • West TN representative (remaining two years of Kandi Hill-Clarke’s three-year term, 2009-2011)—Sutton Flynt from University of Memphis;
  • Community College representative—Sandra Williamson from Nashville State CC.

The slate of officers was approved by acclamation.

In response to feedback from delegates at past conferences, Trevor announced that the conference schedule now incorporates more opportunities to converse among themselves on common interests, specifically, assessment, middle grades, literacy, new curriculum standards, and Day on the Hill. Further, Saturday morning’s agenda will focus on teaching children of poverty.

Trevor presented Dottie Myatt with a lovely brass apple in appreciation of her service to TACTE as secretary since 2002.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Talana Vogel, Secretary