Chevy's Salvation

John McKenna worked at the Chevrolet automobile factory. He built cars with hundreds of other people on the assembly line. But some factories were closing down.You see, years ago, our country's economy was very bad.And like John, they couldn't buy food for their families. Thousands of men and women were out of work. It was a very hard time. They called it the Great Depression.

Now, John was a Christian man who had a strong faith in God. But, he was only working a few hours a week and unsure how to support his family.

Discouraged, he went to Fr. Solanus. "Father, I don’t know what to do. I can’t support a wife and family with the hours I’ve been working. I haven’t had a full day now in weeks."

Fr. Solanus said, "Youknow John, there are 500 other men and women in your plant that are also out of work."

John was sad. He shook his head and looked down at the desk between him and Fr. Solanus. On the desk was a notebook for enrolling people in the Seraphic Mass Association. You see, Capuchin missionary priests all over the world pray for the people whose names are written in the book.

Fr. Solanus waited, holding a pen in his hand.

John glanced at the notebook, and suddenly his eyes flew wide open. "Father, let’s enroll Chevrolet, the whole company, in the Association!"

Fr. Solanus thought it was a great idea. Normally one mass was said for one person. Why not say 500 Masses for 500 people at the plant?

"All right, John," said Fr. Solanus, "It’sadeal." John McKenna was so excited he offered to pay for a whole year's enrollment in the Association for the entire company, even though he was out of work, and very poor.

You're never going to believe what happened next.

That very night, just a few hours later, Chevrolet received a huge order for cars. John and allhis co-workers headed back to the plant.John McKenna was so excited to tell Fr. Solanus the news."Father,wehad overtime yesterday! And now we hear the company has an order for 45,000 more cars in the next 30 days!"

That was the order that saved Detroit from bankruptcy and taught John McKenna that sacrificing for others is more important than worrying about your own security.

Blessed be God in all His Designs!

Discussion Questions for Children

  1. Where did John McKenna work and what did he do?
  2. Why was John not working all the time? What was wrong with the country?
  3. What was John worried about, and why did he come to see Fr. Solanus?
  4. How many other people worked with John at the plant?
  5. What idea did John suggest to Fr. Solanus, and what did Fr. Solanus agree to do although it had never been done before?
  6. What happened the very next night, after John McKenna and Fr. Solanus prayed?

Advanced Questions

  1. What were the years of the Great Depression in America?
  2. What were the years that Fr. Solanus Casey was stationed at the Detroit Capuchin monastery?
  3. In what year did the Chevrolet Motor Company experience a revival of sales that led to the ending of the depression in Detroit?
  4. What lesson can we learn from John McKenna's actions about giving to God for the sake of others?