Syllabus of Antennas and Wave PropagationEC-323

Course Unit Code: / EC-323
Type of Course Unit: / Technical Subject
Level of Course Unit: / Undergraduate (Second Cycle)
Year of Study: / 3
Semester/Trimester: / Fall, Spring
Number of HimTU Credits Allocated: / 4
Course Coordinator: / Er. Ankush Kapoor
Objectives of the Course: / Determination of the fields radiated from antennas; wire antennas; array antennas; parabolic reflectors; antenna radiation pattern; antenna directivity; effects of the lossy ground on the wave propagation.
Course Description: / Review of electromagnetic radiation. Radiation from current elements, loops, short wires. Antenna parameters. Reciprocity, equivalence and induction theorems. Linear antennas. Radiation pattern and impedance. Antenna arrays and the general antenna formulas. Receiving antenna theory. Elements of ground wave, tropospheric and ionospheric propagation.
Learning Outcomes: / Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1.Write parametric integral expressions for a given current source.
2.Approximate parametric equations for the calculation in the far field region.
3.Calculate electromagnetic fields for a given vector potential A.
4.Discover pattern multiplication principle for array antennas.
5.Determine directions of maximum signal radiations and the nulls in the radiation patterns.
6.Design array antenna systems from specifications.
Mode of Delivery: / Face-to-Face
Prerequisites and
Co-requisites: / Prerequisites: EC-314 or HOD ECE Consent
Co-requisites: None
Recommended Optional Programme Components: / N/A
Course Contents:
( Weekly Lecture Plan ) / Week / Topics
1 / Introduction / Orientation
2 / Antennas Basics:Introduction, Basic Antenna Parameters, Patterns, Beam Area (or Beam Solid Angle)ΩA, Radiation Intensity, Beam Efficiency, Directivity D and Gain G, Directivity and Resolution,
Antenna Apertures, Effective Height.
3 / The radio Communication link, Fields from Oscillating Dipole, Single-to-NoiseRatio(SNR), Antenna Temperature, Antenna Impedance, Retarded Potential, Far Field due to an alternating current element, Power radiated by a current element, Field variation due to sinusoidal current distribution.
4 / Point Sources and Their Arrays: Introduction, Point Source, Power Theorem and its Application to an Isotropic Source, Radiation Intensity, Arrays of Two Isotropic Point Sources, Non isotropic but Similar Point Sources and the Principle of Pattern Multiplication, Pattern Synthesis by Pattern Multiplication.
5 / Linear Arrays of n Isotropic Point Sources of Equal Amplitude and Spacing, Linear Broadside Arrays with Nonuniform Amplitude Distributions. General Considerations.
Section B
6 / Electric Dipoles, Thin Liner Antennas and Arrays of Dipoles and Apertures: The Short Electric Dipole, The Fields of a Short Dipole, Radiation Resistance of Short Electric Dipole, Thin Linear Antenna, Radiation Resistance of λ/2 Antenna, Array of Two Driven λ/2 Elements: Broadside Case and End-Fire Case, Horizontal Antennas Above a Plane Ground, Vertical Antennas Above a Plane Ground, Yagi-Uda Antenna Design.
7 / Midterm Exam
8 / Long-Wire Antennas folded Dipole Antennas. The Loop Antenna. Design and its Characteristic Properties, Application of Loop Antennas, Far Field Patterns of Circular Loop Antennas with Uniform
Current, Slot Antennas, Horn Antennas, Helical Antennas, The Log-Periodic Antenna.
Section C
9 / Reflector Antennas: Flat Sheet Reflectors, Corner Reflectors, The Parabola-General Properties, A comparison Between Parabolic and Corner Reflectors.
10 / The Paraboloidal Reflector, Patterns of Large Circular Apertures with Uniform Illumination, Reflector Types (summarized), Feed Methods for Parabolic Reflectors.
11 / Midterm Exam
12 / Antenna Measurements: Introduction, Antenna Measurement ranges, Radiation pattern Measurements.
13 / Gain and Directivity Measurements, Impedance Measurement, current measurement.
14 / Ground Wave Propagation: Plane Earth Reflection, Space Wave and Surface Wave,Space Wave Propagation: Introduction, Field Strength Relation, Effects of Imperfect Earth, Effects of Curvature of Earth.
15 / Sky wave Propagation: Introduction structural Details of the ionosphere, Wave Propagation Mechanism, Refraction and Reflection of Sky Waves by ionosphere,
16 / Ray Path, Critical Frequency, MUF, LUF, OF, Virtual
Height and Skip Distance, Relation Between MUF and the Skip Distance, Multi-Hop
Propagation, Wave Characteristics
17 / Final Exam
Recommended or Required Reading: / “Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design”, Constantine A. Balanis, Wiley, 1982, ISBN: 047160352X, 9780471603528
Planned Learning Activities and Teaching Methods: / Lectures, Presentation, Recitation, Demonstration
Assessment Methods and Criteria: / Method / Quantity / (Marks)
Quiz/Seminar/Tutorial/Assignments / 10 / 25
Midterm Exam(s) / 2 / 12.5 each
Final Exam / 1 / 100
Language of Instruction: / English
Work Placement(s): / N/A
ECTS Workload
Calculation Table: / Activity / Quantity / Time Period (Hours/Unit) / Total Workload
Class Participation
Course Period (15 Weeks for Classes + 2 Weeks for Final Exams) / 39 / 1 / 52
Preparation for EACH Assignment, Exam and Activity
Quiz/Seminar/Tutorial/Assignments / 13
Midterm Exam(s) / 4 (2 each)
Final Exam / 1
Class Preparation
Weekly Time Spent Outside Classroom for Reading, Review, Research and Other Activities / 17
Total Workload / 52