Camile and Amanda and Brittany T

Subject: Science and Writing / Date/Time: January / Grade: K
Life Science / Topic:
Text Types and Purposes
Physical and Behavioral Traits of Living / Content Statement:
3  Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event of several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened.
2 Understand living things have physical traits and behaviors, which influence their survival.
Given the writing prompt students will be able to effectively illustrate and write about a specific animal and its trait with an 85% accuracy measured by teacher observation and student participation.
Given the book The View at the Zoo by Kathleen Long Bostrom and QR code videos students will be able to understand about animal’s physical traits and behaviors with an 85% accuracy measured by teacher observation. / I Can Statement:
I can illustrate and write a prompt about a specific animal and its trait.
I can understand about physical traits and behaviors which influence animal survival.
The instructor will assess the students through a open discussion about the book using Bloom’s questions / Formative Assessment:
Instructor will assess students understanding of various animal traits by teacher observation. / Summative Assessment:
Instructor will assess students understanding of animal habitats and survival needs through a graded writing prompt.
Materials/ Equipment:
The View at the Zoo by Kathleen Long Bostrom book with the QR codes included, Ipads, zoo puzzles, animal print sorting game, animal food matching game, animal habitat sorting game, writing prompt worksheet, pencil, crayons

1  Have the students gather at the carpet and discuss the I can statement.
2  Read the book The View at the Zoo by Kathleen Long Bostrom.
3  Discuss about what the students already know about zoo animals. (ex: Can you recall what animals you see at the zoo?)- Bloom’s Knowledge
4  Ask the students a few questions (ex: What is the theme of the book- Bloom’s Analysis)
(ex: What is the main idea of the book?-Bloom’s Comprehension)
5  Explain to the students that will see QR codes throughout the book.
6  The QR code can be scanned using the classroom IPads.
7  Show the students how to scan one of the QR codes. After the QR code is scanned it will take the students to a new page with a live picture of an animal and a video link. / Explore/ Explain/Elaborate:
1  Break the class into small groups of 4.
2  Explain to the students what
3  Centers will be available.
-  QR Book (4 students scanning each QR and watch the video to go along with it.) After finishing the book have students think of their favorite animal from the book and illustrate a picture of that animal (will get the students ready for the writing prompt at the end of the lesson) (Bloom’s Application)
-  Zoo Puzzles (4 students will put together variety of zoo animal puzzles)
-  Animal Print matching game (4 students will match the animal with the correct animal print)
-  Animal’s Food matching game
(4 students will match the correct animal with the correct food they eat)
-  Animal Habitat Sorting Game (4 students will sort the animals into the correct category of their habitat)

4  Groups will rotate every 10-15 minutes until all groups have finished all centers. (If more time is needed it can be done at recess time) / Evaluate/ Conclusion:
1  Have the students go back to their seats and get out their crayons and a pencil.
2  Pass out the writing prompt to the students.
3  Explain to the students that they will be constructing writing prompt. (Bloom’s Application)
4  Give the students 15 minutes to complete the writing prompt.
5  Allow time for students to present their work to the class and explain the reasons about their work. (Bloom’s Evaluation)
6  Collect for a grade.

Differentiation: / Intervention:
Group the students lower students together and have a teacher lead center for those students.
The teacher can also help the writing on the writing prompt and the student can illustrate their picture. / Enrichment:
Give the higher students the same writing prompt but require two supporting details.

Reflection of Lesson: