Women’s Engineering Society

Michael Faraday House

Six Hills Way

Stevenage SG1 2AY

Health and Safety Policy
Date of approval by Trustees:
Date of next review:
Prepared by: / 16 December 2015
December 2016
Dawn Bonfield, Chief Executive
This policy is the responsibility of
Named trustee / Dawn Bonfield as the Chief Executive
Jackie Longworth



WES is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for its staff, members, volunteers and service users. Health and Safety is the responsibility of everybody working with WES or engaged in WES activities but is the overall responsibility of the Chief Executive and a designated trustee, or the President if no trustee is named.

All employees must comply with WES Health and Safety policy as a condition of their employment. Volunteers, council members and contractors working with WES must also comply with this policy.

All members of staff and contractors will be given a Health & Safety induction and will be made aware of the Health and Safety policy in their contract of employment.

Volunteer will be made aware of the WES Health and Safety policy through the Volunteer Agreement found at

In the event of an accident at any work location, it is a Company requirement that the details are properly reported and investigated, and prompt action is taken to avoid recurrence.

Health and Safety for Office Based Staff

The Women’s Engineering Society is located within the building of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage SG1 2AY. Consequently some of the health and safety responsibilities will be shared with IET.

Statement of general policy / Responsibility of: / Action / Arrangements
To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health and provide adequate control of health and safety risks arising from work activities / Dawn Bonfield / Relevant risk assessments completed and actions arising out of those assessments implemented. (Reviewed every year, or earlier if working habits or conditions change.)
To provide adequate training to ensure employees are competent to do their work / Dawn Bonfield
Cath Heslop / Staff given necessary health and safety induction and provided with appropriate training including display screen, manual handing, working at height and electrical
To engage and consult with employees on day-to-day health and safety conditions and provide advice and supervision on occupational health / Dawn Bonfield
Cath Heslop
All staff / Staff routinely consulted on health and safety matters as they arise but also formally consulted at regular health and safety performance review meetings or sooner if required
To implement emergency procedures - evacuation in case of fire or other significant incident / IET Health and Safety
Dawn Bonfield
All Staff / Escape routes should be well signed and kept clear at all times according to the Health and Safety procedures of the IET where WES is based. Evacuation plans are tested from time to time and updated as necessary.
Smoke alarms and fire extinguishers are checked regularly by the IET.
To maintain safe and healthy working conditions, provide and maintain equipment and machinery, and ensure safe storage / use of substances / IET Health and Safety Team
Dawn Bonfield
Cath Heslop / Toilets, washing facilities and drinking water provided.
System in place for routine inspections and testing of equipment and for ensuring actions is promptly taken to address defects.
Staff trained in safe handing/using of substances where used.
To provide a first aid box and an accident book to record any incidents that happen whilst working the office / Dawn Bonfield
All Staff / First-aid box and Accident Book are located on the top of the cupboard behind the door of the WES office.
Incidents recorded in the Accident Book will be reviewed to ensure risks of recurrence are minimised.
To ensure that WES volunteers and members undertaking activities on behalf of WES are aware of health and safety procedures and risk assessment requirements / Dawn Bonfield
Cath Heslop / Provision of Risk Assessment form and other advice for WES volunteers given on WES website at
To liaise with IET Health and Safety Team to ensure that WES staff and visitors are aware of any health and safety issues relating to the building. / Dawn Bonfield / Initiate regular catch up meetings with the Health and Safety team at IET.

Risk Assessment for Office Based Staff

The following table should be reviewed on a six monthly basis and copies kept in the relevant office file as a record of its completion.

What are the hazards? / Who might be harmed and how? / What are you already doing? / Do you need to do anything else to manage this risk? / Action by whom? / Action by when? / Done
Slips and trips / Staff and visitors may be injured if they trip over objects. / All areas are well lit including stairs. There are no trailing leads or cables. Staff keep work areas clear, e.g. no boxes left in walkways, deliveries stored immediately.
Manual handling / Staff may suffer back pain, or pain elsewhere from handling heavy/bulky objects / All staff trained in how to move and carry heavy items.
High shelves are for light items only.
Trolley available for moving heavy items.
Working at height / Falls from any height can cause bruising or fractures / No requirement to work at height should be necessary. Should the need arise staff are advised to use ladders obtained from the IET and supervision of use is required. / Co-ordinate with IET facilities staff
Hazardous substances / Staff doing cleaning risk skin irritation or eye damage and vapour may cause breathing problems
Occasionally pest control devices may be used if evidence of a mouse is found in the office. / WES staff are not required to clean offices using any hazardous substances.
Handling of pest control devices is not recommended by WES staff and these should be left to the control of IET staff. / Co-ordinate with IET facilities staff
Electrical / Staff could get electric shocks or burns from faulty equipment / Staff trained to spot and report to Office Manager or IET IT staff any defective plugs/equipment.
Regular checks of office electrics. / Co-ordinate with IET facilities staff
Fire / If trapped staff could suffer fatal injuries from smoke inhalation/burns / All staff aware of evacuation policy. Regular drills carried out in accordance with the IET health and safety team. All fire escapes kept clear and well sign posted. / Co-ordinate with IET facilities staff
Display screen equipment / Staff risk posture problems and injuries to hands/arms from overuse, improper use or from poorly designed workstations. Headaches and sore eyes can occur if lighting is poor. / Staff do not use computers for long and continuous periods and encouraged to take regular breaks.
Workstations and equipment set to ensure good posture and avoid glare and reflections on screen.
Lighting and temperature suitably controlled.
Food and drink preparation / Staff risk injury from sharp knives and carrying hot drinks. / Staff within IET building regularly carry hot drinks from the canteen. Staff should be made aware of the dangers of this, especially on stairs. / Co-ordinate with IET facilities staff to ensure WES staff are compliant with building health and safety requirements
Date of Inspection: / Signature:

Health and Safety for Non Office Based Staff

WES has a number of associates who are not office based, and occasionally WES office staff work flexibly from home. The hazards listed above should all be assessed for workers based outside the WES office. The individual members of staff are responsible for their health and safety whilst outside the office, and the checklist above can give an indication of where hazards and risks exist.

The following points should be noted for WES staff and volunteers when working outside the office.

Whilst on WES business externally WES members and associates are responsible for their own health and safety but should be aware of the following points:

Late night safety
Where travelling late at night and in darkness personal safety is paramount. Staff and volunteers should never feel that their safety is compromised and situations where this is likely should be avoided. If in any doubt, safety comes first and staff should never compromise their own safety.

Travelling by car should be avoided where staff or volunteers are too tired to do so. Travelling by taxi is advised if safety is an issue and train use or walking between venues are deemed to be dangerous.

Lifting and Carrying
WES activities often involve the use of banners, literature and equipment (e.g. stixx machines). These should be transported safely at all times and trollies are available for use with this. Couriers can be used to transport equipment which is too heavy or awkward to carry.

Contact Plan
WES staff, members and volunteers should have a contact plan in place to ensure that somebody is aware of their whereabouts and movements if they are working alone out of the office. See further details on the WES website

Events, Conferences and Activities
Health and safety at events should be assessed and documented through a risk assessment carried out in advance of the event. Forms for risk assessment are available from the WES website and the WES office and this is the responsibility of the event organiser.

WES Affiliated Group Activities
Groups affiliated to WES (such as the WES student groups and regional cluster networks) should comply with the health and safety conditions above when organising their own events. Further help and assistance can be requested from the WES office where required.


WES holds Employers’ and Public Liability insurance through Aon UK Ltd.

Further advice on health and safety can be found on the WES website at

If there are any concerns about health and safety whilst working for or with WES, please contact the Chief Executive on (tel. 01438 211403) or the Office Manager on (tel. 01438 765506). For urgent out of hours enquiries please use the mobile number 07881905520.

Signed: (Employer) / Date:
Next Review Date:

WES Health and Safety Policy December 2015Page 1